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31 Results found for governor race

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An attorney from Eden is the latest to declare his candidacy on the Republican ticket for North Carolina’s next lieutenant governor.
An attorney from Eden is the latest to declare his candidacy on the Republican ticket for North Carolina’s next lieutenant governor.
On Tuesday, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s campaign announced that North Carolina’s junior U.S. Senator, Ted Budd, has endorsed Robinson in his bid for governor.
On Tuesday, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s campaign announced that North Carolina’s junior U.S. Senator, Ted Budd, has endorsed Robinson in his bid for governor.
As the State Treasurer nears the end of his political career, Folwell still has some things to say
As the State Treasurer nears the end of his political career, Folwell still has some things to say
Will anyone else enter the governor race? And will the state House have a 'working supermajority'?
Will anyone else enter the governor race? And will the state House have a 'working supermajority'?
Usually, the final month of a midterm election is a hectic one for the president of the United States.
Usually, the final month of a midterm election is a hectic one for the president of the United States.
Pennsylvania acting Secretary of State Leigh M. Chapman said during a news conference that the state’s midterm election could likely experience delays in counting the ballots.
Pennsylvania acting Secretary of State Leigh M. Chapman said during a news conference that the state’s midterm election could likely experience delays in counting the ballots.
Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) said Thursday he would “very seriously consider” running for Republican National Committee chair, challenging Ronna McDaniel in her bid for reelection.
Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) said Thursday he would “very seriously consider” running for Republican National Committee chair, challenging Ronna McDaniel in her bid for reelection.
Young voters came out to vote in this year’s midterm elections in the second largest percentage in at least thirty years.
Young voters came out to vote in this year’s midterm elections in the second largest percentage in at least thirty years.
Wisconsin Republican gubernatorial candidate and construction executive Tim Michels slammed “red flag laws” on Friday, saying that they were “unconstitutional.”
Wisconsin Republican gubernatorial candidate and construction executive Tim Michels slammed “red flag laws” on Friday, saying that they were “unconstitutional.”
Florida Democrats are waving the white flag just two weeks before the November 8 midterm elections.
Here's the data to show how wrong they often are
Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin has pulled ahead of Democrat opponent Terry McAuliffe with just days left until election day.
Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin has pulled ahead of Democrat opponent Terry McAuliffe with just days left until election day.
Large groups of parents shifted their political views during the pandemic.
Large groups of parents shifted their political views during the pandemic.
Virginia’s Democrat candidate for governor, Terry McAuliffe, has conceded the race to the victor, Republican Glenn Youngkin.
Virginia’s Democrat candidate for governor, Terry McAuliffe, has conceded the race to the victor, Republican Glenn Youngkin.
Former State Senator Andy Wells, R-Catawba, who lost a primary challenge to Lt. Gov. to Mark Robinson, became the highest-profile N.C. Republican to criticize Robinson for his comments calling school library books and curriculum that discuss alternative lifestyles including homosexuality.
Former State Senator Andy Wells, R-Catawba, who lost a primary challenge to Lt. Gov. to Mark Robinson, became the highest-profile N.C. Republican to criticize Robinson for his comments calling school library books and curriculum that discuss alternative lifestyles including homosexuality.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis revealed on Monday that his wife, Casey DeSantis, has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis revealed on Monday that his wife, Casey DeSantis, has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
The post of lieutenant governor is a constitutional office in North Carolina, and the only one empowered to exercise both legislative and executive powers.
The post of lieutenant governor is a constitutional office in North Carolina, and the only one empowered to exercise both legislative and executive powers.
A new poll released by Cardinal Point Analytics shows the races in North Carolina for both President and Governor to be very close, both within the margin of error.
A new poll released by Cardinal Point Analytics shows the races in North Carolina for both President and Governor to be very close, both within the margin of error.
State Republicans and Democrats should hold onto their money until they know the Democratic nominee for president, Anna Beavon Gravely, executive director of N.C. Free Enterprise Foundation, said during a post-primary briefing.
State Republicans and Democrats should hold onto their money until they know the Democratic nominee for president, Anna Beavon Gravely, executive director of N.C. Free Enterprise Foundation, said during a post-primary briefing.
