Comments by Van Zant | Eastern North Carolina Now

Comments by Van Zant

There is a bottom line to all of this. If Donald Trump was not a presidential candidate there would be no charges, no trials, and no convictions. Think about that. This is what we have come to in America.
Commented: Monday, June 3rd, 2024 @ 8:01 am By: Van Zant
HDS is strong on that Repub exec. committee.
Commented: Friday, May 31st, 2024 @ 10:56 pm By: Van Zant
BCCC advertises this racist rubbish on their website.
Commented: Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 @ 10:18 am By: Van Zant
I agree this young lady needs an attorney.
Commented: Sunday, May 12th, 2024 @ 8:40 am By: Van Zant
With all due respect it appears that BBB accuses others of doing what he does.
Commented: Sunday, May 12th, 2024 @ 8:11 am By: Van Zant
These prosecutorial attacks using the courts against political opponents are a very good recent example of this type of "lynching." The trolling Neo-Marxist continues to demonstrate how he earns the third B by making everything racial.
Commented: Friday, May 10th, 2024 @ 9:45 am By: Van Zant
CV - Of course you're right. The left has to cancel our history in order to impose their ideology. They concentrate on our young people, because more mature people are more grounded and harder to fool. Yes. It's what totalitarians do.

The leftist troll has demonstrated something else. While many of us are broadly well read, it is they, who claim to be diverse and inclusive, that are really very closed. They are not open to a reading list that makes them consider anything other than their ideological narrative. The DEI programs use phony, hypocritical methods to confuse and mislead people.

We need to embrace our history and traditions and not contribute to tearing down our civilization like these totalitarians want so badly.
Commented: Monday, May 6th, 2024 @ 9:49 pm By: Van Zant
LOL - Broken up? More like concerned. So. Some masked man I do not know accuses me of being arrogant and non-repentant (for something unspecified) as well as being stupid. Even so, he is interested in my thoughts on two landmark books: 1) a popular 19th century fictional novel 2) the 1901 autobiography of Booker T. Washington. Sorry dude, I did those book reports a long time ago for a legitimate educator. Perhaps the more relevant question is why does the left support canceling history and tradition in our society? Bonus question: What's the Marxist view of Thomas Sowell?
Commented: Monday, May 6th, 2024 @ 2:55 pm By: Van Zant
So, is BBB reneging on the racist comment recommending people read books with non-white authors? His position on that seems muddled. It's disappointing to know people actually contemplate like that on matters of race. It is no wonder we are experiencing cultural plundering and purging from the left in the 21st century.
Commented: Monday, May 6th, 2024 @ 9:13 am By: Van Zant
Stan - BBB is actually being more respectful to you than with most folks. Maybe it was because you were very kind in pointing out his untruth. I recollect him responding to other posters that quoted MLK as advocating for the KKK!

As we approach another May memorial season I think about the words of Patrick Cleburne. He was prophetic about what would be taught to children in schools if they lost on the battlefield.
Commented: Saturday, May 4th, 2024 @ 10:07 pm By: Van Zant
Considering the racist notion of reading books not written by "white guys:" Deciding between Sowell and Kendi, of course I chose Sowell. Sowell has written around 60 books. I supposed I've read a good number of them. Even the ones I've already read are worth reading again. Kendi pads his total up to about 15, but you have to consider the last 14 are take-offs of the first one. I count that as one and it is not worth reading again. Good books, like good scholarship, comes from strong intellect, not race.
Commented: Saturday, May 4th, 2024 @ 9:38 pm By: Van Zant
CV - Yes. I've had the same experience, and you are right. It is worse today. For one thing it is much more likely to be violent today. Cancel culture is very totalitarian in nature.
Commented: Saturday, May 4th, 2024 @ 9:19 pm By: Van Zant
No. They can't be saved without MAJOR reforms. The present-day oversight and administration (smart people?) are clearly not up to the task. The university system has been a big part of my life. It's hard watching the ugly demise of this institution.
Commented: Saturday, May 4th, 2024 @ 3:51 pm By: Van Zant
Hum...Who's next? Thomas Sowell or Ibram X. Kendi? Hum
Commented: Saturday, May 4th, 2024 @ 3:44 pm By: Van Zant
JS - Yeah, you've hit the nail on the head. Objectivity seems to be virtually unknown to the "woke." The "woke" one on this thread constantly does all the things he accuses others of doing.

