Sneaky last minute Biden DOE "climate rule" will cause Americans to freeze | Eastern North Carolina Now

Climate Communism strikes again


The European farmers aptly call it "climate communism" when government dictates some insane rule that is supposed to respond to the fictitious "global warming".  The Biden regime in America has been up to those tricks for four years but their lowest blow came the day after Christmas when by executive fiat, they imposed a "climate rule" likely to cause many Americans to freeze.

The Biden DOE's draconian new rule on gas waterheaters will make them unaffordable to low income Americans and for the most efficient type virtually unavailable.  New rules are almost always announced in press releases.  Shamefully this one was done in secret with no press release.

The new Biden administrative rule bans most tankless gas water heaters and makes the tank models more expensive.  Tankless water heaters are the most efficient because they heat the water inline only when it is needed instead of keeping a large tank of water hot 24/7.  The tankless variety gives customers instant and endless hot water when they want it but use less gas because they are only operating when the hot water is needed.  In general, gas water heaters have been both less expensive to buy and to operate than electric models, so this "climate rule" is particularly hard on the household climate of poor people and those on fixed incomes.

Merry Christmas from the Biden Politburo !

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( January 6th, 2025 @ 11:23 am )
The normal way of repealing all the onerous Biden rules is timeconsuming, but using a Democrat legal trick, they could be done rather quickly using the Democrats' favored "sue and settle" method. All it takes is getting agrieved parties to file lawsuits against the rules, after which the Trump DOJ files answers admitting the allegations of the complaints and the case gets settled with a consent judgment through the court declaring the rules void. Since the SCOTUS just issued a ruling severely restricting the administrative rulemaking powers of the executive branch, this would be a great time to chop down much of the administrative state's opporessive forest of rules this way.

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