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Comments by Alex J. Ortolano

I don't think it was a cruel thing to do to give away your last $5 MPC.

Unless my memory is failing me, in 1965 we did not have MPC.
We used the Vietnamese Piaster.
I just looked up images of the Piaster to include in this comment & noticed it is spelled "Piastre" on the bills themselves.
You learn something new day.
Or should that be every 55 years?
Oops, it looks like I can't attach pictures to comments.
Take my word for it.
Commented: Friday, November 20th, 2020 @ 11:06 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
Great read!
Commented: Friday, November 20th, 2020 @ 9:45 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
All these years later I found this article again. Interesting write-up. Good writing.
Commented: Saturday, November 14th, 2020 @ 9:17 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
It's sort of like the old story about a private business in deep deep trouble. It appears certain that the wheels are off the wagon and all is lost. Then the manager of the business turns from morbid to happy all of a sudden. One employee mentions this change to another employee. The another employee knows what caused the change in the manager's outlook and says to the one employee, "He's found somebody to blame".
Commented: Sunday, August 16th, 2020 @ 7:41 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
I like the "The Who Dats Matter".
Commented: Saturday, August 15th, 2020 @ 5:49 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano
It is no contest! There was never a worse call than dat one. If you don't agree, you must not have seen da call.
Commented: Saturday, August 15th, 2020 @ 5:48 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano
My Blog ( is all about Foolishness. I use humor to make my points about the Crazy World we live in. Your posting about Abortion is about Foolishness and Craziness but it is Not Funny. You stated your case perfectly. How could anyone not agree with you but, sadly we both know that, many do not agree with you. Maybe deep down they do but we will never hear them publicly state that agreement.
I see that I am not allowed to insert a picture into a comment. I hope this link takes you to this very sad picture...
Commented: Sunday, June 23rd, 2019 @ 9:55 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
Well said, Commissioner!
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2019 @ 9:09 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
Ted, if Congress made every day Christmas, the American Public would think Congress was being silly & we might lose respect for them.
Commented: Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 @ 2:58 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano

Commented on What Happened?

Diane, if you think I was saying Trump was the problem, you missed the humor & the sarcasm. The name of my blog is Foolishness...Or Is It? Read it again
Commented: Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 @ 2:47 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano

Commented on What Happened?

Diane, this posting of yours is a sad thought starter. My comment to it is a link to a posting of mine from June 24, 2018. The problem is Donald J. Trump...Or is it?
Commented: Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 @ 8:34 am By: Alex J. Ortolano

Commented on

First Point...
Every Talking Head is saying the Demlibs are against Kavanaugh. The truth in they are seeking to continue to get the Supreme Court to allow them to make law that they can't get enacted through the Legislative Process. The truth is they would be this hysterical toward any nomination of President Trump.

Second Point...
The awful climate we live in today dictates that Kavanaugh must say he did not do it. Too bad he can't say was underage and, if he had been processed through the court system at the age, his record would have been sealed for all time. Since he was not processed through the court system, he can spend his whole life doing the right thing and it can all be swept aside. It's like, if you make a mistake at 17, you might as well waste the rest of your life because nothing you will ever do or accomplish will be able to erase the Age 17 Mistake.

Third Point:
By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman
Sept. 3, 2018 5:35 p.m. ET (I underlined a bit that stuck me.)
The Appointments Clause provides that judges, including Supreme Court justices, are appointed by the president “with the Advice and Consent of the Senate.” From the nomination of John Jay as the first chief justice in 1789 through the mid-1950s, public confirmation hearings were rare. Few nominees attended them when they did occur, and only a handful testified. Senators had no occasion to grandstand by demanding that a nominee declare his stance on legal controversies.

Since hearings became the norm, the number of questions asked of nominees has exploded, with recent nominees facing more than 700 apiece. Yet two aspects of the process haven’t changed. The first is the refusal of nominees to opine on actual or hypothetical cases that may come before the high court. The second is senators’ griping in response. At a 1968 hearing, Sen. Sam Ervin (D., N.C.) bemoaned that the nominee, Judge Homer Thornberry, had “virtually created a new right not found in the Constitution, which might well be designated as the judicial appointee’s right to refrain from self-incrimination.”

