Rand Paul releases annual ‘Festivus Report’ detailing billions in govt waste | Eastern North Carolina Now

Waste in govt is never ending


For years now, Senator Rand Paul has been releasing an annual ‘Festivus Report’ to highlight government waste and this year is no different.

It’s amazing what the government spends our tax dollars on, while telling us there’s not enough money for other things, like a border wall for instance.

The Gateway Pundit

The Waste of 2023
Barbie Doll Photo Used to Get COVID PPP Funds    portion of $800,000,000,000
In the RED: Interest on Our National Debt is Expensive    $659,000,000,000
Dr. Fauci’s Monkey Business on NIH’s “Monkey Island”   $33,200,000
USAID Fund to Boost Egyptian Tourism   $6,000,000
USDA’s Cutting-Edge Research: Walking Dogs in the Summer   Unknown
DHS Training Employees to Be Their “Authentic & Best Selves”   Unknown
Russian Cats-On-A-Treadmill Studies Funded by NIH   portion of $2,700,000
The Government Pays Dead People … Again!   $38,000,000
DOD’s Lobster Tank   $8,395
How to Ruin Expensive Military Equipment Part 1: Engines   $89,000,000
How to Ruin Expensive Military Equipment Part 2: Transmissions   $12,600,000
How to Ruin Expensive Military Equipment Part 3: Tank Treads   $68,000,000
“Real Fake”: DHS’s 1st Graphic Novel About Disinformation   Unknown
DHS’s 2nd Graphic Novel: COVID Disinformation   Unknown
NIH’s Meth-Head Monkeys   portion of $12,000,000
Treasury’s Pot of Cash for Political Campaigns   $400,000,000
NIH’s Monkey Casino: Gambling for Drinking Water   portion of $3,700,000
SBA’s Ticket to Backstage   $200,000,000
Studying COVID-19 “Misinformation” On Social Media In Black & Rural Communities   $3,800,000
Dr. Fauci’s Transgender Monkey Study   $477,121
Whoopsie: Improper Federal Payments   $236,000,000,000
FLASHBACK: The Government Likes Its Gambling Monkeys   $171,000

Festivus report 2003.pdf


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Big Bob said:
( December 26th, 2023 @ 3:08 pm )
Maybe, but they are in no way as bad as you would want us to believe.
( December 26th, 2023 @ 11:10 am )
Bobbie, we are all entitled to our own opinions, but NOT our own "facts". If you really believe what you have posted, you must not have been near a grocery store or most any other type of store in quite some time. Bidenflation is wrecking American's spending power. You must also not have taken a look at any polls on the economy.

You far left Democrats are whistling past the graveyard with that fairy tale.
Big Bob said:
( December 26th, 2023 @ 9:07 am )
Back on planet earth, things are going ok. The economy is good, unemployment down, stock market up. Unless your really really poor, JB has done a good job
( December 25th, 2023 @ 5:17 pm )
We have a spendthrift federal government. Biden is the worst, but the spenders among the RINO leadership in Congress like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and McCarthy are almost as bad. We had a great Congressman in standing up for taxpayers in eastern North Carolina when we had Walter Jones, but RINO Greg Murphy is a real dud, caving in to the big spenders again and again. Murphy would not even stand up against the many thousands of IRS tax auditors Biden is going to unleash on the middle class. Taxpayers can do a whole lot better than Murphy in Congress. I read that a Libertarian has filed against him, and that might be the way to vote. I wish Murphy had a serious primary from a Walter Jones style Republican.
( December 25th, 2023 @ 10:01 am )
Here on Christmas Day 2023, I offer my conservative and substantive estimate of Rand Paul's level of governmental intelligence, which is simply: Rand Paul is quantifiably smarter than the next seven (7) smartest Democratic Socialist US Senators in total.

And this estimated with Ted Cruz waiting and formulating in the wings.

This is just the "science" of it for all Democratic Socialists inured with their faux science version of their alternative reality.
( December 25th, 2023 @ 9:15 am )
The biggest taxpayer ripoff of all was the massive funding of the green energy boondoggle, apparently named for all the "green" (money) it consumes while giving citizens more expensive and less reliable energy, while also making us more dependent on China for our energy.
Big Bob said:
( December 25th, 2023 @ 8:18 am )
Rand must be so much fun at parties. No wonder his neighbor punched him.

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