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Student debt has a bad reputation. It’s under attack from the left, which sees debt as a ball and chain that ruins the lives of young people who had the audacity to seek a decent education.
Student debt has a bad reputation. It’s under attack from the left, which sees debt as a ball and chain that ruins the lives of young people who had the audacity to seek a decent education.
California, a state of nearly 40 million people, is bracing for a round of power outages over Labor Day weekend due to an extreme heatwave, less than a month since the state experienced rolling blackouts for the first time in decades.
California, a state of nearly 40 million people, is bracing for a round of power outages over Labor Day weekend due to an extreme heatwave, less than a month since the state experienced rolling blackouts for the first time in decades.
On Tuesday, the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) announced they had identified a suspect in the beating of a man who crashed his white Ford 4×4 at the intersection of Southwest Taylor Street and Broadway on Saturday night.
On Tuesday, the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) announced they had identified a suspect in the beating of a man who crashed his white Ford 4×4 at the intersection of Southwest Taylor Street and Broadway on Saturday night.
Andrew McCarthy of National Review Online probes the high-profile push for police reform. He finds significant reasons for concern.
Andrew McCarthy of National Review Online probes the high-profile push for police reform. He finds significant reasons for concern.
So the radicals that have been "protesting" the police set up a police-free zone in Seattle.
So the radicals that have been "protesting" the police set up a police-free zone in Seattle.
Power outages are possible with line of strong storms
They object to showing a mom a picture of her baby.
China is essentially quarantining Wuhan, a city of more than 11 million people, in response to up to 4,000 people that have been exposed to a mutating Coronavirus that has killed at least 17 people.
China is essentially quarantining Wuhan, a city of more than 11 million people, in response to up to 4,000 people that have been exposed to a mutating Coronavirus that has killed at least 17 people.
The Voter Search and other voter tools on the State Board of Elections’ website are now restored after being offline for about an hour Tuesday morning.
The Voter Search and other voter tools on the State Board of Elections’ website are now restored after being offline for about an hour Tuesday morning.
Governor Roy Cooper today announced that NC Army National Guard Brig. Gen. Todd Hunt will take command of the North Carolina National Guard's nearly 12,000 soldiers and airmen and over 1,700 full-time federal and state employees as the state's 41st Adjutant General.
Governor Roy Cooper today announced that NC Army National Guard Brig. Gen. Todd Hunt will take command of the North Carolina National Guard's nearly 12,000 soldiers and airmen and over 1,700 full-time federal and state employees as the state's 41st Adjutant General.
UNC Hospitals is one step closer to regaining its clean reputation, but concerns remain.
UNC Hospitals is one step closer to regaining its clean reputation, but concerns remain.
And in the North Carolina General Assembly, lawmakers start the legislative session by introducing new tax and spending proposals.
And in the North Carolina General Assembly, lawmakers start the legislative session by introducing new tax and spending proposals.
Dangerous conditions from Hurricane Florence have already claimed three lives and Governor Roy Cooper is urging people to remain vigilant by seeking safe shelter and heeding warnings from emergency officials
Dangerous conditions from Hurricane Florence have already claimed three lives and Governor Roy Cooper is urging people to remain vigilant by seeking safe shelter and heeding warnings from emergency officials
The United States strongly condemns recent attacks on the people of Syria in Eastern Ghouta by Russia and the Assad regime
The United States strongly condemns recent attacks on the people of Syria in Eastern Ghouta by Russia and the Assad regime
Governor Roy Cooper today encouraged visitors to return to Hatteras and Ocracoke islands when evacuation orders lift at noon tomorrow following the restoration of power
Governor Roy Cooper today encouraged visitors to return to Hatteras and Ocracoke islands when evacuation orders lift at noon tomorrow following the restoration of power
Governor Roy Cooper today urged authorities to work quickly to restore power to Hatteras and Ocracoke Islands following the major outage that occurred there yesterday afternoon
Governor Roy Cooper today urged authorities to work quickly to restore power to Hatteras and Ocracoke Islands following the major outage that occurred there yesterday afternoon
Governor Roy Cooper today pressed for faster action to restore power to Hatteras and Ocracoke islands
Due to a transmission cable that was damaged early Thursday morning near the Bonner Bridge - Hatteras Island in Dare County and Ocracoke Island in Hyde County are experiencing a major power outage
Due to a transmission cable that was damaged early Thursday morning near the Bonner Bridge - Hatteras Island in Dare County and Ocracoke Island in Hyde County are experiencing a major power outage
When holidays like Memorial Day and Veterans Day roll around each year, I can't help but recall the awe-inspiring sights I saw in 2014 while bicycling Normandy with my husband.