Ervin was wrong. Judges are appointed to exercise the “judicial power.” As per the Constitution, this involves deciding specific “cases” or “controversies”—that is, concrete disputes involving real facts, as opposed to abstract questions of law. Judging, in turn, entails the application of law to the facts of a particular case. The facts matter greatly: The way in which the circumstances of a given case can be distinguished from one in the past or one in the future is often what creates the basis for a legal rule, because it is that distinction that becomes legally material.

Judges don’t decide cases in a vacuum or through divine inspiration. They do it in the crucible of adversarial testing. Appellate judges read the parties’ briefs. They hear the lawyers’ arguments. They review the precedents and the factual record. Then they piece it all together, rendering a decision that, in Justice Ginsburg’s formulation, “should turn on those facts and the governing law, stated and explained in light of the particular arguments the parties or their representatives present.” Opining on a legal question divorced from the context of a particular case is not judging at all. It is speculation, a guess as to what the right rule might be.
Commented: Friday, September 21st, 2018 @ 9:20 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano
Your contention, “Remember, there are always two sides to every issue. The side that wins the day is the one that has the facts on its side” is the way it ought to be but I am afraid that the weight of the Internet and the one-sided functioning of our Main Stream Media is tipping the scales towards Progressive Thinking.

The first time I saw a screaming crowd cheering Bernie Sanders I knew we were in trouble. Ronald Reagan is dead, Margaret Thatcher is dead, Alexander Tyler is dead...
At about the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in the year 1787, Alexander Tyler (a Scottish history professor at The University of Edinburgh) had this to say about "The Fall of The Athenian Republic" some 2,000 years prior.

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From Bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."

We have survived longer than the average for Democracies but that does not mean we are not now in the process of losing the battle.

Be Afraid...Be Very Afraid.
Commented: Sunday, September 9th, 2018 @ 8:34 am By: Alex J. Ortolano

Commented on I need an Alfred

Let's see if I understand how Hello Alfred works...OK I don't understand. I'll start again. If I paid $279 per month to have Hello Alfred, he (is he a "he" or an "it"?) would come in and do everything for me. Here I pause to let that sink in. I am finished pausing...That means I am left with nothing to do. Here I pause to let that sink in. I am finished pausing...I think life would be downright awful without something to do. Hold on a minute I'm thinking again. Ah yes, the Hello Alfred people said that you would be left with only the things you love to do. I wonder, if I paid $379 per month, I could get Hello Alfred to do the things I love to do? That means I am left with nothing to do. I think life would be downright awful without anything to do.
I'm gonna quit now. I always quit when I confuse myself.
Commented: Friday, August 10th, 2018 @ 9:17 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
When we meet someone who served in Vietnam most of us say, "Welcome home". That's a perfectly appropriate greeting but I always say, "Glad you made it back".
Commented: Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018 @ 8:26 am By: Alex J. Ortolano

Commented on

Too bad the Electoral College is not understood by so many of us.
Thank heaven our founding fathers were smarter than we are.
If they were not, we could save a lot of money & effort during campaign season.
The 2 candidates would have to only go to New York and California to campaign.
The Republican Candidate would save even more money because he could not bother going to New York & California.
Commented: Sunday, March 18th, 2018 @ 11:09 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
Commented: Sunday, March 18th, 2018 @ 10:51 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
As for me, I am worried because of what Geraldine Jones (aks: Flip Wilson) told me many years ago... "Honey, a lie is as good as the truth as long as you get somebody to believe you."
I need some help here. I gave up my Cable/Dish Service (I had Dish) many months ago. I won't be able to see how CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, etc. cover the Highly Anticipated Fake News Awards tonight. Will someone watch for me and let me know how they handle it?
Commented: Thursday, January 18th, 2018 @ 1:57 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano
Your Royal Flush reference made me think about a story told to me by my cousin who lived in the same big house with my Grandpa on my Mother’s side of the family.

It was Grandpa’s house and it was divided into about 4 to 5 different living sections. Most of his family lived there after they got married. Some lived there for a short period of time and some lived there for many years…
 My own family lived there before I was born.
 Uncle Leon’s family lived there a long time.
 Aunt Josephine’s family lived there twice.
 Uncle Guy’s family lived there.
 Aunt Carmela lived there before her marriage, during her marriage and after her divorce.
 Aunt Sarah’s family lived there.
 A couple of cousins lived there.
 The Little French Girl lived there. I never knew her name. The family always referred to her as The Little French Girl.
 Grandpa even lived there.

