Comments by William H. Cratch lll | Eastern North Carolina Now

Comments by William H. Cratch lll

Conservative Voter,

No sir/ma'am, I am not using it in the same way as Bluecoat Buzzeo. I find it ironic that Buzzeo used those terms..... considering the front game he was playing and the fact that he had so many fooled. I can sense when someone is of the tribe or if they're full of shit-o. To answer your question with one final statement:

I use the term with both militaristic and romantic intention. I do not use the term to deceive people.

Old Guard- the accepted heirarchy that has even shut out senior elder Conservatives because of the fact they were "red pilling" people. You know as well as I do who these people are.

New Guard- younger and more diverse patriots (patriotos), who come in peace but don't run from a fight, with abilities that could be enhanced by and with the cooperation of the Old Guard.

Regardless of what the "illuminated" state; things aren't what they appear to be. Both Republicans and Democrats need to admit the game is over. The illusion that is the two party system is finished.....and that's fact. It's on life support.

Strategy is everything with me.

Now that you mention Buzzeo, two other people connected with him possibly come to mind:

Varcoe and Kidwell, the dynamic duo who call patriotos "plants sent in by the DEMS" at Pitt County TEA Party meetings.....which is an actual conspiracy to demonize possible known patriotos that pose a perceived "threat". Connect the dots and do the research. I have and I can prove it.

I haven't taken the poison pill but according to some: I'm associated with QAnon and I write "Led Zeppelin Conspiracy Theories penned by Sheriff Coleman under candlelight". I like to make people wonder.....that's when the real QAnon (an organization created out of thin air by those who may be targets of both Q and Anonymous) conspiracy theories start flooding out. Watch the water.

What I am sick of is people trying to tell me how I and everybody else in Beaufort County should vote. What we have in this county has stalemated and stalemated by design. What I see is a futile effort to prolong something that is already dead.....but the upper echelon is yet accept it. After all, you can only vote for one.

I come in peace but all of this,the political disaster that sadly is BOCO and many other local governments across the Republic, is a self inflicted gunshot wound. It could have been stopped but both sides kept the ball in play. Common sense isn't's a gift/weapon given to those who are capable of appreciating/wielding it.

This whole situation is inevitable. The Legacy option is very admirable. I hate that we are so divided when it comes to understanding and discernment. If the public were to wake up; it would definitely be an "attention getter", to quote the late Jackie Gleason.
Commented: Tuesday, April 19th, 2022 @ 1:41 am By: William H. Cratch lll type of people🤘!
Commented: Friday, April 15th, 2022 @ 4:05 am By: William H. Cratch lll
Time will tell.....won't it, sir?

I would ask the readers to deeply examine the Uniparty and all possibilities of who could be involved. I think most people can't even begin to imagine the depth of how far the Uniparty reaches.

Watch the water..future proves past.
Commented: Thursday, April 14th, 2022 @ 6:38 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
Mr. Steed,

We can agree to disagree even though I know I'm right. I don't perceive DBS to be a RINO or a "plant sent in by the DEMS", a phrase used by Kidwell and other known "conservatives" when attacking Patriotos.

I perceive her to be following "The Art of The Deal". As we know, alot of "conservative" Republicans mysteriously don't want to FIX 2020, even on the local level, AND they absolutely refuse to come to the table to discuss business if someone has a viewpoint different than their own. Hell, they even acknowledge BiDan as the duly elected president.....even if they know otherwise.

If the GOP, like the democrats, refuse to turn over control; they'll go down with the ship or bust hell wide open. President Trump has been showing everyone this the whole time but very few seem to truly accept it.
Commented: Thursday, April 14th, 2022 @ 6:35 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
No she didn't. Her words are being taken out of context and I'd be willing to put money on it.

While noone should be comfortable with sharing power; this is not a dictatorship and it shouldn't be conducted as such. Common Sense has to come into play here. These tactics are similar to that of Kidwell.....I have the evidence to prove it. Ask Ken Robol or Paul Varcoe.

Will the GOP continue to delay the wake?

....time will tell.

