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Despite the 4th Circuit decision striking down the NC Voter ID law, there are options that our Governor, Pat McCrory, and our state legislature can take to provide reasonable and common-sense measures at polling places next month.
Despite the 4th Circuit decision striking down the NC Voter ID law, there are options that our Governor, Pat McCrory, and our state legislature can take to provide reasonable and common-sense measures at polling places next month.
Donald Trump should appeal to all those who identify as independent and who wish to break from the strict, disinterested, controlling 2-party system. All those who are fed up being controlled and railroaded by the self-interested 2-Party system should exercise their First Amendment right of protest
Donald Trump should appeal to all those who identify as independent and who wish to break from the strict, disinterested, controlling 2-party system. All those who are fed up being controlled and railroaded by the self-interested 2-Party system should exercise their First Amendment right of protest
The liberal media makes me sick. Eleven years ago, Donald Trump engaged in some locker room talk about women. Eleven years ago. Sixteen years ago, Hillary Clinton called women who had sexually assaulted by her husband "bimbos," "trailer trash," and "looney-tunes."
The liberal media makes me sick. Eleven years ago, Donald Trump engaged in some locker room talk about women. Eleven years ago. Sixteen years ago, Hillary Clinton called women who had sexually assaulted by her husband "bimbos," "trailer trash," and "looney-tunes."
This week, I re-read a fabulously detailed biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, by Eric Metaxas. The book is titled BONHOEFFER. And I recommend it highly.
This week, I re-read a fabulously detailed biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, by Eric Metaxas. The book is titled BONHOEFFER. And I recommend it highly.
The United States has grown far too large to still be considered a "republican form of government" as guaranteed under Article IV. The question is this: How do we get this form of self-government back?
The United States has grown far too large to still be considered a "republican form of government" as guaranteed under Article IV. The question is this: How do we get this form of self-government back?
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
To those who are serious about preventing the federal government from coming after our Second Amendment rights, please read and take note.....
To those who are serious about preventing the federal government from coming after our Second Amendment rights, please read and take note.....
The States, acting voluntarily and in convention, entered into the Union by adopting a social compact, the US Constitution. The features of a compact provide great protection for American liberty.
The States, acting voluntarily and in convention, entered into the Union by adopting a social compact, the US Constitution. The features of a compact provide great protection for American liberty.
In the wake of the growing Black Lives Matter movement, black police officer Jay Salien took to Facebook to post the brutal reality of what a police officer faces each day when he patrols a predominantly black community.
In the wake of the growing Black Lives Matter movement, black police officer Jay Salien took to Facebook to post the brutal reality of what a police officer faces each day when he patrols a predominantly black community.
Diane Rufino gives a thoughtful review of the latest book from New York Times #1 best-selling author, Eric Metaxas
Diane Rufino gives a thoughtful review of the latest book from New York Times #1 best-selling author, Eric Metaxas
Obama's legacy will be his disastrous foreign policy, his rejection of Christianity, and his disassociation from traditional American values.
Obama's legacy will be his disastrous foreign policy, his rejection of Christianity, and his disassociation from traditional American values.
Katie Couric recently released a documentary on gun violence, entitled: "Under the Gun." Gun rights activists, including the NRA and Grass Roots North Carolina, are enraged over her deceptive editing .
Katie Couric recently released a documentary on gun violence, entitled: "Under the Gun." Gun rights activists, including the NRA and Grass Roots North Carolina, are enraged over her deceptive editing .
Diane Rufino makes the point that boycotts can work both ways, so let's put our good sense and our support of HB2 into practice and boycott Bruce Springsteen!
Diane Rufino makes the point that boycotts can work both ways, so let's put our good sense and our support of HB2 into practice and boycott Bruce Springsteen!
While there are so many eager to demonize the Christian faith, I hope they will take the time to consider this thought.
While there are so many eager to demonize the Christian faith, I hope they will take the time to consider this thought.
Our Founding Fathers remind us that that the Constitution was subordinate to the Principles and Rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. The Individual trumps government.
