Irish farmers join European mass protests against "climate communism" | Eastern North Carolina Now

As EU capital of Brussels starts to feel brunt of protests


Thousands of tractors and other agricultural machinery rolled across Ireland, blocking roads and other infrastructure as Irish farmers joined the mounting farmer protests across Europe against the EU climate rules that the farmers have dubbed "climate communism" and "the climate scam" .  As one German farmer put it "we want to eliminate the politicians who are trying to eliminate us".  Polls contineue to show overwhelming public support for the farmer revolt.  In some countries, truckers and fisherman are joining the protests.

Ireland's "woke" government has set out some particularly draconian attacks on agriculture including plans to slaughter a large proportion of dairy cows.  That would cut the supply of highly regarded Irish butter on the world market.

In Belgium, farmers are ramping up pressure on the EU capital of Brusssels, dumping large loads of manure, as their siege of Paris continues to tighten its noose on the French capital.  Farmers are also blockading ports in Belgium, with the help of truckers and fishermen.

And Polish farmers have declared a general strike against their new globalist prime minster who wants to kowtow to EU climate policies.

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