He makes judgements and even puts words in the mouths of others to fit his narrative, so it conforms to his assumptions. He brings race into everything. It's kind of a flip side to the white racism of years gone by and just as nauseous. I'm no psychiatrist, but it is kind of like him becoming the bad thing he heard about. There is no need to go on with all the examples throughout these pages. They are many and are there for all to see.

The thing that is relevant is that there are a number of people every bit as confused (or whatever) as the example on this thread. Put them together with the people responsible for the cultural plunder, like this West Point example, and we have a dangerous situation in our country. At a time like this it is important for sane people of good will to step forward.
Commented: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 @ 10:13 am By: Van Zant
CV did a real good job of explaining the way history is approached by people and societies. That used to be taught in University History Department graduate courses (don't know about these days of wokeness).

A good number of commenters on this thread have displayed a strong background and understanding of history. With all due respect, the far-left troll is a bit over his head here. To his credit, he is trying. I suspect he could learn a great deal from this experience if he weren't such an idealogue. Fanatics often times are hindered by their zealotry in the pursuit of learning. Hate is also an unfortunate obstacle. Passion is good. Hate is poison.

It is too bad what is happening at West Point. A healthy society builds on its history and tradition. These days we are not a healthy society, and these types of things are indicative of our decline. If we do not rebound, I hate to think of what may become of us.
Commented: Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 @ 8:38 pm By: Van Zant
"Bob" - I'm under no illusion that it makes any sense to attempt to debate someone living in a world of delusional thinking. You are a demonstrable chronic liar. Also, putting false dialog in someone else's mouth is disrespectful and just another way of telling an untruth. That is indicative of character, in your case lack of.

I will stick around to point out your more egregious falsehoods whenever I have time. It's just so easy.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 3:59 pm By: Van Zant
Really? How many free blacks in antebellum south again? That's just one example of many. You have no credibility, BB.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 10:02 am By: Van Zant
Yep. Some folks do say some crazy stuff. The BB entity says a lot of stuff that is ridiculously untrue all the time.
Commented: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 @ 9:27 am By: Van Zant
Have you ever considered just how insane things are these days? We've got the resident far-left troll responding to a subject that is usually basic information with, "None of this is true [followed by something racial]," while much of what he says is absurdly untrue.

Think about some of our world leaders: Because of looks and math, there has been some speculation that Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau's real daddy. I don't know but it is interesting speculation. At any rate, whatever the blood test says, Joe Biden is surely Justin's real crazy uncle. Both Joe and Justin make their appointments by checking all the diversity boxes and using merit and qualifications as an afterthought.

Then there is this FFA diversity hiring story. Diversity hiring ahead of common sense while accident rates go up, instead of having the natural diversity coming about because of judging people, and hires, by the content of character and ability.

It all makes for a psychopathic, very dark comedy that is our time in history. It's funny but kind of sick, too. People two hundred years from now, reading about the 21st century, are going to think those folks were crazy as hell.
Commented: Monday, April 29th, 2024 @ 9:41 pm By: Van Zant
No one gender and no one race has a monopoly on truth. Philosophies that believe otherwise are dangerous and hateful.
Commented: Saturday, April 27th, 2024 @ 9:34 pm By: Van Zant
This is a subject that requires thought, but when people are caught in blatant lies in furtherance of abortion without restrictions, it actually is that simple. Lying for the cause is a dangerous hardcore tactic. As long as this issue is approached as a political football game, respect for life will be marginalized and even trivialized by the left.
Commented: Friday, April 26th, 2024 @ 9:38 pm By: Van Zant
On the subject of the FISA Bill of all things, Bub Bob felt obliged to state that, "In pre civil war south there were no free blacks. Africans were property...[concluding with a racist personal attack]."

I'm wondering why left-wing zealots think they have the right to tell such fantastical lies and when called out on it respond by saying OTHERS have a "sick outlook on the human condition." I guess hypocrisy abounds in the 21st century. The truth still matters.
Commented: Friday, April 26th, 2024 @ 9:33 pm By: Van Zant
Our brainwashed pro Hamas university students should be cheering for this pro Hamas bill. Hooray, American citizens get to fund it. Our own border - just not a priority. This bill is not good for American citizens.
Commented: Thursday, April 25th, 2024 @ 8:47 am By: Van Zant
The totalitarian weapon of "hate speech" is a very, very serious threat to a free society.
Commented: Monday, April 22nd, 2024 @ 11:30 pm By: Van Zant
ROTFL - Sometimes you've just got to laugh. I imagine the experts in "reverse PHYSIOLOGY" can best be found in the campus DEI offices. I'm betting it must be some kind of new trans-sexual term.
Commented: Monday, April 22nd, 2024 @ 11:15 pm By: Van Zant
It should be noted that Congressman Greg Murphy is calling those of us with concerns about FISA 4th Amendment violations and overseas war funding - terrorists. In his mind defending our Bill of Rights and our sovereign border should not be used to protect us. He says we need to violate our Bill of Rights and defend overseas borders in order to keep us safe.

