A tale of two political postcards - Donald Sadler and Jim Perry | Eastern North Carolina Now

politicians speaking with a forked tongue


Two political postcards hit recently that raised eyebrows of those in the know.  One was from progressive Washington Mayor Donald Sadler and the other from RINO state senator Jim Perry.

Sadler claimed to be "inclusive" and to listen to everybody.  Those who have watched city council meetings were shaking their heads.  This is the same Mayor Sadler who has a history of refusing to recognize council members he knew disagreed with him to address council meetings.  It is the same Sadler who got so upset that Councilman Bobby Roberson opposed his position on an issue, that he openly threatened in the council meeting to have Roberson removed from the room by the police, which would have been an illegal act if he had gone through with it.  Is that arrogance toward fellow elected officials "inclusive"??????

Then Sadler claimed the city's finances were in good shape.  Oh?  Is that why Sadler punted on the city's annual audit which was supposed to be presented to the city council in October but Sadler has now punted until after the election.  Is that why the city's Finance Director has just resigned?

Then there is Perry's postcard proclaiming him a "leader" on term limits.  Oh, really?  Perry has done absoolutely nothing to put term limits for NC legislators, the office he serves in, or the legislative leadership, up for a vote.  Nothing.  He was a minor sponsor of  a "run on" bill that was introduced in the senate, sent to commitee, and then forgotten, to call a convention of states limited to term limits for Congress, but he was not even a principle sponsor of that smokescreen.  If this guy is a "leader" for term limits why is he hypocritically going through the motions of calling for them in Congress, but NOT for the office he himself holds?  

Also the organization to which the Perry postcard is ascribed has a history in eastern North Carolina of promoting the least conservative candidates in GOP primaries.  Is the establishment worried about the rumblings of conservatives in Craven and Beaufort counties who are tired of Perry constantly selling us out on liberal issues and who are working for a conservative primary challenge?

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( October 17th, 2023 @ 1:58 pm )
I think the lawsuits against the city are the reason Sadler delayed the city audit until after election day. The Powell Place lawsuit, where Sadler abused city zoning and permitting law to keep a low income houseing development out of his own personal neighborhood, has cost city taxpayers $148,000 between lawyer fees and having to pay a settlement to the developer. Now another lawsuit, also involving the Sadler regime abusing zoning and permitting powers has already cost taxpayers oveer $25,000 in lawyer fees and the clock is running.

Given the population of Washington, that is $18 for every man, woman, and child in the city, or $80 for a family of five. Is this where our tax money should be going?

Sadler and his yes men, Brooks, Horton, and Tyre, need to be defeated by the voters. His political machine needs to be thrown out of office for their malfeasance.

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