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On Wednesday, a bouncer specially trained to detect variances in skin color and ethnicity was appointed by Boston Mayor Michelle Wu to keep the whites away from a minority-only holiday party.
On Wednesday, a bouncer specially trained to detect variances in skin color and ethnicity was appointed by Boston Mayor Michelle Wu to keep the whites away from a minority-only holiday party.
Electronic Arts announced the cover star for next year's Madden game will be none other than the yellow penalty flag referees like to throw at the slightest opportunity.
Electronic Arts announced the cover star for next year's Madden game will be none other than the yellow penalty flag referees like to throw at the slightest opportunity.
Following a report by Billboard highlighting the massive success of the independent artist Tom MacDonald’s hit rap song “Facts,” featuring Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro, MacDonald posted a video to his Instagram stories, suggesting foul play from major players in the music industry.
Following a report by Billboard highlighting the massive success of the independent artist Tom MacDonald’s hit rap song “Facts,” featuring Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro, MacDonald posted a video to his Instagram stories, suggesting foul play from major players in the music industry.
With American bases in Iraq and Syria increasingly suffering direct hits from Hezbollah and Houthi ballistic missiles, the recent confirmation of Iranian made "358" systems in theatre may explain the failure of Western anti-drone air-defense programming.
With American bases in Iraq and Syria increasingly suffering direct hits from Hezbollah and Houthi ballistic missiles, the recent confirmation of Iranian made "358" systems in theatre may explain the failure of Western anti-drone air-defense programming.
We remember Martin Luther King Jr. and his contributions to the Civil Rights movement today.
We remember Martin Luther King Jr. and his contributions to the Civil Rights movement today.
From a Birmingham jail, where he was arrested for trying to help blacks exercise their right to vote, MLK wrote: "Remember, everything that Hitler did was legal."
From a Birmingham jail, where he was arrested for trying to help blacks exercise their right to vote, MLK wrote: "Remember, everything that Hitler did was legal."
According to a Variety report published on "coming attractions" in the superhero film genre, the casting director for an upcoming Spider-Man film project has been unable to find an actor who hasn't already portrayed the beloved web-slinger.
According to a Variety report published on "coming attractions" in the superhero film genre, the casting director for an upcoming Spider-Man film project has been unable to find an actor who hasn't already portrayed the beloved web-slinger.
The nominees for the 2024 Golden Globes were announced Monday morning.
The nominees for the 2024 Golden Globes were announced Monday morning.
The Lebanese television channel for the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah released a news segment showing the Bahamas-flagged Galaxy Leader cargo ship that Yemeni Houthi terrorists hijacked last week.
The Lebanese television channel for the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah released a news segment showing the Bahamas-flagged Galaxy Leader cargo ship that Yemeni Houthi terrorists hijacked last week.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a speech on Saturday that Israel’s war against Hamas would continue at “full force” and that nothing would stop the country as it tracks down and kills every member of the terrorist group.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a speech on Saturday that Israel’s war against Hamas would continue at “full force” and that nothing would stop the country as it tracks down and kills every member of the terrorist group.
Watching your own kids is hard, and childcare is so expensive. That's why you should just let the government take care of them!
Watching your own kids is hard, and childcare is so expensive. That's why you should just let the government take care of them!
"Whether our future will prove to be a blessing or a curse"
Representatives with the Hawaiian Department of Land and Natural Resources reached out to the public Friday, imploring whoever stole the ancient Tiki statue depicting Pele, goddess of fire, to please return it ASAP.
Representatives with the Hawaiian Department of Land and Natural Resources reached out to the public Friday, imploring whoever stole the ancient Tiki statue depicting Pele, goddess of fire, to please return it ASAP.
WINNEMUCCA, NV — The Jorgensen family's home lies in a sea of residences, each more vulnerable than the last, ignorant of the numerous daily threats that seek nothing more than to infiltrate the innocent abode and cause a plethora of unspeakable harms upon them.
WINNEMUCCA, NV — The Jorgensen family's home lies in a sea of residences, each more vulnerable than the last, ignorant of the numerous daily threats that seek nothing more than to infiltrate the innocent abode and cause a plethora of unspeakable harms upon them.
The public school system is a minefield for kids these days. While most public schoolteachers are verified, card-carrying leftist indoctrinators, there are a few remaining evangelical Christian operating in the shadows.
The public school system is a minefield for kids these days. While most public schoolteachers are verified, card-carrying leftist indoctrinators, there are a few remaining evangelical Christian operating in the shadows.
Scott Smith: "What should scare every American is that I had to take this, because I could not trust our justice system"
Scott Smith: "What should scare every American is that I had to take this, because I could not trust our justice system"
President Joe Biden reportedly had a few choice words to say about his old boss, former President Barack Obama — namely that Obama was too preppy to let loose a few choice words in proper fashion.
