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21 Results found for sean smith

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Why do we trust an election that is conducted with the use of machines?  Of course, the fringe media (formerly known as "mainstream media") call us "election deniers," when we express ourselves on the subject, but really, why would anyone trust an election conducted with machines?
Why do we trust an election that is conducted with the use of machines?  Of course, the fringe media (formerly known as "mainstream media") call us "election deniers," when we express ourselves on the subject, but really, why would anyone trust an election conducted with machines?
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
What is Hate Comedy? Basically, it is the only form of comedy that one is subjected to these days - from the hate-mongering late night talk show hosts, to all the rabid liberal faux comedians touting themselves as stand-up comedians.
What is Hate Comedy? Basically, it is the only form of comedy that one is subjected to these days - from the hate-mongering late night talk show hosts, to all the rabid liberal faux comedians touting themselves as stand-up comedians.
On Monday, giving testimony in Washington against terrorist Ahmed Abu Khattala, who's accused of orchestrating the attack on the consulate, Diplomatic Security Special Agent Scott Wickland, the ambassador's bodyguard, revealed Stevens' harrowing last words.
On Monday, giving testimony in Washington against terrorist Ahmed Abu Khattala, who's accused of orchestrating the attack on the consulate, Diplomatic Security Special Agent Scott Wickland, the ambassador's bodyguard, revealed Stevens' harrowing last words.
The controversial filmmaker - a relative unknown Christian Arab - whose attempt at marketing a motion picture about Islam has had his life turned upside down by President Barack Obama and his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton following the Sept. 11, 2012 Islamic terrorist attack
The controversial filmmaker - a relative unknown Christian Arab - whose attempt at marketing a motion picture about Islam has had his life turned upside down by President Barack Obama and his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton following the Sept. 11, 2012 Islamic terrorist attack
The Democratic Party's presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton boasted during a campaign speech last month that during her reign as President Barack Obama's secretary of state "didn't lose a single person" in Libya
The Democratic Party's presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton boasted during a campaign speech last month that during her reign as President Barack Obama's secretary of state "didn't lose a single person" in Libya
The rioting in the Wisconsin city of Milwaukee - that resulted from an alleged shooting death of an African American armed-suspect by a black police officer - is yet more evidence of the racial disharmony that's intensifying under the current government and civil-rights leaders.
The rioting in the Wisconsin city of Milwaukee - that resulted from an alleged shooting death of an African American armed-suspect by a black police officer - is yet more evidence of the racial disharmony that's intensifying under the current government and civil-rights leaders.
On Monday, in the midst of her presidential campaign complete with her claims of "short circuiting" and continued deception regarding the FBI's email probe, the Democratic Party's presidential heir apparent found herself the defendant in a federal court case
On Monday, in the midst of her presidential campaign complete with her claims of "short circuiting" and continued deception regarding the FBI's email probe, the Democratic Party's presidential heir apparent found herself the defendant in a federal court case
The official report of the House Select Committee on Benghazi has been released and shows that the Obama administration never attempted to deploy military assistance.
The official report of the House Select Committee on Benghazi has been released and shows that the Obama administration never attempted to deploy military assistance.
The movie 13 HOURS details the ordeal in Benghazi that led to the heroic defense of American lives while the US State Department ignored them
The movie 13 HOURS details the ordeal in Benghazi that led to the heroic defense of American lives while the US State Department ignored them
For the rest of us, who understand principled truth, Hillary has a rough road ahead, and, possibly, she did herself a great disservice in her FBI investigation, which may become a criminal investigation at some point for many reasons; too numerous to mention here.
For the rest of us, who understand principled truth, Hillary has a rough road ahead, and, possibly, she did herself a great disservice in her FBI investigation, which may become a criminal investigation at some point for many reasons; too numerous to mention here.
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods served our country with courage and with honor.
The House Oversight Committee, who are also charged with discovering the truth on countless other scandals, which have swamped the incredible Barack Hussein Obama presidency, are tasked with the responsibility to accomplish this unenviable feat to know who is ultimately responsible.
The House Oversight Committee, who are also charged with discovering the truth on countless other scandals, which have swamped the incredible Barack Hussein Obama presidency, are tasked with the responsibility to accomplish this unenviable feat to know who is ultimately responsible.
As the Resolutions Chair for the Pitt County GOP, I wrote a series of resolutions that I plan to present at the upcoming 2014 Pitt County GOP Convention, on March 8.
As the Resolutions Chair for the Pitt County GOP, I wrote a series of resolutions that I plan to present at the upcoming 2014 Pitt County GOP Convention, on March 8.
I believe once again, I have hit squarely the proverbial nail on the head in regards to today's Democrats.
I believe once again, I have hit squarely the proverbial nail on the head in regards to today's Democrats.
We read that the Anointed One's administration is opening a "criminal Investigation" into who leaked the classified documents related to the federal government tracking Americans' phone calls and emails. (Another of Bispo's Laws at work: When in doubt, ATTACK)
We read that the Anointed One's administration is opening a "criminal Investigation" into who leaked the classified documents related to the federal government tracking Americans' phone calls and emails. (Another of Bispo's Laws at work: When in doubt, ATTACK)
Every year, we pay homage to those that make a marked difference, who pass on from this temporal plane.
Every year, we pay homage to those that make a marked difference, who pass on from this temporal plane.
In this article, I hope to convince grassroots conservatives to unite in the coming year to re-assert founding values and strengthen principles of Liberty and to reject the contorted view of the Constitution that President Barack Obama is pushing on the American people.
In this article, I hope to convince grassroots conservatives to unite in the coming year to re-assert founding values and strengthen principles of Liberty and to reject the contorted view of the Constitution that President Barack Obama is pushing on the American people.
For those who've been following the Embassy attacks of 9/11 and then the assassinations of ambassador Chris Stevens, his computer aid Sean Smith, and 2 former Navy SEALS, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, it was obvious that the President and his State Department were not on the same page.
For those who've been following the Embassy attacks of 9/11 and then the assassinations of ambassador Chris Stevens, his computer aid Sean Smith, and 2 former Navy SEALS, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, it was obvious that the President and his State Department were not on the same page.
On Tuesday, September 11 (the 11th anniversary of the barbaric attacks on the US), tensions grew in Cairo, Egypt, apparently over a short provocative anti-Islamic video portraying the prophet Mohammed in a negative light (accusing him of being a womanizer, pedophile, and a fraud).
On Tuesday, September 11 (the 11th anniversary of the barbaric attacks on the US), tensions grew in Cairo, Egypt, apparently over a short provocative anti-Islamic video portraying the prophet Mohammed in a negative light (accusing him of being a womanizer, pedophile, and a fraud).


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