Challenges to America's Future | Eastern North Carolina Now

Conservative Podcaster John Woodard tells BCN's audience and all of our known World what he knows as truths to aid in the continuance of OUR American Way.


Challenges to America's Future  

Conservative Podcaster John Woodard tells BCN's audience and all of our known World what he knows as truths to aid in the continuance of OUR American Way.

The weaponization of the FBI especially as related to President Donald Trump and his associates including the impeachment hoaxes, charging General Flynn, and most recently the totally unjustified and unprecedented raid on Mar-a Lago.
The weaponization of the FBI especially as related to President Donald Trump and his associates including the impeachment hoaxes, charging General Flynn, and most recently the totally unjustified and unprecedented raid on Mar-a Lago.
Who decides the standards and curriculum? The state? Local school boards? We'll talk to NC Treasurer and State School Board member Dale Folwell and ask him about this and public school spending.
Who decides the standards and curriculum? The state? Local school boards? We'll talk to NC Treasurer and State School Board member Dale Folwell and ask him about this and public school spending.
It seems this patriotic national hero, along with his twin brother Yevgeny, are featured in a Ken Burns documentary America.  This was filmed long before our beloved hero was offered the job of Ukrainian Secretary of War, as recognition for his selfless service in the role of Ukrainian-American...
It seems this patriotic national hero, along with his twin brother Yevgeny, are featured in a Ken Burns documentary America.  This was filmed long before our beloved hero was offered the job of Ukrainian Secretary of War, as recognition for his selfless service in the role of Ukrainian-American...
When you've "hit the wall," it is definitely time to take a break from what you're thinking about and what you're doing.  You need to refresh yourself before you can take a fresh look at the problem you're trying to solve or help solve.
When you've "hit the wall," it is definitely time to take a break from what you're thinking about and what you're doing.  You need to refresh yourself before you can take a fresh look at the problem you're trying to solve or help solve.
What do we do to rein in the N.C. Supreme Court?  As I recommended in a previous article, we set up a process that allows the state legislature to override N.C. Supreme court decisions that are interfere with the legislature's enumerate authority to make laws as long as they do not violate the...
What do we do to rein in the N.C. Supreme Court?  As I recommended in a previous article, we set up a process that allows the state legislature to override N.C. Supreme court decisions that are interfere with the legislature's enumerate authority to make laws as long as they do not violate the...
Some, even some law enforcement officials, will argue that arming teachers introduces more risk to the school environment than currently exists.  However, proper and extensive training should mitigate any risk in that regard.
Some, even some law enforcement officials, will argue that arming teachers introduces more risk to the school environment than currently exists.  However, proper and extensive training should mitigate any risk in that regard.
Ineffective groups tend to be top-down driven.  The officers don't change very often, and when they do, they're often just swapping chairs.  They say they want help, but their clique is tight, and if anyone new manages to get in, they tend to be picked on and complained about.
Ineffective groups tend to be top-down driven.  The officers don't change very often, and when they do, they're often just swapping chairs.  They say they want help, but their clique is tight, and if anyone new manages to get in, they tend to be picked on and complained about.
We have an inherent right to protect ourselves and others from a lone attacker, from a mob, or from an overreaching government that is attempting to usurp our rights. Any restrictive legislation is an unconstitutional infringement.
We have an inherent right to protect ourselves and others from a lone attacker, from a mob, or from an overreaching government that is attempting to usurp our rights. Any restrictive legislation is an unconstitutional infringement.
In this episode of The John Woodard Show, John Woodard Interviews Mark Meckler who is CEO and Founder of Convention of States Action.
In this episode of The John Woodard Show, John Woodard Interviews Mark Meckler who is CEO and Founder of Convention of States Action.
We do not need gun control. We need accountability for gun abuse and, personal behavior. We do not have the stomach, the treasure or opportunity to recover a decent society unless we adamantly involve ourselves in reinstating one.
We do not need gun control. We need accountability for gun abuse and, personal behavior. We do not have the stomach, the treasure or opportunity to recover a decent society unless we adamantly involve ourselves in reinstating one.
Do you remember when President Trump held a rally and Mo Brooks was invited to speak?  Do you remember that Mo Brooks took that occasion to opine that "we should put the 2020 election behind us?"
Do you remember when President Trump held a rally and Mo Brooks was invited to speak?  Do you remember that Mo Brooks took that occasion to opine that "we should put the 2020 election behind us?"
We need to restore our representative republic to something closely resembling its original design.  We need to abide by our founding documents as written.
We need to restore our representative republic to something closely resembling its original design.  We need to abide by our founding documents as written.
There is no compromise with evil that wants to destroy our country.   Compromise is what has gotten us to this point.     This is a war we cannot afford to lose.  Our very standard of living depends on the outcome of this fight.   First, we have to recognize that this is a battle we cannot...
There is no compromise with evil that wants to destroy our country.   Compromise is what has gotten us to this point.     This is a war we cannot afford to lose.  Our very standard of living depends on the outcome of this fight.   First, we have to recognize that this is a battle we cannot...
This may be the root cause for why all attempts at implementing socialism and communism have so far failed. When people have finally satisfied their hunger for security and equity, they begin to realize that they have lost their liberty, their freedom, and their dignity, because they...
This may be the root cause for why all attempts at implementing socialism and communism have so far failed. When people have finally satisfied their hunger for security and equity, they begin to realize that they have lost their liberty, their freedom, and their dignity, because they...
Todd Starnes raised the question on his radio show on June 29 when he asked whether we Americans are so tired of the unselect January 6 committee and others raising you-know-what about false charges they are leveling against President Trump...
