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37 Results found for napoleon

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Only 3 parties would enter state parliament - ALL anti-immigration
Moviegoers were dismayed to learn the new release Napoleon is about some French guy instead of an eccentric young llama owner with an affinity for tots.
Moviegoers were dismayed to learn the new release Napoleon is about some French guy instead of an eccentric young llama owner with an affinity for tots.
follows big win by populist anti-immigration right in neighboring Holland
follows big win by populist anti-immigration right in neighboring Holland
The 2023 session of the Synod on Synodality, a general assembly of Bishops, has come to a close, and with it highly anticipated answers to lingering questions as to whether the Catholic Church will ordain women and bless homosexual unions.
The 2023 session of the Synod on Synodality, a general assembly of Bishops, has come to a close, and with it highly anticipated answers to lingering questions as to whether the Catholic Church will ordain women and bless homosexual unions.
Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis says "green" agenda worse than East German communism
Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis says "green" agenda worse than East German communism
A new study from Stanford University has revealed the number one cause of depression in males aged 18-65 is not being allowed to dress as a ship's captain from the time of the Napoleonic Wars.
A new study from Stanford University has revealed the number one cause of depression in males aged 18-65 is not being allowed to dress as a ship's captain from the time of the Napoleonic Wars.
Miller encourages grads to pursue their passions
James Cameron is putting his money where his mouth is. After stating that testosterone is a toxin that needs to be slowly worked out of a man's system, Cameron has now decided to release a testosterone-free cut of Terminator 2.
James Cameron is putting his money where his mouth is. After stating that testosterone is a toxin that needs to be slowly worked out of a man's system, Cameron has now decided to release a testosterone-free cut of Terminator 2.
Former CIA Director David Petraeus, the general who led U.S. forces in Iraq in 2007-2008, said Sunday that Russia cannot win its war against Ukraine and if Russian President Vladimir Putin uses tactical nuclear weapons, the U.S. will lead NATO in an unprecedented attack against Russia.
Former CIA Director David Petraeus, the general who led U.S. forces in Iraq in 2007-2008, said Sunday that Russia cannot win its war against Ukraine and if Russian President Vladimir Putin uses tactical nuclear weapons, the U.S. will lead NATO in an unprecedented attack against Russia.
We, our education system, our media, our government - are on the way to systematically generate a new type of humans who sincerely believe that reality is what they believe it to be. This means that we are on a collision path of mind with reality.
We, our education system, our media, our government - are on the way to systematically generate a new type of humans who sincerely believe that reality is what they believe it to be. This means that we are on a collision path of mind with reality.
Another case of Democrats disregarding the will of the People
Another case of Democrats disregarding the will of the People
untrained Russian draftees being issued rifles from Czarist army
untrained Russian draftees being issued rifles from Czarist army
The incredible odyssey of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who now has inspired the West to unite in their opposition to President Vladimir Putin of Russia, has gone from playing the voice of the perennial children’s favorite Paddington Bear in a 2014 film to confronting the Russian bear.
The incredible odyssey of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who now has inspired the West to unite in their opposition to President Vladimir Putin of Russia, has gone from playing the voice of the perennial children’s favorite Paddington Bear in a 2014 film to confronting the Russian bear.
Foods full of toxins if Gates gets his way
Foods full of toxins if Gates gets his way
“I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
“I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
Sumantra Maitra writes for the Federalist about the potential benefits for President Trump of nominating a particular candidate for the open U.S. Supreme Court seat.
Sumantra Maitra writes for the Federalist about the potential benefits for President Trump of nominating a particular candidate for the open U.S. Supreme Court seat.
Victor Davis Hanson devotes his latest National Review Online column to placing the current state of nationwide civil unrest in historical context.
Victor Davis Hanson devotes his latest National Review Online column to placing the current state of nationwide civil unrest in historical context.
In 1944, thirty years before she wrote Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand penned a short essay that was published in Readers Digest.
In 1944, thirty years before she wrote Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand penned a short essay that was published in Readers Digest.
Remarks by President Trump and President Macron of France Before Bilateral Meeting
I send my greetings and best wishes to all those celebrating Cinco de Mayo.
I send my greetings and best wishes to all those celebrating Cinco de Mayo.
In higher education, the value of a liberal arts education has been frequently debated. Defenders on the left argue that it exposes students to coursework and teaches critical thinking skills they would otherwise miss.
In higher education, the value of a liberal arts education has been frequently debated. Defenders on the left argue that it exposes students to coursework and teaches critical thinking skills they would otherwise miss.
The year 1776 was the high watermark of the Enlightenment. Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations, and Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence
The year 1776 was the high watermark of the Enlightenment. Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations, and Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence
Small businesses and workers in areas impacted by Hurricane Matthew will get more help to recover thanks to two programs, Governor Roy Cooper announced today
Small businesses and workers in areas impacted by Hurricane Matthew will get more help to recover thanks to two programs, Governor Roy Cooper announced today
The problem here in America is that the citizenry deserves the 1st Amendment right to a "free press", but not a fair press, and while that is constitutionally true, the "free press" still is responsible for some semblance of principled behavior, or those of an unprinciple nature lose respect.
The problem here in America is that the citizenry deserves the 1st Amendment right to a "free press", but not a fair press, and while that is constitutionally true, the "free press" still is responsible for some semblance of principled behavior, or those of an unprinciple nature lose respect.
I have found that it is always good to end the week or start the weekend with a touch of humor. Since I retired, I have not had to worry much about how to start the week. I seem to remember it starts with an Alarm, but I could be wrong about that.
I have found that it is always good to end the week or start the weekend with a touch of humor. Since I retired, I have not had to worry much about how to start the week. I seem to remember it starts with an Alarm, but I could be wrong about that.
Everyone seems to be talking about fake news these days. Enabled by social media, its originators deal in hoaxes and disinformation
Everyone seems to be talking about fake news these days. Enabled by social media, its originators deal in hoaxes and disinformation
Beginning in the 1960s, a movement developed in academia with the aim of transforming scholarly pursuits into instruments of social change
Beginning in the 1960s, a movement developed in academia with the aim of transforming scholarly pursuits into instruments of social change
I recently returned from the United Kingdom, where there's much talk of historical commemorations.
I recently returned from the United Kingdom, where there's much talk of historical commemorations.
Governor Pat McCrory celebrated heroes of World War II (WWII) today with French Consul General Denis Barbet who presented 14 North Carolinians with the Legion of Honor, the highest decoration in France, in a ceremony at the State Capitol.
Governor Pat McCrory celebrated heroes of World War II (WWII) today with French Consul General Denis Barbet who presented 14 North Carolinians with the Legion of Honor, the highest decoration in France, in a ceremony at the State Capitol.
Sarah Palin re-invigorated the idea that a new political party could solve some of the problems with the two identical twin parties we have now.
Sarah Palin re-invigorated the idea that a new political party could solve some of the problems with the two identical twin parties we have now.
When the ancient Roman author Vegetius wrote that those who desire peace should prepare for war, he was offering a timeless insight about the risks of presenting a weak front to an aggressive opponent. If only James Madison had taken the insight to heart.
When the ancient Roman author Vegetius wrote that those who desire peace should prepare for war, he was offering a timeless insight about the risks of presenting a weak front to an aggressive opponent. If only James Madison had taken the insight to heart.
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