Our Founding Fathers remind us that that the Constitution was subordinate to the Principles and Rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. The Individual trumps government.
The ENC Tea Party announces their upcoming events for this year.
The ENC Tea Party announces their upcoming events for this year.
When seconds matter, the police are minutes away.
When seconds matter, the police are minutes away.
Obama intends to ignore the second amendment. The states must stand up to him and the government and protect the people in their essential right to have and bear arms.
Obama intends to ignore the second amendment. The states must stand up to him and the government and protect the people in their essential right to have and bear arms.
Diane Rufino proposes a solution to the Social Security problem, by asking Congress to legislatively define SS as a property right
Diane Rufino proposes a solution to the Social Security problem, by asking Congress to legislatively define SS as a property right
The newly-elected chair and vice chair hosted a Town Hall event last night in Beaufort County to address voters' questions, concerns, and criticisms.
The newly-elected chair and vice chair hosted a Town Hall event last night in Beaufort County to address voters' questions, concerns, and criticisms.
The term “Founding Fathers” of the United States includes many great and courageous and wisely forward-thinking men.
The term “Founding Fathers” of the United States includes many great and courageous and wisely forward-thinking men.
If you ever get the chance to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, you will be forever affected by what you see and learn there, and you will be moved by a quote you see hanging near one of the exhibits.
If you ever get the chance to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, you will be forever affected by what you see and learn there, and you will be moved by a quote you see hanging near one of the exhibits.
And you don't seem to have a grasp on the audacity of the federal government to propose a scheme that forces individuals to do what it tells them to do, with the money that they've worked hard for.
And you don't seem to have a grasp on the audacity of the federal government to propose a scheme that forces individuals to do what it tells them to do, with the money that they've worked hard for.
I understand that Rep. Walter Jones has come out to support Arthur Williams in the run-off election for NC House for district 6. I'm sure there is a political reason.
I understand that Rep. Walter Jones has come out to support Arthur Williams in the run-off election for NC House for district 6. I'm sure there is a political reason.
The other day my husband was in the bathroom, clearing his mind and taking care of business, when he opened the door and shouted to my son: "Hunter, bring me some toilet paper... NOW!"
The other day my husband was in the bathroom, clearing his mind and taking care of business, when he opened the door and shouted to my son: "Hunter, bring me some toilet paper... NOW!"
"One day, I walked into an operating room, to just be an observant, which we would do generally, as a medical resident. It was the 1960's and abortion was still legal.
We hear a lot from the Obama administration and the Democratic Party about who in America is disenfranchised. And according to them, it certainly isn't the American taxpayer.
We hear a lot from the Obama administration and the Democratic Party about who in America is disenfranchised. And according to them, it certainly isn't the American taxpayer.
The need for government, plain and simple, is because absolute freedom is impossible.
We don't need the Supreme Court to tell us its interpretation of the Constitution. We have the very words and writings of the very men who drafted our Constitution and created our government.
We don't need the Supreme Court to tell us its interpretation of the Constitution. We have the very words and writings of the very men who drafted our Constitution and created our government.
QUESTION: Is it true that both California and Texas have such a right in the agreements they signed to join the Union?
QUESTION: Is it true that both California and Texas have such a right in the agreements they signed to join the Union?
The Declaration of Independence wasn't intended as a one-time "Get Out of Jail Free" card !!
I was struck by how many people want to learn such topics but just don't know where to go to be educated or how to trust that they will be taught the right stuff. But one question that came up almost every class period and by every group was this: "Do the states have the right to secede?"
I was struck by how many people want to learn such topics but just don't know where to go to be educated or how to trust that they will be taught the right stuff. But one question that came up almost every class period and by every group was this: "Do the states have the right to secede?"
Please mark your calenders for Monday, August 8th at 6:30 pm at the Landmark Baptist Church, 4657 US Hwy 13 South for our next Tea Party examining "Ronald Reagan: A Time for Choosing."
Please mark your calenders for Monday, August 8th at 6:30 pm at the Landmark Baptist Church, 4657 US Hwy 13 South for our next Tea Party examining "Ronald Reagan: A Time for Choosing."
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