Btw, I come in peace but I AM a Celtsman👌🔱
Commented: Thursday, April 14th, 2022 @ 4:16 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
For the record, I know that DBS's statement has been purposely taken out of context. She is a patrioto and definitely isn't lost for words. I would be willing to bet actual money (not FRN's) she said something true that pissed off the Old Guard....

To be honest, while I like Mr. Tandy; I have yet to hear him or anyone else besides DBS actually discuss matters important to We The People. Lowering taxes and discussing "politics as usual" isn't going to cut it anymore

I believe she may know where, what and who the problems are.

While I understand that you DO NOT negotiate with terrorists (tip of the hat to "Uncle Ronnie", President Reagan); you have to come to the table and execute "The Art of The Deal". If they refuse, they get what they ask for.....nothing.

I'm seeing a pattern here. The sheriff is being painted as the enemy and DBS is as well. I remember a statement by the late Rush Limbaugh:

"If they tell you to not like someone, do your own research. Somebody is lying."

Controlled demolition?

....time will tell
Commented: Thursday, April 14th, 2022 @ 2:43 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
I was unable to see Congressman Budd and President Trump this past Saturday but I heard the message loud and clear.

I was told by someone from a campaign involved that the NC GOP contributed 👌.....absolute ZERO assistance towards this event. Notice what Trump did to Greg Murphy. Ol' "1100" Kidwell needs to be paying very close I think actors such as himself need to be reminded about the irony of "Godfather III".

I didn't make the Godfather connection.....17 did before I did.
Commented: Tuesday, April 12th, 2022 @ 12:10 am By: William H. Cratch lll
As my position is known, I just want to present a belief based on what I know to be TRUTH. The isn't an attack on anyone; again, I just want to cut the excrement because something's not making sense here. Maybe I'm just a crazy QAnon Led Zeppelin conspiracy theorist patrioto.....

A family member of mine used to work for Beaufort County Animal Control around the time of Miss Hamilton's death. I believe that it's known what killed Miss Hamilton and that because of the "unknown" nature of what is alleged to have killed Miss Hamilton.....the higher ups removed the Sheriff from the equation as it may have involved investigation from federal wildlife authorities.

From what I was also told; Ronnie Milsap (no disrespect to the great mind and tarheel that he is) could see what happened as it was obvious upon arrival.

It's my opinion that there's something else going on here. I drank the Kool-Aid one time before but since 2015.....alot of shit-o has changed.

I think we should actually audit Beaufort County's election results from 2020. I believe we'd find out both sides cheated and have been cheating. I don't like carpetbaggers, I don't like Nazi or Afro-Centrist Democrats and I damn sure don't like Custer Republicans.

I believe others are too realizing that the entire system, from the bottom to the top of the pyramid, is corrupt and will remain as such until we clean house.....across the board and FIX 2020. This is all an obvious distraction from something, I believe.

It's beginning to not look political but personal. That's not good for business. It makes the party, as a whole, look very childish and unintelligent.
Commented: Friday, April 8th, 2022 @ 11:28 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
Mr. Meredith,

Now that I have your attention, I can reassure you that I don't hide behind a keyboard and I am more involved within the surrounding community than you think. Don't let the long hair fool you.

I can also reassure you that I'm not a "Democrat" nor a media stooge; I, like many others, am extremely disgusted with the fact that we have an illusionary political party system that so many can't seem to see past. I don't have time, nor does anybody else, for long-winded explanations as we don't have time for that considering the circumstances we face locally and abroad.

Both sides are being gaslit and controlled by the same people. Democrat or Republican , you know as well as I do there is ALWAYS a hidden motive when something like this happens around election time. History repeats itself and the enemy never deviates from what is comfortable to them.

Basically, to sum up everything before I put the ball back in your court; I would like for it to be stated in the public record that you acknowledge both sides of the illusionary party system are ultimately corrupted, especially on the local level. I would like for you to publicly state that it is fact that, regardless of political affiliation, if you run afoul with the Uniparty; they want you out.

If what I've said offends you, please note that I too am in contact with We The People and, believe me; I would not be allowed to post the unedited views of my peers on this publication without utilizing severe censorship.

