Results found for new jail | Eastern North Carolina Now

206 Results found for new jail

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This project, if it proceeds as planned, will be another boondoggle of school construction by the Beaufort County Commissioners
This project, if it proceeds as planned, will be another boondoggle of school construction by the Beaufort County Commissioners
If we keep doing as we've always done, we'll get what we've always gotten
If we keep doing as we've always done, we'll get what we've always gotten
Why has Paquon Coffee’s case been drug out so long?
Why has Paquon Coffee’s case been drug out so long?
Hood analyzes how to fix the problems with the current jail
Hood analyzes how to fix the problems with the current jail
Elitists think they know what is better for us than we know for ourselves
Elitists think they know what is better for us than we know for ourselves
If you re-elect him you can count on him spending more and more of your money
If you re-elect him you can count on him spending more and more of your money
The issue of spending many millions of taxpayer dollars to build a new Beaufort County jail is again raising its head.
They just make up the rules as they go
They just make up the rules as they go
"Migrants" living in luxury, citizens do without
"Migrants" living in luxury, citizens do without
If Fake Frankie Waters is re-elected their will likely be a new 35-million-dollar jail that is not needed to be built. If he is defeated there probably will be no new jail.
If Fake Frankie Waters is re-elected their will likely be a new 35-million-dollar jail that is not needed to be built. If he is defeated there probably will be no new jail.
Arizona Republican Governor Doug Ducey signed a bill into law Thursday afternoon that sends hundreds of millions of dollars to build a border wall on his state’s border with Mexico, which comes amid the crisis that critics say has been unleashed by Democrat President Joe Biden’s policies.
Arizona Republican Governor Doug Ducey signed a bill into law Thursday afternoon that sends hundreds of millions of dollars to build a border wall on his state’s border with Mexico, which comes amid the crisis that critics say has been unleashed by Democrat President Joe Biden’s policies.
Don't you think it is time to give conservatives a chance to show us what they can do?
Tandy Dunn stands up for the hard pressed taxpayers
Tandy Dunn stands up for the hard pressed taxpayers
Don't you think it's time for conservative county government?
Don't you think it's time for conservative county government?
As Beaufort County's premier internet related company, Symbiotic Networks (SNI), we create the highest quality representation of the Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting of December, 2021 to provide for the public's complete awareness of their most important local government.
As Beaufort County's premier internet related company, Symbiotic Networks (SNI), we create the highest quality representation of the Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting of December, 2021 to provide for the public's complete awareness of their most important local government.
At the Beaufort County Commissioners December 6 Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting, Commissioner Rebholz appeared to lay the groundwork for the bipartisan voting block of Democratic Socialist and Nominal Republicans to initiate a spending spree for capital projects, including a new jail.
At the Beaufort County Commissioners December 6 Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting, Commissioner Rebholz appeared to lay the groundwork for the bipartisan voting block of Democratic Socialist and Nominal Republicans to initiate a spending spree for capital projects, including a new jail.
Beaufort County Commissioners split 3 to 3 on a resolution setting county policy that no major borrowing would be done without a vote of the citizens in a bond referendum.
Beaufort County Commissioners split 3 to 3 on a resolution setting county policy that no major borrowing would be done without a vote of the citizens in a bond referendum.
Are we headed for another train wreck because of poor planning
Are we headed for another train wreck because of poor planning
Commissioners Vote To Keep Budget Deliberations Away From the Public
Commissioners Vote To Keep Budget Deliberations Away From the Public
A report giving the number of prisoners held by Beaufort County and their location, whether in Beaufort County or other jails, is included in each monthly Commissioners agenda package.
A report giving the number of prisoners held by Beaufort County and their location, whether in Beaufort County or other jails, is included in each monthly Commissioners agenda package.
Conservative Republicans in Beaufort County got another slap in the face at the Monday December 7th Beaufort County commissioners meeting.
Conservative Republicans in Beaufort County got another slap in the face at the Monday December 7th Beaufort County commissioners meeting.
We have not been able to detect any political solidarity within the five Republican Commissioners in selecting a Chairman since the Republican Caucus met on Thursday October 12th.
We have not been able to detect any political solidarity within the five Republican Commissioners in selecting a Chairman since the Republican Caucus met on Thursday October 12th.
I was nominated to be a member of the Jail Committee to study the current Beaufort County Detention Center.
I was nominated to be a member of the Jail Committee to study the current Beaufort County Detention Center.
Most voters have followed the top of the ticket races, like President, Governor, and US Senator, but there are three sets of down ballot races which have gotten less attention that offer very stark contrasts on public policy going forward.
Most voters have followed the top of the ticket races, like President, Governor, and US Senator, but there are three sets of down ballot races which have gotten less attention that offer very stark contrasts on public policy going forward.
Sheriff Ernie Coleman has sent a letter to the County Manager and Commissioners to essentially take a long walk on a short pier.
Sheriff Ernie Coleman has sent a letter to the County Manager and Commissioners to essentially take a long walk on a short pier.
One of the biggest open secrets in Beaufort County is that County Residents are going to have their trash picked up house to house at no additional cost.
One of the biggest open secrets in Beaufort County is that County Residents are going to have their trash picked up house to house at no additional cost.
The jail disaster has a lot of the fingerprints of the fake Corona Virus.
We are less than one week away from the beginning of the Primary Elections.
We are less than one week away from the beginning of the Primary Elections.
Beaufort County Commissioners voted to form a committee to "investigate the jail situation". The committee is empowered to look at all alternatives. This sounds good until one examines the whole situation.
Beaufort County Commissioners voted to form a committee to "investigate the jail situation". The committee is empowered to look at all alternatives. This sounds good until one examines the whole situation.
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