23 Democrat state AG's support government censorship of free speech | Eastern North Carolina Now

ask Supreme Court to overturn free speech victory over censorship


It was a huge victory for free speech when the 5th Circuit US Court of Appeals ruled in Missouri v. Biden prohibiting government communication with social media companies to suppress free speech.  Now, Democrat Attorney Generals in 23 states have filed a brief asking the US Supreme Court to reverse that ruling and allow government to suppress free speech.  Renowned Constitutional Law Professor Jonathan Turley comments:


This is a clear example of the Democrats brazen attack on democracy.  Without free speech, there is no way to have free elections.

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( December 30th, 2023 @ 9:46 am )
If Truth in Advertising laws applied to political parties, the Democrats would have to change their name to the Anti-Democratic Party. Free speech is the essential cornerstone of democracy, and the Democrats are dead set against it. Totalitarian Party would even be an apt name for them.

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