Lindsey Graham: Biden’s Border Crisis Has Me ‘More Worried About A 9/11’ Attack Than Ever Before | Eastern North Carolina Now

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said during an interview over the weekend that the conditions on the U.S. southern border have him more worried about the potential for terrorist attacks similar to 9/11 happening on U.S. soil than at any other point since the attacks happened more than two decades ago.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Daily Wire News.

    Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said during an interview over the weekend that the conditions on the U.S. southern border have him more worried about the potential for terrorist attacks similar to 9/11 happening on U.S. soil than at any other point since the attacks happened more than two decades ago.

    Graham made the remarks during a Sunday interview with Kristen Welker on NBC's "Meet The Press" while discussing U.S. Senate negotiations with the White House on a border package.

    Graham said that he did not believe a deal would be reached by the end of the year and that he expects talks to continue into the new year.

    "The White House got engaged five days ago," he said. "They sent over a supplemental with border security provisions that did nothing to change policy. We've been talking to them since September. Five days ago, they finally sat at the table. ... The bottom line here is, we feel like we're being jammed. We're not anywhere close to a deal. It'll go into next year."

    Graham said that it was important to fix the border after the testimony from FBI Director Christopher Wray earlier this month, who warned that there were "blinking lights everywhere" in terms of the warning signs that a terrorist attack could be about to happen due to terrorists' ability to exploit the southern border.

    "The border has been obliterated since January '21 until now," Graham said. "We've had 6 million people come to date. There are 3.6 million on schedule to come this year alone. The policy choices of the Biden administration has made the border a dangerous place to come to. America's under threat. According to the FBI director since October the 7th, jihadist groups want to attack us because we're helping Israel."

    "I've never been more worried about a 9/11 than I am right now, and our border has been obliterated," he continued. "And we're not going to give in on some Band-Aid fix."


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