Why is Sup't Cheeseman covering for radical Critical Race Theory? | Eastern North Carolina Now

Beaufort County Schools policy gives loopholes to still teach it


Beaufort County Schools passed a convoluted policy that appears to ban teaching of Critical Race Theory, but when one drills down into its convoluted language, it leaves loopholes to keep teaching it.  Superintendant Matthew Chessemen is responsible for presenting this language, which was clearly written by either a bureaucrat of a leftie lawyer to protect the teaching of the radical CRT.  While parents are widely opposed to CRT, much of the education establishment still supports it.

One has to wonder why, but Cheeseman's recent doctoral dissertation may answer that question.  In it, he promotes the concepts of "Equity" and "Social Justice", two far left political concepts (see page 115 of the dissertation). that are completely "woke" like CRT itself.  The far left has taken the long used term "Equity" and in a sort of Orwellian Newspeak fashion turned it on its head.  Its new meaning as used by Cheeseman is a sort of government imposed equality of result, much like Karl Marx's "from those according to their ability, to those according to their need."  The other term, "social justice" is sort of a catch all for all of the woke policies of the far left.

Cheeseman has also got the school board to saddle us with an out of town school board lawyer who lives in Durham and works in Raleigh, when there are plenty of capable attorneys here in Beaufort County.  This Durham / Raleigh lawyer is closely tied to the education establishment and is a political activist in the left wing of the Democrat Party.  He has been a county vice chairman of the Durham County Democrat Party, which has for years been one of that party's most far left branches.  With that background, there is little doubt he would be a strong personal supporter of CRT and other woke dogma.

Here is a great speech on the problems of teaching Critical Race Theory in schools given in the British House of Commons by Minister for Women and Equalities Kemi Badenoch:

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Big Bob said:
( December 4th, 2023 @ 7:22 pm )
W. It really is. In my job people often come to me with issues. Sometimes I can help them but sometimes I have to steer them in another direction because like all businesses, we have a process. I always try to be kind and get them to the right person but some, a few, struggle and demand I do what they want.
Those people end up disappointed but thete is a process to resolving all issues. Maybe the school board member wasn’t the right person. I’m sorry if you felt disrespected.
( December 4th, 2023 @ 3:15 pm )
BB: my school board issue was almost 3 decades ago, so that one doesnt much matter now. However i did point out the slack lazy attitude of a school board member who didnt think he should be bothered. I bring that up because I think that attitude is a lingering, on-going human nature problem. My hopes are tht;local elected people might see themselves and change their ways.
Big Bob said:
( December 4th, 2023 @ 2:01 pm )
Washingtonian: What was your issue?
( December 4th, 2023 @ 1:23 pm )
Washingtonian: Wow, I probably had to deal with that idiot at some point decades back.

I have been a county commissioner for 23 years, and as our employment roles grow ever larger, I have far less staff help now than when we had 30% less employees.

I subscribe to the fact that the county's administration leans Left and are governed by the Center - Left Coalition, a collection of nominal Republicans, and, or RINOs and 2 Democratic Socialists.

As one of two Original Thought Conservatives, who are tops in Beaufort County as problem solvers, we remain extremely frustrated; however, elections have consequences, and we are ready to pour it on for any possible change to the contrary of the status quo ... and, thankfully, we are gaining friends, whose eyes are opening wide to what is real.
( December 4th, 2023 @ 12:23 pm )
A couple of decades back, I was at a school board meeting because I had an issue I wanted to address. At the break I spoke with one of the members. He looked at me and said: Look, we board members dont have time for all this, and cant know about everything. We have a life outside of this. We have a job, we have a family and children of our own to deal with.
THAT's WHY we have a STAFF!
I thought to myself, well why are you even here?
Personally, I think the staff have their own clique going on, and work to make sure that the board is kept in the dark about most issues. A Board member MUST be diligent. He/She MUST seek out knowledge!! Dont take the lazy way out, because that is how we end up in the mess we are in.
Big Bob said:
( December 3rd, 2023 @ 12:25 pm )
Man that was like pulling teeth. 2023 and you had to think about it.

Now consider why that was so hard? Consider how those same thoughts and feelings influence your daily interactions with the other members of planet earth. Education, housing, land use, banking & job opportunities, all influenced and all effected.

Not by just you. All of us. all I'm asking is for you to think about it.
( December 3rd, 2023 @ 12:00 pm )
Washingtonian: Thanks for that reminder. I was busy with so many other issues, like raising 4 children and learning how to be a good county commissioner; that one got by me, got past The Hood too.

Now, look what "WOKE" has wrought - unbridled stupidity.
( December 3rd, 2023 @ 11:38 am )
Does anyone here remember when the bust of George Washington was the logo and symbol for Washington High School? Seems logical doesnt it. It's Logical for the school in the City of Washington,NC, which claims to be the first named after President Washington. But,it ended in the early 90s when the WOKE agenda came to town. This was b4 'woke' was known, & b4 it was mainstream to tear down statues and rename all the schools. Yes, I do believe that Washington High School was the first in the entire nation to fall to that Woke disease.

It seems it was the idea of a senior class advisor. Who convinced a small group that they should decide for the entire school from here on after to be rid of George Washington in favor of something "less outdated." So they chose a shield, a coat of armor, embedding some ancient Greek symbols, such as Mercury's wing feet, aladdins lamp and the comedy and tragedy mask. So relevant. NOT!

If they could remove George so easily, why cant we bring George back?
( December 3rd, 2023 @ 9:41 am )
CV: Exactly, CRT and DEI is a grouping of ideals to lay the foundation to destroy the fabric of this Constitutional Republic, not unlike the Church of the New Green Deal.

At its core, it is the unlocked front door to where stupidity lives, and some of us, who can actually think for themselves, well understand this one fluent maxim: Stupid will get you killed.

Me and my constituents want NO part of stupid, not in these prescient times when the writing is so clearly written on the collective wall of our future, SHOUTING: Which path leads where, and how to avoid the pitfalls where lethal danger lurks, biding its time to take and take and take.
( December 3rd, 2023 @ 9:11 am )
It is tiring to watch Bigot Bob, an anti-white racist, try to deflect from this serious topic with his racist prattle. The issue here is raciallly divisive garbage, CRT and DEI, that has no place in our schools.
( December 3rd, 2023 @ 8:38 am )
Big Bob: NO, but I do think of you as a virtue signaling first-rate fool, so does that even me out now/
Big Bob said:
( December 3rd, 2023 @ 7:52 am )
I’ll give you a hint. It’s a one word answer.
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