President Joe Biden reportedly had a few choice words to say about his old boss, former President Barack Obama — namely that Obama was too preppy to let loose a few choice words in proper fashion.
Leftists are devastated this morning after the Supreme Court passed down a new ruling that will ban robbing those who didn't attend college to pay for the expensive and useless degrees of those who did.
Leftists are devastated this morning after the Supreme Court passed down a new ruling that will ban robbing those who didn't attend college to pay for the expensive and useless degrees of those who did.
These Elites believe they know better than you how to spend your money
These Elites believe they know better than you how to spend your money
In a decision viewed as yet another part of the logical progression of the team's descent into otherworldly evil, the Los Angeles Dodgers have announced the team will replace the traditional 7th-Inning Stretch and its accompanying singing of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game"
In a decision viewed as yet another part of the logical progression of the team's descent into otherworldly evil, the Los Angeles Dodgers have announced the team will replace the traditional 7th-Inning Stretch and its accompanying singing of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game"
After watching his wife unwrap a present from every human on the face of the earth, Adam started to become suspicious that Eve had made up this whole "Mother's Day" celebration.
After watching his wife unwrap a present from every human on the face of the earth, Adam started to become suspicious that Eve had made up this whole "Mother's Day" celebration.
After months of controversy, Fox News has decided to part ways with the only reason anyone watches Fox News.
After months of controversy, Fox News has decided to part ways with the only reason anyone watches Fox News.
Pay no attention to the tax rate. The issue is how much more are they going to spend.
Pay no attention to the tax rate. The issue is how much more are they going to spend.
A Ukrainian court placed a leading Orthodox priest under house arrest Saturday, accusing him of justifying Russian aggression days after he allegedly cursed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
A Ukrainian court placed a leading Orthodox priest under house arrest Saturday, accusing him of justifying Russian aggression days after he allegedly cursed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Mike Lindell lashed out wildly with a sword, even cutting off the ear of a New York police officer after authorities arrived at Trump Tower to take the current sitting president of the United States into custody.
Mike Lindell lashed out wildly with a sword, even cutting off the ear of a New York police officer after authorities arrived at Trump Tower to take the current sitting president of the United States into custody.
New discoveries from archeological digs and ancient texts have led biblical scholars to believe that, in addition to all of the other catastrophes and maladies that plagued Job in his life, he was also a huge Chicago Cubs fan.
New discoveries from archeological digs and ancient texts have led biblical scholars to believe that, in addition to all of the other catastrophes and maladies that plagued Job in his life, he was also a huge Chicago Cubs fan.
Witnesses were left to draw their own conclusions when they observed a man walking through downtown carrying a leather satchel over his shoulder.
Witnesses were left to draw their own conclusions when they observed a man walking through downtown carrying a leather satchel over his shoulder.
Local leprechaun, pot o' gold enthusiast, and all-around jokester Leery O'Canahan had been excited for St. Patrick's Day for months. "It's like our Super Bowl," O'Canahan told reporters. "Without the weird halftime shows."
Local leprechaun, pot o' gold enthusiast, and all-around jokester Leery O'Canahan had been excited for St. Patrick's Day for months. "It's like our Super Bowl," O'Canahan told reporters. "Without the weird halftime shows."
Things were pretty good in the Garden of Eden, but then Adam and Eve had to ruin it by eating from the one tree God explicitly told them not to touch. Ugh!
Things were pretty good in the Garden of Eden, but then Adam and Eve had to ruin it by eating from the one tree God explicitly told them not to touch. Ugh!
Desperate to keep more of the American public from seeing previously unreleased security camera footage from the January 6, 2021 breaching of the U.S. Capitol, New York Senator Chuck Schumer has now issued a warning that the Buffalo Hat QAnon Shaman will crawl out of the TV
Desperate to keep more of the American public from seeing previously unreleased security camera footage from the January 6, 2021 breaching of the U.S. Capitol, New York Senator Chuck Schumer has now issued a warning that the Buffalo Hat QAnon Shaman will crawl out of the TV
Bright. Shiny. Treat. That’s what Wordle is. The New York Times started a trend in a game that takes the Jumbles to a new height.
Bright. Shiny. Treat. That’s what Wordle is. The New York Times started a trend in a game that takes the Jumbles to a new height.
After being freed from slavery by the God of Abraham, witnessing 10 terrible plagues against Pharaoh, and walking across the Red Sea on dry ground to escape from Egypt's army, Kemuel son of Bahram, of the tribe of Benjamin, is demanding to be brought back to die in Egypt
After being freed from slavery by the God of Abraham, witnessing 10 terrible plagues against Pharaoh, and walking across the Red Sea on dry ground to escape from Egypt's army, Kemuel son of Bahram, of the tribe of Benjamin, is demanding to be brought back to die in Egypt
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