Grandpa raised 7 children by delivering Ice Door To Door and he played cards 7 nights a week.

My cousin told me this story…
 One night Grandpa got a Royal Straight Flush.
 Another player got a very strong hand that he thought could not be beaten.
 They started betting against each other.
 Neither would give in.
 They kept raising and raising.
 It got to be a really big pot (about $10).
 Eventually they laid down their hands and the garage went crazy!
 All these Old (I say “old” but they were probably far younger than I am now) Italian Men got up and started dancing around the table and around the garage.
 They eventually took the Royal Straight Flush and nailed it to the garage wall.
 Then they nailed the pot to the wall also.

The Hand and the Pot stayed there for many years to come and I bet they all smiled every time they looked at what they had nailed there and thought about the Night My Grandpa Got the Big One.

Commented: Friday, December 29th, 2017 @ 10:06 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano
My question to one of these Affirmative Action Mental Midgets...
You have a very serious form of brain cancer. You need a very serious operation to remove your rapidly growing tumor. You are given a choice of a brain surgeon who was affirmatively pulled into brain surgery school and, while there, he struggled as he tried to get through his courses. Or would you like to be operated on by the surgeon who was always first in all his academic efforts before and during his time in brain surgery school. Think carefully. Who would you pick?
Commented: Friday, November 24th, 2017 @ 8:03 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
This one isn't about Fats but Fats would have liked this story...
Sweet Emma Barrett
When I was in college in New Orleans I rented cars for Avis part-time ($1.12/hr). I felt rich!
I sometimes worked out of the Airport and sometimes on Rampart Street on the edge of the French Quarter. Actually the office was on the Corner of Rampart and St. Peter Streets.
Preservation Hall is on St. Peter Street just off of Bourbon Street. Many times I would close up the office at 11pm and walk the six blocks or so to Preservation Hall and sit a couple of hours. Strangely enough I was not worried about getting mugged. Don't try this walk today.
One time I went in there and Sweet Emma was missing. The members of the band told us that she had had a stroke. At one point in their playing they announced that they were going to play Sweet Emma's favorite tune. In preparation for this someone dropped a nickel (in those days it really was a nickel) into the pay phone on the wall and dialed up Sweet Emma's phone number.
Then they started playing her music. After awhile the trumpet player went over nearer the phone and tooted in Sweet Emma's phone direction. I was in a position that I could see his face. As he played he cried like a baby.
One of the next times I went in Sweet Emma was back at the piano playing her heart out as she always had. There was one difference. She was only able to use one arm. She was as good as ever but she seemed to perspire more. She had a lot of keys to cover using one arm.
A lot of people were very happy that night and no one was crying.
Commented: Tuesday, October 31st, 2017 @ 8:27 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
I have never heard any hint of scandal about Fats & I don’t want to hear any now.
If any of you hear something that terrible about him like he was the rabbit that attacked Jimma Carter, don’t tell me.
I wanna remember him singing his latest release/hit (they were all hits) to Louie, Leon & I as we did our best to try & sell Sno Balls for a nickel a piece for Uncle George.
Tears come to old eyes when I remember walking those 10 blocks back home trying to step on those rocket roaches that dashed across the banquette in front of me.
I kept a tally of my highest number killed in that 10 block walk.
I wish I still had that piece of paper.
You know something? I never gave it a second thought that I could have been mugged.
Lagniappe: "Banquette" is New Orleans talk for "Sidewalk".
Commented: Tuesday, October 31st, 2017 @ 8:03 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
October 24, 2017…Today is a sad day because the Fat Man has died.
After Katrina it was reported that Fats Domino had died in the storm.
After he came back from the dead, and in response to the premature news of his death, Fats Domino recorded an album (his last?) called Alive and Kickin'.
Most (all?) of the music was new.
I bought the album and have been listening to it, off and on, since October 24, 2017…
Commented: Tuesday, October 31st, 2017 @ 7:54 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
Your Mom & Me...
Regarding finishing what you start, my oldest Daughter met me after my work day in the doorway of our bedroom in Milwaukee to tell me that she had just survived her first day of Accounting Class & wanted me to tell her it was OK to drop Accounting because she did not like it. I told her she could not drop because she could not know after one class whether she liked it or not. Today she is a CPA & she loves Accounting. Father Knows Best...Or does he?