Todd Starnes raised the question on his radio show on June 29 when he asked whether we Americans are so tired of the unselect January 6 committee and others raising you-know-what about false charges they are leveling against President Trump...
What should be done?  Encourage families/friends to recognize and report behavioral disturbed individuals.   Harden the security of schools.   Arm and properly train teachers and school staff.
What should be done?  Encourage families/friends to recognize and report behavioral disturbed individuals.   Harden the security of schools.   Arm and properly train teachers and school staff.
The Constitution has been abused in so many ways.  For example, where in the Constitution is the federal government given a brief to do anything whatsoever about schools?  It's not there.  Why do we have a federal Department of Education?
The Constitution has been abused in so many ways.  For example, where in the Constitution is the federal government given a brief to do anything whatsoever about schools?  It's not there.  Why do we have a federal Department of Education?
The NC Parent-Teachers Association (PTA) is fighting against your parental rights with advocacy groups set to diminish your parental rights as they pertain to the safety, well-being and education of your children. Put a stop to these organizations that are undermining our rights.
The NC Parent-Teachers Association (PTA) is fighting against your parental rights with advocacy groups set to diminish your parental rights as they pertain to the safety, well-being and education of your children. Put a stop to these organizations that are undermining our rights.
It is reasonable to conclude that Trump was a threat to the cabal that are responsible for the pandemic. They needed to get Trump out of the way for the pandemic to be successful and bring on The Great Reset.
It is reasonable to conclude that Trump was a threat to the cabal that are responsible for the pandemic. They needed to get Trump out of the way for the pandemic to be successful and bring on The Great Reset.
Many of you know that Sloan and I have had what I thought was a friendship relationship for more than a year. However, recently, that appears to have come to an end.
Many of you know that Sloan and I have had what I thought was a friendship relationship for more than a year. However, recently, that appears to have come to an end.
In this episode of The John Woodard Show, John Woodard Interviews Anthony Cowden who is running for Congress.
In this episode of The John Woodard Show, John Woodard Interviews Anthony Cowden who is running for Congress.
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change declared that in a mere 18 years [exactly 18], all life on earth will be devastated by 127 [exactly 127] forms of "potentially irreversible" destruction.
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change declared that in a mere 18 years [exactly 18], all life on earth will be devastated by 127 [exactly 127] forms of "potentially irreversible" destruction.
The spirit, soul and body of this nation is intrinsically linked to its creator. The wisdom and the spirit of this nation was not derived from men, but rather by God who desires for us to live free and safe in a world where all the joys and struggles of life can be successfully navigated by...
The spirit, soul and body of this nation is intrinsically linked to its creator. The wisdom and the spirit of this nation was not derived from men, but rather by God who desires for us to live free and safe in a world where all the joys and struggles of life can be successfully navigated by...
In a major exhibition of raw power of the federal police state, the Canadian government announced today they have instructed banks, insurance companies and financial institutions to seize the accounts of any individual, group or business who are associated with political protest.
In a major exhibition of raw power of the federal police state, the Canadian government announced today they have instructed banks, insurance companies and financial institutions to seize the accounts of any individual, group or business who are associated with political protest.
It is quite interesting, that some of the media are now beginning to report on, and take notice of, the coming of the Great Reset.
On February 2, the NC Public Health Commission Board at their regularly scheduled meeting will be voting on a request by some ASU professors to add a mandate that all students in NC 17 years old or older be injected with the current COVID19 gene therapy shots.
On February 2, the NC Public Health Commission Board at their regularly scheduled meeting will be voting on a request by some ASU professors to add a mandate that all students in NC 17 years old or older be injected with the current COVID19 gene therapy shots.
About six months ago, I prepared an article in which I mentioned technocracy, without knowing the full impact of the term.
About six months ago, I prepared an article in which I mentioned technocracy, without knowing the full impact of the term.
Join John Woodard and Sandy Smith as they talk about American Rights
The Gavi Vaccine Alliance is run by the Gates Foundation and they published a paper in 2018 in which it made reference to its Infuse program. This paper should be required reading for every parent of young children.
The Gavi Vaccine Alliance is run by the Gates Foundation and they published a paper in 2018 in which it made reference to its Infuse program. This paper should be required reading for every parent of young children.
I discussed previously the Catch-22 that airline pilots are caught in over whether to take the mandated jabs.
I discussed previously the Catch-22 that airline pilots are caught in over whether to take the mandated jabs.
We all remember by Richard Nixon wherein he stated that the American people questioned whether or not he was a Crook. So, he stated emphatically that he was Not a Crook!!!
We all remember by Richard Nixon wherein he stated that the American people questioned whether or not he was a Crook. So, he stated emphatically that he was Not a Crook!!!
A Letter From John Woodard To Harold W. “Trey” Gowdy III
A Letter From John Woodard To Harold W. “Trey” Gowdy III
Officials have admitted they are rounding up people who are virus-free as well as those reported infected, since infection is merely an excuse for shipping people to concentration camps.  
Officials have admitted they are rounding up people who are virus-free as well as those reported infected, since infection is merely an excuse for shipping people to concentration camps.  
CNN has been owned by ATT who has had them for sale for the last couple of years. But there were no takers due to their sinking numbers, until now.
CNN has been owned by ATT who has had them for sale for the last couple of years. But there were no takers due to their sinking numbers, until now.
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