I hear Congressman Murphy was too busy over the weekend to face the homefolks at the 3rd District Convention. It is my understanding that Murphy has no Democrat opponent in the coming election. I know nothing about his Libertarian opponent, but he has my vote. He can't be worse than what we have now. Our present-day representative is a far cry from Walter Jones.
Commented: Monday, April 22nd, 2024 @ 10:20 am By: Van Zant
"Want a better response?" He's got to be kidding. He's giving the perfect responses to demonstrate what our students are being bombarded with in their racist DEI training in public institutions of higher learning, paid for by taxpayers. By all means don't stop! We couldn't ask for a better assistant to demonstrate the dishonest and disturbing Neo-Marxist indoctrination buzzwords and phrases used on our trusting young ones on campus DEI offices and departments.
Commented: Monday, April 22nd, 2024 @ 9:40 am By: Van Zant
The expected standard fare - The racial response rather than an argument based in truth.

In the hierarchy of leftist values truth is ranked well below other values, such as the Marxist values of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This does not mean you can't find individuals taking liberties with truth-telling all along the political spectrum, right to left. It does mean that truth-telling is not high on the far-left's list of values. There are examples galore of this phenomenon. At the top of this list is political correctness.

Thanks to the commenter from the Left for providing the example to back up my concerns about the DEI situation in our educational institutions. No thanks to the proposition of inserting this racist nightmare into the lives of our young ones.
Commented: Sunday, April 21st, 2024 @ 1:33 pm By: Van Zant
Wow. I'm not seeing all those scary monsters Bob sees everywhere. The threat I do see is the DEI bureaucracy stoking the coals of division in our society. It would be a shame to allow Marxist notions to destroy all the gains we have made. It would be a shame to allow dishonest notions to poison the psyche of our young people and deliberate untruths to undermine our children's ability to reason effectively.

I don't believe inclusion occurs by using exclusion. I don't believe crying about certain aspects of ancient history is productive for the present. I don't believe constant groveling and apology tours for things I have nothing to do with directed toward people who have only lived in the 20th or 21st century makes me look like anything but an idiot. I do not believe giving my freedoms away to those craving power over me makes my family safer.

I do believe in treating people like I want to be treated. I have the power to do that. I also have the power to stand against systems of thought that have historically led mankind to destruction. It is my duty to do that for the next generation.
Commented: Saturday, April 20th, 2024 @ 9:16 pm By: Van Zant
BB identity: I don't know who you are addressing. If it is me, I can't imagine what makes you legitimately arrive at such a conclusion. Simply and broadly put, a position of unity rather than division is not a position excluding anyone.
Commented: Saturday, April 20th, 2024 @ 8:46 am By: Van Zant
We are well overdue in addressing this DEI madness in our university system. Please don't stop now. It is every bit as bad in the community college system.

Here in Beaufort County our woke RINO/Democrat led county commission seem to be out to lunch on the issue. This is an election year. Will BC Republicans continue to elect more Democrat in drag RINOs than conservatives to the Board?

Same goes with the school board. They are made up of 7 Republicans and 2 Democrats. Out of those 7 Republicans, are more than 3 really consistent conservatives?
Commented: Friday, April 19th, 2024 @ 11:55 am By: Van Zant
The far-left troll on this site not only stands by NPR he also practices the same philosophy.
Ms. Maher said, " a distraction that gets in the way of getting things done." BBB gives examples of that with most of his comments.
Commented: Thursday, April 18th, 2024 @ 10:50 am By: Van Zant
So, in Davidson County Schools correct English is hate speech.

War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength; Two and two make FIVE! We obviously have Orwellian totalitarianism in some N.C. schools. We sure as He$$ don't want it in Beaufort County Schools.
Commented: Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 @ 10:07 am By: Van Zant
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