Hypothetical and Political Hyperbole are both forms of protected speech. I have a right to my opinion based off of what I have seen personally and know. The common consensus among most within the "Patrioto" community is that Beaufort County is in a sensitive situation. If we fall under Democrat rule in this county, well, look at the Democrat party of BiDan and Harris. It's a joke! Look at the GOP. It too is filled with owned and operated actors reading a script that has nothing to do with We The People.

I understand that you believe alot of what I say to be "crazy" or "uninformed" but I haven't been wrong yet on other things that you do not have knowledge of.

I personally still believe that if Sheriff Coleman has truly done all of these things that are being said and nothing has been embellished by possible disgruntled former employees, he would have already been removed from office without question. That i do know. I have another theory I'll leave yourself and the reader with:

Who would possibly gain from Sheriff Coleman not being in office?

Who has been sparring with the Sheriff about matters of authority?

The public knows the answer but many refuse to accept the fact that the GOP, as well as the Democrat party, is DOA. The biggest opposition against Sheriff Coleman possibly lies within the GOP itself. Think about that as Sun Tzu would.

If you think about it, this is all a joke that could end badly with both sides being shown that they've been lied to....and for a long time about many things.

I'm not an enemy.....just a pissed off Patrioto Rock-N-Roller who's tired of the bullshit.

Also, I have to end with it's not "former" President Trump; it's il Presidento and he's the current President....not BiDan. Keith Kidwell too told me in a Tea Party meeting, when asked about FIXING 2020, to "redirect my anger" especially when he started promoting the "Virginia" model. Ironically, one of his "devoted" stated that Kidwell told him, Dr. Ken Robol, that I was "a plant by the DEMS." Unless that's secret code for signifying Patriotos, I see an interesting pattern here. To also answer your question; no sir, I don't read the Washington Daily News (WDN). I find that publication to be slanted more towards the Progressive and Democrat-leaning audiences...which is ironic considering both factions are now eating their own. My 8th grade social studies teacher, who is now a principal and someone I still admire, always called the WDN "the mullet wrapper".
Commented: Friday, April 1st, 2022 @ 2:08 am By: William H. Cratch lll
Murphy needs to take a cognitive test as well as the people who put him in office. He's the type of "conservative" that would push someone like Corey Rogerson for Sheriff.

Speaking of Rogerson, I wonder if Corey would publicly and proudly announce his support of Joe BiDan as well as the Democrat party?
Commented: Friday, February 11th, 2022 @ 1:51 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
I hope the Reptocrats remember they're on camera when fhit hits the shan💊.

Think.....Mirror Mirror
Commented: Thursday, February 10th, 2022 @ 2:16 am By: William H. Cratch lll
I wouldn't classify Lt. Gov as a politician; I'd classify him as a warrior statesman. Sadly, few publicly recognize the fact that we're a constitutional republic and not a "democracy".

That's something else we'll get to.....
Commented: Wednesday, February 9th, 2022 @ 3:40 am By: William H. Cratch lll
Notice Lt.Gov said "Republic" instead of "Democracy"💊
Commented: Tuesday, February 8th, 2022 @ 2:43 pm By: William H. Cratch lll

Commented on Waste Not, Want Not

Most Mr. Tandy a common sense conservative that wants transparency and unquestionable integrity across the board?

If he is....I'll back him 117%👌.
Commented: Tuesday, February 8th, 2022 @ 3:20 am By: William H. Cratch lll
J.R. Cash was a Founding Father of "Heavy". He knew only two types of music: Good and Bad.

As a graduate from the "Class of '55" and a man who helped me through my teenage years; Cash further taught me not to be afraid of the dark.
Commented: Sunday, February 6th, 2022 @ 3:50 am By: William H. Cratch lll
I like to read ancient history so I have to ask you these questions as a family member of mine served for Sheriff Sheppard and then briefly with your boss, Alan Jordan.

