2-tier justice system strikes again with Biden classified docs whitewash | Eastern North Carolina Now

just as predicted - Dems like Hillary and Biden get different treatment than Trump


As was widely predicted, the special counsel assigned to the Biden classified documents case whitewashed his actions, just as the FBI did with Hillary Clinton's classified documents case.  There is one standard in America for Democrats and a very different one if you happen to be a Republican, and this is a existential threat to the Rule of Law.

The Presidential Records Act affords a degree of protection to Trump retaining such documents but none at all to either Hillary or Biden, so the cases against the Democrats were actually more egregious, yet those were whitewashed while the book is being thrown at Trump.  It is ALL about politics, as our justice system becomes more and more politicized.




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( February 9th, 2024 @ 12:03 pm )
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