The Old Rooster Crows | Eastern North Carolina Now

The ever present humorist, at least by BCN's class, Bobby Tony, makes known his wide range of opinions that one should take quite seriously ... or not.


The Old Rooster Crows  

The ever present humorist, at least by BCN's class, Bobby Tony, makes known his wide range of opinions that one should take quite seriously ... or not.

A heart warming story about Ann Margret and her Vietnam gentlemen.
A 1980 Series by Milton Friedman
The Unlikely Partnership That Built the Atom Bomb
It is not an odd grouping at all; One about home, one about hope and one about peace, that about covers it for me.
It is not an odd grouping at all; One about home, one about hope and one about peace, that about covers it for me.
I posted an article about how my dad reacted to the September 1, 2001 attack. He was 93 years old then.
I posted an article about how my dad reacted to the September 1, 2001 attack. He was 93 years old then.
Back before everything became overly commercial, Thanksgiving was the unofficial kick off for the Christmas Season.
Perhaps the best way to start an argument outside of politics is to enter a discussion on which caliber of ammunition is best for any given situation.
Perhaps the best way to start an argument outside of politics is to enter a discussion on which caliber of ammunition is best for any given situation.
Some people love riding roller coasters while others get sick to the stomach with just the thought of one.Some also have the same fear when it comes to life's ups and downs.
Some people love riding roller coasters while others get sick to the stomach with just the thought of one.Some also have the same fear when it comes to life's ups and downs.
It is my habit to write contemporaneous comments mainly for myself when someone who has influenced my life passes
It is my habit to write contemporaneous comments mainly for myself when someone who has influenced my life passes
Now that I have solved the problem with the Supreme court, I return to more mundane pursuits.
Now that I have solved the problem with the Supreme court, I return to more mundane pursuits.
Facebook occasionally has FAKE NEWS but Their Advanced algorithms will catch most of them. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
Facebook occasionally has FAKE NEWS but Their Advanced algorithms will catch most of them. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
We often hear metaphors to describe situations by politicians and media to add a rhetorical flourish to their position. But reality is a considerably more harsh than a catchy phrase.
We often hear metaphors to describe situations by politicians and media to add a rhetorical flourish to their position. But reality is a considerably more harsh than a catchy phrase.
   Data doesn’t lie: how top brands use data to spot trends, read minds, and improve products
   Data doesn’t lie: how top brands use data to spot trends, read minds, and improve products
Zell Bryan Miller-(February 24, 1932 – March 23, 2018)
Worrying about wealth inequality is like worrying about the last runner in a marathon race not getting a trophy.
Worrying about wealth inequality is like worrying about the last runner in a marathon race not getting a trophy.
You could do a whole lot worse than have your own parking lot sign behind a bar.
You could do a whole lot worse than have your own parking lot sign behind a bar.
Starting or putting out a fire requires three components, So does a Political Movement
Starting or putting out a fire requires three components, So does a Political Movement
If you are old enough to have played on the playground see-saw, you no doubt know that the biggest kid can keep you up in the air all day if he wants to and there ain't much you can do about it
If you are old enough to have played on the playground see-saw, you no doubt know that the biggest kid can keep you up in the air all day if he wants to and there ain't much you can do about it
I have no idea or memory where I was when I heard and saw the events of the world Tower and Pentagon tragedies.
I have no idea or memory where I was when I heard and saw the events of the world Tower and Pentagon tragedies.
Perhaps our biggest challenge as a country is to come to some agreement on our current situation in the world and formulate a plan to deal with the realities of the current environment rather than re-fight a war long since lost or won depending on your heritage.
Perhaps our biggest challenge as a country is to come to some agreement on our current situation in the world and formulate a plan to deal with the realities of the current environment rather than re-fight a war long since lost or won depending on your heritage.
A recent article on Beaufort County Now impressed me with the short sighted vision of many companies regarding Employee Training and Apprenticeship programs.
A recent article on Beaufort County Now impressed me with the short sighted vision of many companies regarding Employee Training and Apprenticeship programs.
When the oppressed take over from the oppressor, they usually remove all the statues and reminders of their former masters.
When the oppressed take over from the oppressor, they usually remove all the statues and reminders of their former masters.
If this article does not interest you or you don't like to read any of BT's post , you have the free choice to move on without reading.
If this article does not interest you or you don't like to read any of BT's post , you have the free choice to move on without reading.
The inventor of Coca-Cola died penniless and addicted to Morphine. John Pemberton fought in the civil war on the losing side. He was almost killed by a saber wound and became addicted to morphine to ease the pain.
The inventor of Coca-Cola died penniless and addicted to Morphine. John Pemberton fought in the civil war on the losing side. He was almost killed by a saber wound and became addicted to morphine to ease the pain.
I heard one of the pundits on the morning news make a statement that struck me a very profound. Speaking about the bombing in Manchester, England, he stated that England is the most surveilled country in the world. Manchester is 2nd behind London as the most surveilled city in England.
I heard one of the pundits on the morning news make a statement that struck me a very profound. Speaking about the bombing in Manchester, England, he stated that England is the most surveilled country in the world. Manchester is 2nd behind London as the most surveilled city in England.
There was a TV show in the mid nineteen Seventies called Movin' On. It starred Claude Aikins and Frank Converse. They filmed all over the country. It was kind of a travelogue version of "Then Came Bronson" except in a big ole Kenworth-Truck instead of a Harley.
There was a TV show in the mid nineteen Seventies called Movin' On. It starred Claude Aikins and Frank Converse. They filmed all over the country. It was kind of a travelogue version of "Then Came Bronson" except in a big ole Kenworth-Truck instead of a Harley.
I have found that it is always good to end the week or start the weekend with a touch of humor. Since I retired, I have not had to worry much about how to start the week. I seem to remember it starts with an Alarm, but I could be wrong about that.
I have found that it is always good to end the week or start the weekend with a touch of humor. Since I retired, I have not had to worry much about how to start the week. I seem to remember it starts with an Alarm, but I could be wrong about that.
If you got this far and think that Willie is dead, he is still alive. (as of April 30, 2017 6:30 AM) This is an album review and not an obituary.
If you got this far and think that Willie is dead, he is still alive. (as of April 30, 2017 6:30 AM) This is an album review and not an obituary.
After I reached that magic number, I no longer had to carry a false ID. A perspective from both ends of the age divide.
After I reached that magic number, I no longer had to carry a false ID. A perspective from both ends of the age divide.
I am not advocating this, but back in the day, the rock bands hired Hells Angels to maintain crowd control.
I am not advocating this, but back in the day, the rock bands hired Hells Angels to maintain crowd control.
The time is approaching when we will need to settle down and accept the final results. It is understandable that people will want to deny the truth but facts are facts.
The time is approaching when we will need to settle down and accept the final results. It is understandable that people will want to deny the truth but facts are facts.
A while back I wrote a post on beer snobs, and now here is the follow up piece on Guitar snobs.
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