How many of these scandals happened under your command and were brushed under the rug? I'm reminded of steroids (roid rage on employees and the community at large), several alleged mysterious deaths involving alleged deputies and/or the Sheriff himself. This was all discussed in open conversation at a local firearm/tackle shop that is no longer open..when I was a child💊.

I wonder how many people, both men and women, the former regime assaulted? I also heard about an alleged video that involved someone in high command and a male inmate some years ago....again under the former regime of democrats who now parade around as "Conservatives".

As in the Anderson case, that mysteriously popped up around the last Sheriff's race; this alleged evidence everyone has needs to be disclosed publicly. I think BCN would be more than glad to publish anything that is vetted and credible. Everyone talked a big game with the Anderson case BUT evidence that was said to have been had by the family was never disclosed.

Until the alleged evidence is disclosed, I will continue to believe that this is reminiscent of "We Won't Get Fooled Again"....."meet the new boss, same as the old boss".

Are you planning another political run, Mr. Meredith? I've heard through certain networks that you plan on becoming Hammonds' Chief Deputy IF he is somehow the Legion of Doom👌.

Do you care to answer this publicly?

I'm not attacking you. I'm just asking questions that noone seems to ask publicly. Future proves past. Fix 2020 and stop playing "politics as usual". Also, actual polls are showing that "Conservatives" who proclaim BiDan as president, refuse to Fix 2020 by using deflections and refuse to align with President Trump aren't doing so hot.
Commented: Saturday, January 22nd, 2022 @ 7:18 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
Mr. Meredith,

While I respect you as my elder, I do not agree with your method of strategy. I've seen this before and I know where this is this seems to happen every election cycle. I have my opinion and you have yours.

I connect the dots and love to read ancient history.

Use discernment.....I do.
Commented: Tuesday, January 11th, 2022 @ 3:10 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
Anybody want to take a crack at why Cooper's spinning his wheels?
Commented: Tuesday, January 11th, 2022 @ 3:16 am By: William H. Cratch lll
My question is this:

If Coleman is so abusive and Mr. Meredith knew about it, why wait until an election to do or say anything about it?

Honestly, I think alot of this is bulls*** as usual. Coleman has handled the plandemic well and kept the riff raff out of BOCO. He's answered my questions personally and I'm a pretty good judge of who's "shooting a line" versus who isn't.

Again.....we are defining "insanity" by doing this same crap every election cycle. Coleman OPENLY supports President Trump and Making America, as well as Beaufort County, Great Again. I'm 117% sure of that.

Patriotos are in Beaufort County and THEY ARE watching.....everyone. Sun Tzu was a genius.
Commented: Monday, January 10th, 2022 @ 2:41 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
2020 must be fixed before we move forward. Expecting to win in 2022-2024 without serious Election Reform is like peeing on an electric fence thinking you won't get shocked.

Until this election is fixed, you're talking out of your ass in a foreign language.
Commented: Monday, October 4th, 2021 @ 7:28 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
I'm "happy" to know the some in our community still take this crap seriously. People aren't dying because of "COV-ID", they're dying of underlying issues and/or the fact that they took a damn "vaccine" of which the contents haven't been known to the mass general public.

Instead of talking about the bogus bullshit numbers that've helped put blood money into the pockets of those involved with big pharma, let's talk about the fact that we have members of our community who've potentially become a health risk by taking these experimental man-made mutations paraded around as "vaccines". Our hospitals aren't overrun and there isn't a lack of space..because of SARS II.

If you think people are dying now, wait until the winter months and people start dying potentially because they took the vaccine. Everyone who has pushed this agenda should be charged with biological warfare and crimes against humanity.
Commented: Sunday, September 19th, 2021 @ 5:37 am By: William H. Cratch lll
None of the "vaccines" are safe.....period. Why would people take something and not know what's in it? Operation Warp Speed has nothing to do with you think it does.

People need to wake up!
Commented: Friday, August 27th, 2021 @ 7:23 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
Until people truly get pissed off and demand action, it's obvious that elected officials will do absolutely nothing.....especially establishment republicans.

People seem to only think evil exists on the left and not the right. The slippery ones can mask themselves quite well as the general public would never even notice.

