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Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro discussed biblical justice and masculinity with Dr. Voddie Baucham, a Christian pastor and author, on the latest episode of “The Sunday Special.”
Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro discussed biblical justice and masculinity with Dr. Voddie Baucham, a Christian pastor and author, on the latest episode of “The Sunday Special.”
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and his panel of seven renowned scholars explore the purpose and importance of God’s laws, the meaning and limits of an “eye for an eye,” and what saying “no” really means in the newest episode of “Exodus,”
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and his panel of seven renowned scholars explore the purpose and importance of God’s laws, the meaning and limits of an “eye for an eye,” and what saying “no” really means in the newest episode of “Exodus,”
I’m a long-time activist. I started a Tea Party group in 2009 in my area of North Carolina and have been running it ever since.
I’m a long-time activist. I started a Tea Party group in 2009 in my area of North Carolina and have been running it ever since.
Religious experts have begun voicing concerns that a local carpenter’s disinformation is spreading among Israelites most susceptible to unapproved ideas.
Religious experts have begun voicing concerns that a local carpenter’s disinformation is spreading among Israelites most susceptible to unapproved ideas.
"Many of you likely use and promote the #MeToo movement—yet hundreds of you are sending me unsolicited sexual images and videos."
"Many of you likely use and promote the #MeToo movement—yet hundreds of you are sending me unsolicited sexual images and videos."
We often hear people talk about America's Christian heritage. Usually it is in the context of some government action or judicial decision which denies this heritage.
We often hear people talk about America's Christian heritage. Usually it is in the context of some government action or judicial decision which denies this heritage.
Homosexuality is against God's Law. Simple as that. Participating in the lifestyle should be against man's laws....No gay marriage!
Homosexuality is against God's Law. Simple as that. Participating in the lifestyle should be against man's laws....No gay marriage!
Here is the interview Alex Newman of The New American Magazine and I did on December 23.
When I heard the city of Minneapolis was pledging to disband its police department in the wake of George Floyd's outrageous and unfortunate death, I was shocked.
When I heard the city of Minneapolis was pledging to disband its police department in the wake of George Floyd's outrageous and unfortunate death, I was shocked.
"My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died; Land of the Pilgrims' pride, from ev'ry mountainside, Let freedom ring!"
"My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died; Land of the Pilgrims' pride, from ev'ry mountainside, Let freedom ring!"
On September 3, 1783, representatives from the American states, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay, and a representative of King George III signed the Treaty of Paris to officially end the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain.
On September 3, 1783, representatives from the American states, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay, and a representative of King George III signed the Treaty of Paris to officially end the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
In 1886, Sir Edward Clarke delivered a speech in the U.K. House of Commons and in polite way of insulting someone, he said: "The mind was indeed so open that it had nothing in it at all."
In 1886, Sir Edward Clarke delivered a speech in the U.K. House of Commons and in polite way of insulting someone, he said: "The mind was indeed so open that it had nothing in it at all."
Today was another excellent Sunday in Bible Study and at church. I am always grateful to learn about the Bible and its lessons.
Today was another excellent Sunday in Bible Study and at church. I am always grateful to learn about the Bible and its lessons.
I've noticed breathtaking naivete displayed through forum letters and articles recently.
I've noticed breathtaking naivete displayed through forum letters and articles recently.
There is a time to be accepting of just about anything that is moral and ethical. I know, you think I forgot legal. But what is legal?
There is a time to be accepting of just about anything that is moral and ethical. I know, you think I forgot legal. But what is legal?
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
At some schools, usually independent (not accepting federal dollars) and religious, students read old books, including Plato’s Republic.
At some schools, usually independent (not accepting federal dollars) and religious, students read old books, including Plato’s Republic.
Mark Levin, who wrote an excellent book "The Liberty Amendments" to urge states to call for an Article V Convention to propose constitutional amendments to restore the federal government back to some sort of constitutional limits, calls Nullifiers "kooks."
Mark Levin, who wrote an excellent book "The Liberty Amendments" to urge states to call for an Article V Convention to propose constitutional amendments to restore the federal government back to some sort of constitutional limits, calls Nullifiers "kooks."
One recent Tuesday was Constitution Day - September 17. It marks the day that the Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 concluded and the final draft of Constitution was signed by the delegates who attended.
One recent Tuesday was Constitution Day - September 17. It marks the day that the Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 concluded and the final draft of Constitution was signed by the delegates who attended.
To know your Constitution - questions for Constitution Day (to learn about the Constitution).
To know your Constitution - questions for Constitution Day (to learn about the Constitution).
We talk a lot today about how the Constitution no longer means what it used to and it no longer protects individual freedom and liberty as it used to.
We talk a lot today about how the Constitution no longer means what it used to and it no longer protects individual freedom and liberty as it used to.
Government in the United States includes the understanding of three terms: Self-government, sovereignty, and social compact. Sovereignty is the inherent and independent right to do all that is necessary to govern oneself.
Government in the United States includes the understanding of three terms: Self-government, sovereignty, and social compact. Sovereignty is the inherent and independent right to do all that is necessary to govern oneself.
Self-governing individuals are necessary to have a self-governing society. That is, only a moral and disciplined people are capable of being governed by a limited government.
Self-governing individuals are necessary to have a self-governing society. That is, only a moral and disciplined people are capable of being governed by a limited government.
Last year, I taught classes on the Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, Our Founding Principles, The Federal Court System, The Supreme Court, and Judicial Activism.
Last year, I taught classes on the Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, Our Founding Principles, The Federal Court System, The Supreme Court, and Judicial Activism.
This morning at the Pitt County Board of Elections, "Organizing for America" (ACORN) succeeded in pushing its brand of "community organizing" in Pitt County for this November's election by convincing the board to approve Sunday voting.
This morning at the Pitt County Board of Elections, "Organizing for America" (ACORN) succeeded in pushing its brand of "community organizing" in Pitt County for this November's election by convincing the board to approve Sunday voting.
A baby is never a mistake, even if the mother's conduct was.
I was struck by how many people want to learn such topics but just don't know where to go to be educated or how to trust that they will be taught the right stuff. But one question that came up almost every class period and by every group was this: "Do the states have the right to secede?"
I was struck by how many people want to learn such topics but just don't know where to go to be educated or how to trust that they will be taught the right stuff. But one question that came up almost every class period and by every group was this: "Do the states have the right to secede?"
They wanted to use our hard-earned tax dollars to pay for insurance coverage for abortions, a procedure that too many find offensive to their conscience.
They wanted to use our hard-earned tax dollars to pay for insurance coverage for abortions, a procedure that too many find offensive to their conscience.


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