Commented: Tuesday, October 31st, 2017 @ 7:34 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
Bobby or Tony & Stan,
I know you both have committed my blogs to memory but, in case you may have forgotten this one, I am referring your to this one...
Terrible! Awful! Never Been Worse!...Or is it?
Published: Saturday, August 13th, 2016 @ 11:56 pm
Read it slowly.
It is hard to imagine how bad it really was.
I'm glad they stuck with it (building our nation) and did not take a knee.
Commented: Tuesday, October 17th, 2017 @ 4:52 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano
Are we being ruled by The One Guy? In this case it was not 1 but 3 (3 out of 6. If the complaint rate was 3 out of 3, that would be 100% but it would still not be a lot. 3 out of 68 will never be a lot but, in today's environmental reality, 3 appears to be 2 more than what is necessary to get a qualified educator removed.
If 3 students would come forward and said they disagreed with the opinion of the 3 offended students, would that get the university back to square one? Then the rulers of the university would only have to find a fourth to tip the Educational Scale of Feel Good in the "correct" direction.
Commented: Friday, July 21st, 2017 @ 7:50 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
I consider myself to be fairly well informed about the overall foolishness of Washington D.C. That having been said, it appears Senator Paul 'Waste Report' started before the quote below, & well-informed me, has never heard of his waste exposure effort..."U.S. Senator Rand Paul today released the newest edition to ‘The Waste Report.’ ‘The Waste Report’".
Commented: Tuesday, July 18th, 2017 @ 8:14 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano
Good posting!
You ought to go a bit easier on our crack highway construction bureaucrats.
If they told us when the project would start, we would expect the project to start when they told us it would start and Brother-In-Law Road Construction Inc. might not be ready because he is still working on the last construction project that his Brother-In-Law in the State Legislature sent his way.
Commented: Sunday, July 16th, 2017 @ 3:55 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano
Bobby or Tony,
It's not just you... "My aloofness is not a result of a high threshold need for privacy; it is more of a reclusive and hermit mentality..."
Our society is no longer Small Town but more like I Don't Need To Talk To Or Know Anything About You Because I Have My Television".
I wrote a Blog about just this that involved New Orleans, Hurricane Betsy, My Grandpa's Front Steps and Television.
If I can find it, I'll post it.
As we used to say in the Army, "On the way. Wait."...Maybe.
Commented: Thursday, May 25th, 2017 @ 8:13 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
And then there was Henny Youngman.
He did not have to curse to be funny & he was funnier than all the cussing "comedians" we have today.
I once saw Buddy Hackett live in Las Vegas.
The first word he spoke into the mike (very loud & close) was the F Word.
His act went down from there but there was a lot of cussing & his silly audience thought he was funny.
Back to Henny Youngman...
Late in his career he found he could not tell Ethnic Jokes (such a shame), so he started telling Dumb Guy Jokes...
Two dumb guys decided to go bear hunting.
They got up early & headed out to where the bears were.
They came to a fork in the road with a sign that read "Bear Left".
So they went home.
Why do I know so much about Henny Youngman?
That's because I read his autobiography, "Take my life, please".
Commented: Sunday, May 14th, 2017 @ 2:09 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano
Absolutely agree about Curb Your Enthusiasm!
I think it was in HBO.
I don't get HBO, so I never heard of it till it was no longer an active series.
I have gathered up 4 seasons (1,2,5,6) from stores that carry them used.
Always looking out for more.
They can be watched over & over.
Commented: Sunday, May 14th, 2017 @ 1:54 pm By: Alex J. Ortolano
Is this link ( supposed to go somewhere? If it is, it doesn't. If it's not, ignore this Comment...
Readers who pay close attention (1%) to my articles sometimes follow the links in the article to gain more facts. Since I realize the most people don't follow the links, I often just include them to enhance my argument as shown below:
Commented: Thursday, May 11th, 2017 @ 11:09 am By: Alex J. Ortolano

Commented on

The world is made up of a lot of Little Frogs. The world is better for having had them in the Big or Little Pond.
Commented: Friday, May 5th, 2017 @ 10:59 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
Bobby or Tony,
Reminds me of the old one where a guy goes to his Doctor and says, "Doc I think wine, women and song are getting the best of me. I guess I'm going to have to give up singing." (Sounds like something Henny Youngman would have said. If he hadn't, I bet he wished he had.)
Commented: Monday, April 24th, 2017 @ 7:40 am By: Alex J. Ortolano
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