Once again, Becki Gray made her regular appearance on North Carolina Public Radio with WUNC Politics host Jeff Tiberii. Joining Gray and Tiberii was Rob Schofield from the N.C. Justice Center.
Once again, Becki Gray made her regular appearance on North Carolina Public Radio with WUNC Politics host Jeff Tiberii. Joining Gray and Tiberii was Rob Schofield from the N.C. Justice Center.
In an attempt to prevent a repeat of the disruption and delays that ensued in this year's governor's race, General Assembly leaders plan to introduce a constitutional amendment that would allow Council of State candidates to choose, in order of their vote totals
In an attempt to prevent a repeat of the disruption and delays that ensued in this year's governor's race, General Assembly leaders plan to introduce a constitutional amendment that would allow Council of State candidates to choose, in order of their vote totals
When Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Forest and his Democratic challenger, former state Rep. Linda Coleman, met on September 13 for their first and only debate broadcast statewide, their sharp differences of opinion on House Bill 2 were, not surprisingly, the primary focus of subsequent media coverage
When Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Forest and his Democratic challenger, former state Rep. Linda Coleman, met on September 13 for their first and only debate broadcast statewide, their sharp differences of opinion on House Bill 2 were, not surprisingly, the primary focus of subsequent media coverage
The problems in Durham County on Election Night have been resolved, but much work remains leading up to the Nov. 18 county canvass and the statewide canvass 11 days later
The problems in Durham County on Election Night have been resolved, but much work remains leading up to the Nov. 18 county canvass and the statewide canvass 11 days later
There is a huge gulf between the attitudes of local Republican legislative candidates and their Democrat counterparts on 2nd amendment issue of gun rights or the Right to Bear Arms, as in shown in their responses to key 2nd amendment groups' questionnaires, and those groups endorsements.
There is a huge gulf between the attitudes of local Republican legislative candidates and their Democrat counterparts on 2nd amendment issue of gun rights or the Right to Bear Arms, as in shown in their responses to key 2nd amendment groups' questionnaires, and those groups endorsements.
Prominent Raleigh attorney and former investigator for the Watergate Committee Gene Boyce is featured in Pat McCrory's latest TV ad taking Roy Cooper to task for lying about Pat McCrory and using many of the same dirty campaign tactics he has used in the past to win elections
Prominent Raleigh attorney and former investigator for the Watergate Committee Gene Boyce is featured in Pat McCrory's latest TV ad taking Roy Cooper to task for lying about Pat McCrory and using many of the same dirty campaign tactics he has used in the past to win elections
North Carolina features "undoubtedly the premier governor's race of the country" for 2016, and if the election were held today GOP Gov. Pat McCrory would be re-elected despite shaky approval ratings, said Tom Jensen, director of the Raleigh-based firm Public Policy Polling.
North Carolina features "undoubtedly the premier governor's race of the country" for 2016, and if the election were held today GOP Gov. Pat McCrory would be re-elected despite shaky approval ratings, said Tom Jensen, director of the Raleigh-based firm Public Policy Polling.
You can get a really good sense of where things stand during the last month of an election cycle. In a close race, the candidate feeling the most endangered tends to get more aggressive in attacking their opponent.
You can get a really good sense of where things stand during the last month of an election cycle. In a close race, the candidate feeling the most endangered tends to get more aggressive in attacking their opponent.
Tea Party favorite and political newcomer Dan Forest is calling for an "education revolution."
We've talked about A LOT of stuff in the 2012 race for governor of North Carolina. We've heard a lot about Pat McCrory's tax returns. We've been treated to commercials featuring a Pat McCrory puppet.
We've talked about A LOT of stuff in the 2012 race for governor of North Carolina. We've heard a lot about Pat McCrory's tax returns. We've been treated to commercials featuring a Pat McCrory puppet.
While the national Democratic ticket is enjoying a modest lift in the polls after the convention in Charlotte, the party's gubernatorial nominee, Walter Dalton, remains significantly behind Republican Pat McCrory.
While the national Democratic ticket is enjoying a modest lift in the polls after the convention in Charlotte, the party's gubernatorial nominee, Walter Dalton, remains significantly behind Republican Pat McCrory.


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