Immigration dispute threatens to bring down German coalition gov't | Eastern North Carolina Now

polls show anti-immigration parties would romp in new election if government falls


The German coalition government is teetering on the brink of collapse over a dispute on tightening up immigration laws.  A similar collapse of the previous Dutch coalition over tightening immigration laws led to a landslide victory of anti-immigration parties in the snap election that resulted.

The current government is called the "traffic light coalition" as it is composed of the left-of-center Social Democrats (red), classic liberal Free Democrats (yellow), and far left Green Party (green).  As a result of mounting financial costs and mounting crime from illegal migrants, and polls showing the German people decivisely turning against open borders, the Social Democrats as lead party of the coalition have proposed legislation tightening up immigration laws, with the support of the Free Democrats.  That is being fiercely resisted by the Greens.

Polls show that the two parties running neck and neck in the lead if a new election is called are the traditional conservative Christian Democrats, who have taken a much more strident anti-immigration stand since Merkel left,  and the populist / nationalist anti-immigration Alternativ fur Deutschland, with all other parties far behind.  The three current coalition parties would all face significant losses, and the Free Democrats perhaps crash out of parliament completely, as they have already seen happen in state elections since joining this coalition.

The German parties of the left are also facing new competition, as the far left Left Party is cratering and likely to crash out of parliament, but a new party led by former Left Party floor leader Sahra Wagenknecht which is an anti-immigration and climate skeptic party of left would eat into the base of the Social Democrats and perhaps also to some extent the Greens.

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( December 16th, 2023 @ 6:31 pm )
The Free Democrats are a good example of a party that deviated from the old political saying that "you do not piss on your base". A "classical liberal" party that has always stood for low taxes, small government, and individual liberty, it postured itself in past elections to the right of the Christian Democrats on immigration, and more skeptical than the Christian Democrats of green energy. It largely abandoned its positions on those issues when it joined the present coalition, and its voter base has punished it for that in just about every subsequent local election. The polls show a big drop in its support for the next national election. From the contact I had with people from the FDP when I was working in Europe, their stances in the current government have been out of step for the party.

This is an issue that some Republican politicians need to learn, most specifically Mitch McConnell at the national level and Phil Berger at the state level. There comes a point where voters in the party base just will not tolerate playing footsie with the Democrats.
( December 16th, 2023 @ 11:33 am )
Borderhawk: I pray "that it is not too little too late."

As a county commissioner nearly two decades ago, I acted to ban Spanish language signage in public buildings, which alerted the bureaucrats making a tremendous amount of the public's treasury off of Illegal Immigration.

It was tougher at point to stop other county initiatives to serve Illegals, and then these types did elect Democrat Frankie Waters making it even harder to get any local work done, in some part, to deter Illegal Immigration.

Now, I realize that the only path forward to save this Constitutional Republic is to elect as many Real Republicans as possible; RINO class Republicans, like Frankie Waters, need not apply.
( December 16th, 2023 @ 10:53 am )
Opposition to illegal immigration has become a huge issue all over the western world. It is showing up in a big way in European polls and elections, and it is going to take down the treasonous Biden regime here in the US. Hopefully the Germans will get a new election out of this to stop the bleeding and start cauterizing the wound.

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