“This Is the greatest threat to the United States since the Civil War” Gingrich | Eastern North Carolina Now

Joe Hoff at The Gateway Pundit posted the following:

"The Democrats in the 1800s created the Civil War by seceding from the Union in order to keep their institution of slavery.  Republican President Abraham Lincoln threatened this institution and so the Civil War began.  Now the Democrats are at it again.

Newt Gingrich was on FOX News Hannity show on Tuesday and he shared about the seriousness of the corruption and communist – elitist actions of the Democrat Party.

‘This isn’t about facts. This is about a narrative.

‘I’m going to shock you – I agree with the president. This is the greatest threat to the survival of freedom since the Civil War.’

Gingrich then accused Democrats of posing a threat to the republic.

‘They are determined to use the power of the federal government,’ Gingrich said of the Democratic Party.

‘They’re determined to destroy the American military by bringing wokeness in.

‘They’re determined to weaken the police while strengthening criminals.

‘They’re determined to use the Justice Department. They’re determined to side with oligarchs in censoring Americans.’

Gingrich added: ‘I believe this is the greatest domestic threat the United States has faced to freedom since the Civil War, and the threat is entirely in the Democratic Party.

‘And it is a mortal threat, and if they get their way, you will see them steal everything they need to steal.’

Gingrich then went on to accuse Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of ‘corrupting the military’ and ‘corrupting the entire system.’

‘They will do whatever they have to to try to dominate us and to dominate all of the American people and impose their radical values,’ the former speaker said.

‘This is the greatest threat to the United States since the Civil War.’"

Article and video can be accessed here


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( July 16th, 2021 @ 10:10 am )
Gingrich is spot on as to the Democrat power grab being an existential threat to our democracy, but Hoff's demonization of the South is way off base. Why do a few conservative writers always seem to parrot the left's attacks on the South? Hoff's statement above is simply false. Maybe Hoff should read the 1860 Republican Party platform. It did NOT call for abolition of slavery in the states where it existed. It only called for keeping slavery out of US territories. Maybe he should read Lincoln's first Inaugural Address in which he stated clearly that he did not intend to seek abolition of slavery in the states where it then existed, and further he endorsed ratification of the Corwin Amendment that would have enshrined slavery in the US Constitution and made it impossible to abolish from the national level. Or he should read Lincoln's letter to the editor of a New York newspaper in 1862 in which he said that his sole goal in the War Between the States was to preserve the union, and whatever position he may end up taking on slavery would be determined by what he thought could best accomplish that end. Or maybe Hoff should read Jefferson Davis' letter to his wife Varina after he resigned from the US Senate in 1861 in which Davis states that slavery was "a doomed institution" and that the secession of the southern states would hasten its end whether or not they were successful in sustaining their independence. Or he should read the comments of British anti-slavery leader Charles Dickens, the famous novelist, who described the north's contention to be fighting against slavery as "specious humbug designed to disguise the north's desire for economic control of the southern states". Most importantly, he should read Sir Winston Churchill's chapter on the causes of the war in his book "The Great Republic", a history of the US. Churchill attributes the principle cause of the war to a final rupture of a longstanding tension between two competing concepts of government, the concept of a powerful central government espoused originally by Alexander Hamilton, and represented in the 1860s by the north, and the concept of limited government espoused originally by Thomas Jefferson and represented in the 1860s by the South. While the most important positive outcome of the war was the end of slavery, the most important negative outcome of the war was the crushing of limited government. Jefferson Davis, in his book "The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government" correctly predicted the enormous accumulation of power in the federal government that would result from the South's loss of the war.

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