Establish term limits and use the US Constitution to beat these bastards into submission. I'm extremely angry with everyone who refuses to do nothing.
Commented: Wednesday, August 25th, 2021 @ 11:36 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
This is a joke.....and the brass that matters knows it's all a joke! Follow the money. Didn't Iraq just establish the rates for the IQD recently?

I wonder if all of this is connected.....possibly? The Fed printing all of their worthless fiat currency might have something to do with it as well?
Commented: Sunday, August 22nd, 2021 @ 6:12 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
.....more to come.

Stay tuned!
Commented: Saturday, July 10th, 2021 @ 11:11 am By: William H. Cratch lll
Cooper is literally digging his own grave.....
Commented: Friday, July 9th, 2021 @ 3:12 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
Eisenhower knew alot of things that upset the Military Industrial Complex aka The Deep State. He actually called their bluff several times.....

One instance was in 1958 when he was preparing to invade Area 51.h
He, Eisenhower, was told by THEM that it, Area 51, wasn't government property.....let that sink in.

"Science" is also a very vague term. THEIR version of "Science" is an open violation of nature and will not go on without me on that.

Btw, this isn't a conspiracy theory. Nothing can stop what is coming.
Commented: Thursday, July 1st, 2021 @ 2:57 am By: William H. Cratch lll
The Swedes aren't playing this time around. I know several musicians from Scandinavia and while some are more socially liberal, they don't think very much of their Barbary "visitors".

Maybe they'll take an approach similar to Iceland?
Commented: Sunday, June 20th, 2021 @ 10:26 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
Basically, the tables are turning and Cooper's smelling jute....stay tuned.
Commented: Friday, June 11th, 2021 @ 9:22 pm By: William H. Cratch lll

Commented on

One other thing.....

I think it's funny how OANN.....prides themselves in delivering .....truth but actively censors anyone that deviates from THEIR pre-programmed algorithm.

Ask Ms. Caitlin Sinclair..maybe SHE has the answers, we'll see!
Commented: Monday, June 7th, 2021 @ 2:53 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
I have another take on this "ecstatic" event as I was outside and spoke with several delegates.

Stay tuned.....
Commented: Sunday, June 6th, 2021 @ 5:13 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
The only part about this that I don't agree with....the Surry County official acknowledging Biden as president. I think many are soon in for a huge reality check here shortly.

While our cousins in Surry County are taking a stand against "cancel culture", their GOP officials are still not taking the Quantum leap away from the engrained illusion of the partisan political system. This all boils down to the importance of understanding grassroots and why the GOP is now at a literal and actual crossroads.
Commented: Friday, June 4th, 2021 @ 1:26 am By: William H. Cratch lll
This article, while very interesting for several reasons, makes ZERO sense when analyzed. As always, use discernment. Why is Woodhouse making this statement when they, the NC GOP swamp creatures, had nothing to do with Brother Mark during the election?

Is he going to resign his position as LT. GOV mid term and just walk away? Under the current proven fraudulent voting systems we have, would anybody against the establishment stand a chance? This doesn't make any sense.

I still say that Brother Mark will become GOVERNOR sooner than most think. Stop looking at the distraction and look at the big picture.
Commented: Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 @ 2:53 pm By: William H. Cratch lll
It sounds to me as if we're jumping from the frying pan into the deepest hole in hell. This has the classic makings of a "cluster" written all over it. Before completely unloading, I'll continue to monitor this endeavor of endless possibility. Nothing surprises me anymore.

One thing I will say is that while some may consider a county police detail to be a great idea, I believe you'd ultimately open the door to more corruption and governmental overreach. It's amazing how a couple of reworded statements and mentioning the Lordbring a people together, ain't it? Wake up, people. None of this is rocket's the Art of War.

Conservatives should be extremely cautious when talking about restructuring law enforcement. The Demonazis are doing the exact same thing in discussing the implementation of their own police force and "community leaders". I believe this could ultimately lead to an even more divided political climate in which this whole "cluster" could seriously backfire.
Commented: Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 @ 6:48 am By: William H. Cratch lll
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