The corruption of our judicial process on the Jan. 6 cases continues | Eastern North Carolina Now

shameful group of Stalin Show Trials by leftwing prosecutors


One ironclad rule of criminal procedure is that prosecutors are required to hand over exculpatory evidence to defendants before trial and not sit on it.  Exculpatory evidence is that which could show a defenant is either not guilty or could lessen his guilt.  The release of all the J6 videos has shown that there was lots of exculpatory evidence that the J6 prosecutors violated the rights of defendants by failing to turn it over.  This makes all of the Jan. 6 trials little more than Stalin Show Trials.

The most recent video evidence that the prosecutors failed to turn over involves one of the real fruitcakes prosecuted, Q Anon Shaman Jacob Chansley, but even fruitcakes deserved fair trials in our system.   Chansley received a 41 month sentence and has just been released after serving a good chunk of it.  He was the figure wearing the face paint and buffalo horns.

The video withheld from Chansley's attorney shows Chansley reading President Trump's tweet to the crowd telling them they should go home, and adding from himself that he thought everyone should go home.  It also shows him asking police if it was okay to walk into the Capitol and getting an affirmative response.

The J6 trials are making an absolute mockery of American justice.  One hopes that Chansley will get some financial compensation for this miscarriage of justice and that ethics complaints will cause revocation of the law licenses of the prosecutors involved, but we should not be holding our breath.  America as we have known it is slipping away from us.  Prosecutorial misconduct of this nature should not be tolerated in a fair and honest judicial system.

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Big Bob said:
( January 2nd, 2024 @ 8:22 pm )
I rest my case.
( January 1st, 2024 @ 9:39 pm )
One of the major instigators of the breach of the Capitol was Ray Epps, who was definitely not Antifa, but there are serious questions of what his real agenda was and what game he was playing. Some think he was a Fed, and note that although his actions were major and well known, the DOJ did not arrest him for a very long time and when they finally did, it was for relatively minor charges. Epps was videotaped the night of January 5 telling Trump supporters they needed to go inside the Capitol, and people respond by chanting "Fed, Fed, Fed". Epps was also right there at the early breaches of police lines at the Capitol while the Trump rally was still going on blocks away. If Epps were not working for the Feds or the Democrats, the DOJ giving him kid glove treatment seems very strange. Somebody needs to put Epps on a polygraph.

Pelosi needed to be called to testify why she did not order the Capitol properly secured with an adequate number of officers, adequately equipped. Pelosi's fingerprints are all over J6.
Big Bob said:
( January 1st, 2024 @ 4:59 pm )
Only an idiot thinks antifa stormed the capitol on Jan 6
( January 1st, 2024 @ 11:24 am )
Putins Daddy, it was mostly Trump supporters who entered the Capitol on Jan.6. ANTIFA's role was as provocateurs, which they clearly were, although they may not have been the only provocateurs present. They relied on generating a mob mentality among well meaning Trump supporters based on Benjamin Frnaklin's observation that "a mob has a thousand arms and legs but no head". There may also have been some private agendas among more fringe groups present like Q-anon and the Proud Boys, as well as some anarchist groups.

I saw the same thing happen in Moldova in the 2009 "Twitter Revolution" and it is why I advised anyone who asked my opinion not to go to the Stop the Steal Rally. What the Communists did in Moldova in 2009 with a student rally against election fraud in the just concluded parliamentary election was identical to what the Democrats did to set up January 6. Both situations relied on three things, deliberately light security so that it was easy for things to get out of hand, provocateurs to be sure they would get out of hand, and a well organized blame game against political opponents afterward.

I was in Moldova on a long term mission to advise the pro-western political parties there, and my office was three blocks from ground zero of the Twitter Revolution. When I first heard of the Stop the Steal Rally on January 6, I immediately had a foreboding that the same playbook would be used in Washington, DC.

The good news in Moldova, was that the voters got a new election later in 2009, and the pro-western parties won. Our polling showed that Moldovan voters overwhelmingly did not beleive the Coummunists' blame game, and even a majority of the Communists own voters did not. That happened even though the actual damage in the Twitter Revolution was more severe with the Presidency building and the Parliament building both badly damaged. Hopefully, American voters will be as wise in responding to the Democrats J6 blame game.

Having practiced criminal law for decades, I have been appalled at some of the things I have read about how the J6 cases are being handled. They do not reflect the standards of American justice that I have been familiar with.
( January 1st, 2024 @ 8:54 am )
Putins Daddy: Like Covid, we will never really know about January 6th until a full investigation is completed, and that will first take the removing all the corrupt elements of the Federal Government.

That will take the will of the People, and that will take an election unblemished by election fraud.

The way we limit election fraud by the Democratic Socialist /the Non Patriot Left is to begin with a renewed effort to expose it immediately. Waiting until the election is over will NOT work. We saw that in 2020 /2021.
( January 1st, 2024 @ 8:43 am )
Not true at all. It was Antifa that stormed the Capitol and they should be punished!
( December 31st, 2023 @ 6:17 pm )
The actual video is embedded in the linked article, so of course it IS true as most of us understand that word. However, Bolshevik Bob always seems to define "true" as being "consistent with the leftwing narrative". Bob is welcome to his own opinion but not his own "facts".
Big Bob said:
( December 31st, 2023 @ 4:17 pm )
None of this is true.

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