When holidays like Memorial Day and Veterans Day roll around each year, I can't help but recall the awe-inspiring sights I saw in 2014 while bicycling Normandy with my husband.
With the vote totals still coming in, and if the vote totals hold as of 10:30 pm, this election night of November 8, 2016, the Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners will change, maybe dramatically, maybe in a minor way.
With the vote totals still coming in, and if the vote totals hold as of 10:30 pm, this election night of November 8, 2016, the Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners will change, maybe dramatically, maybe in a minor way.
Commissioner Gary Brinn today hand delivered a freedom of information act request to the City of Washington, NC Police Department
Commissioner Gary Brinn today hand delivered a freedom of information act request to the City of Washington, NC Police Department
Members of some North Carolina college marching bands, protesting what they consider police brutality, have abandoned kneeling while playing "The Star Spangled Banner" before football games and instead are wearing ribbons or armbands on their uniforms.
Members of some North Carolina college marching bands, protesting what they consider police brutality, have abandoned kneeling while playing "The Star Spangled Banner" before football games and instead are wearing ribbons or armbands on their uniforms.
Beaufort County Commission Vice-Chairman Gary Brinn announced the following today. The North Carolina State Board of Elections has found against Derik Davis on two issues relating to his campaign for County Commissioner.
Beaufort County Commission Vice-Chairman Gary Brinn announced the following today. The North Carolina State Board of Elections has found against Derik Davis on two issues relating to his campaign for County Commissioner.
Governor Pat McCrory urged residents today to prepare as Hurricane Matthew moves northeast from the Florida coast along its unpredictable path
Governor Pat McCrory urged residents today to prepare as Hurricane Matthew moves northeast from the Florida coast along its unpredictable path
August 18, 2016-Washington, NC: Beaufort County Commissioner Gary Brinn today called on candidate Derik Davis to terminate his County Commissioner candidacy following the release of a Washington (NC) Police Department report of a vandalism incident at Paul's Funeral Home July 15, 2016 naming Davis.
August 18, 2016-Washington, NC: Beaufort County Commissioner Gary Brinn today called on candidate Derik Davis to terminate his County Commissioner candidacy following the release of a Washington (NC) Police Department report of a vandalism incident at Paul's Funeral Home July 15, 2016 naming Davis.
I wanted to write to you and thank you for your publication's courage to publish news regarding candidates for County Commissioner.
I wanted to write to you and thank you for your publication's courage to publish news regarding candidates for County Commissioner.
Please find enclosed below copy of Commissioner Gary Brinn's Election Complaint against Derik Davis for Commissioner Campaign filed with the Beaufort County Board of Elections today.
Please find enclosed below copy of Commissioner Gary Brinn's Election Complaint against Derik Davis for Commissioner Campaign filed with the Beaufort County Board of Elections today.
The nation's largest police union is currently launching a campaign called "Our True Heroes"
Governor Pat McCrory announced today North Carolina has paid off the unemployment insurance debt owed to the federal government. That debt was as high as $2.8 billion and stood at $2.5 billion when Governor McCrory took office in January 2013.
Governor Pat McCrory announced today North Carolina has paid off the unemployment insurance debt owed to the federal government. That debt was as high as $2.8 billion and stood at $2.5 billion when Governor McCrory took office in January 2013.
The Beaufort County Community College Foundation is sponsoring a nine-day trip to Arizona and Utah that will include visits to some of the most scenic areas of the southwestern United States.
The Beaufort County Community College Foundation is sponsoring a nine-day trip to Arizona and Utah that will include visits to some of the most scenic areas of the southwestern United States.
Recent news about the emergence of a mutated flu virus should serve as a wakeup call to those who haven't gotten a flu vaccination this year, according to Dr. Paul Cook, infectious diseases specialist at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University. And despite speculation that the...
Recent news about the emergence of a mutated flu virus should serve as a wakeup call to those who haven't gotten a flu vaccination this year, according to Dr. Paul Cook, infectious diseases specialist at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University. And despite speculation that the...
When your Social Studies teacher taught you that "the Constitution was written to protect our rights…" did it ever occur to you to wonder from whom we would need to be protected?
When your Social Studies teacher taught you that "the Constitution was written to protect our rights…" did it ever occur to you to wonder from whom we would need to be protected?
Some state government offices are currently experiencing service outages involving e-mail and phone systems.
Some state government offices are currently experiencing service outages involving e-mail and phone systems.
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