Results found for democrat votes | Eastern North Carolina Now

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55 Results found for democrat votes

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former Obama Democrat pro-Hmas nominee will take votes from Biden
former Obama Democrat pro-Hmas nominee will take votes from Biden
Be careful what you wish for, you may get it
Be careful what you wish for, you may get it
Mark Robinson fails to engage on issue, but took casino money
Mark Robinson fails to engage on issue, but took casino money
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) cautioned against the regular use of the impeachment process as House Republicans float an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) cautioned against the regular use of the impeachment process as House Republicans float an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden.
President Joe Biden signed a bill into law on Saturday to avoid a default on the federal government’s debt by raising the debt ceiling.
President Joe Biden signed a bill into law on Saturday to avoid a default on the federal government’s debt by raising the debt ceiling.
Revolution of the States: Conservative states are more likely than liberal ones to have "open primaries," allowing Democrats to vote in Republican primaries and contributing do deep-red states electing moderate Republicans.
Revolution of the States: Conservative states are more likely than liberal ones to have "open primaries," allowing Democrats to vote in Republican primaries and contributing do deep-red states electing moderate Republicans.
An analysis of voting records found that some of the most-Republicans states have some of the least-conservative lawmakers. This is part 2 of a series entitled REVOLUTION OF THE STATES.
An analysis of voting records found that some of the most-Republicans states have some of the least-conservative lawmakers. This is part 2 of a series entitled REVOLUTION OF THE STATES.
Gov. Roy Cooper is upset that North Carolina House Republicans might amend a rule regarding overriding governor vetoes.
Gov. Roy Cooper is upset that North Carolina House Republicans might amend a rule regarding overriding governor vetoes.
Will anyone else enter the governor race? And will the state House have a 'working supermajority'?
Will anyone else enter the governor race? And will the state House have a 'working supermajority'?
As the date of next week's midterm elections approaches, President Joe Biden used his Wednesday night address to warn everyone that the results may not immediately be known because it may take several days for enough Democrat votes to be harvested and double-counted.
As the date of next week's midterm elections approaches, President Joe Biden used his Wednesday night address to warn everyone that the results may not immediately be known because it may take several days for enough Democrat votes to be harvested and double-counted.
As Republicans continue to surge in the polls in the days leading up to the midterm elections, Democrats report being confused as to why their official "Do More Of What Got Us Into This Mess In The First Place" message isn't resonating with everyday American voters.
As Republicans continue to surge in the polls in the days leading up to the midterm elections, Democrats report being confused as to why their official "Do More Of What Got Us Into This Mess In The First Place" message isn't resonating with everyday American voters.
They just make up the rules as they go
They just make up the rules as they go
Not enough time. That was a consistent theme Monday, Oct. 25, as residents shared with lawmakers their thoughts on the proposed election maps, drawn after the results of the 2020 census.
Not enough time. That was a consistent theme Monday, Oct. 25, as residents shared with lawmakers their thoughts on the proposed election maps, drawn after the results of the 2020 census.
North Carolina has over-collected more than $6 billion in state taxes when compared to May of 2020 economic forecasts.
North Carolina has over-collected more than $6 billion in state taxes when compared to May of 2020 economic forecasts.
Republican leaders in the N.C. General Assembly say they will consider overriding the governor’s veto of Senate Bill 37, the school reopening bill, as soon as Monday, March 1.
Republican leaders in the N.C. General Assembly say they will consider overriding the governor’s veto of Senate Bill 37, the school reopening bill, as soon as Monday, March 1.
The General Assembly is again considering a mild expansion of gun rights in this legislative session, a year after Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed a similar Second Amendment bill.
The General Assembly is again considering a mild expansion of gun rights in this legislative session, a year after Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed a similar Second Amendment bill.
Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) spoke out on Tuesday to tell Republicans that they shouldn’t criticize Democrats for spending trillions of dollars on another COVID-19 relief package, saying that it would be disingenuous for them to do so after the big spending that happened under former President Donald
Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) spoke out on Tuesday to tell Republicans that they shouldn’t criticize Democrats for spending trillions of dollars on another COVID-19 relief package, saying that it would be disingenuous for them to do so after the big spending that happened under former President Donald
Conservative Republicans in Beaufort County got another slap in the face at the Monday December 7th Beaufort County commissioners meeting.
Conservative Republicans in Beaufort County got another slap in the face at the Monday December 7th Beaufort County commissioners meeting.
The ballots have been counted. Twice. Some will be counted again. Maybe all of them.
Beasley's Refusal To Concede Only Benefits Her Legal team
Nearly every county has completed the recount, and the historical trend has continued in that the election night vote leader gains more votes through the recount process.
Nearly every county has completed the recount, and the historical trend has continued in that the election night vote leader gains more votes through the recount process.
After coming up over 400 votes short after the final results in the county canvases were tallied, soon-to-be-former Chief Justice Beasley filed election protests in 91 counties.
After coming up over 400 votes short after the final results in the county canvases were tallied, soon-to-be-former Chief Justice Beasley filed election protests in 91 counties.
The protests filed by Cheri Beasley in 90 North Carolina Counties have not landed well with County Boards of Elections.
The protests filed by Cheri Beasley in 90 North Carolina Counties have not landed well with County Boards of Elections.
Justice Paul Newby has secured a majority of votes to become the next chief justice of the state of North Carolina now that all 100 counties have officially completed their canvass of the 2020 election and have certified the results.
Justice Paul Newby has secured a majority of votes to become the next chief justice of the state of North Carolina now that all 100 counties have officially completed their canvass of the 2020 election and have certified the results.
Remarks by President Trump in Cabinet Meeting
Remarks by President Trump at the Faith and Freedom Coalition “Road to Majority” 2019 Conference
Many people in Beaufort County have been upset for 25 years (it has been that long) about only having one vote during each two year election cycle for commissioner.
Many people in Beaufort County have been upset for 25 years (it has been that long) about only having one vote during each two year election cycle for commissioner.
It is no secret among the truly conservative county commissioners and conservative Republicans that Democrats have held leadership positions on the Board of County Commissioners for the past 12 years.
It is no secret among the truly conservative county commissioners and conservative Republicans that Democrats have held leadership positions on the Board of County Commissioners for the past 12 years.
It was a big day yesterday. An incredible day. And last night, the Republican Party defied history to expand our Senate Majority while significantly beating expectations in the House for the midtown and midterm year.
It was a big day yesterday. An incredible day. And last night, the Republican Party defied history to expand our Senate Majority while significantly beating expectations in the House for the midtown and midterm year.
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