Another child sex change de-transitioner sues her doctors | Eastern North Carolina Now

lirrersible changes, constant pain from rushed transition


Children who have been duped into sex change procedures and then regretted it have been suing doctors all over - the UK, Canada, California, even North Carolina.  The latest is in Nebraska where a teenage girl was rushed into sex change procedures while she was in emotional chaos from her parents divorce..  Now she has permanent changes to her body which she is not happy with, and constant pain throughout her body from the hormone treatment.  She has filed a lawsuit against the University of Nebraska Health Center and the indiviaul doctors involved.

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( September 17th, 2023 @ 7:28 pm )
When articles in major newspapers, like the one above from the largest circulation daily newspaper in the UK, report these lawsuits, they are indeed happening, regardless of what Little Bobbie believes in his little mind. Bobbie takes the far left narrative as "the truth" instead of looking at actual facts like those reported in this newspaper article.

As to late term abortions, maybe a left wing source, the AP, can educate Little Bobbie on where the Democrats stand on that Ifor it):

We are entitled to our own opinions, but, Bobbie, not our own "facts".
Big Bob said:
( September 17th, 2023 @ 11:15 am )
Maybe its because very little of what is posted in the BO on the topic is true. Like 'late term abortion" you guys just make this stuff up. Children are not having their junk cut off or reshaped.
( September 16th, 2023 @ 8:27 pm )
This lawsuit alleges that children do not have the life experience to give informed consent to these far ranging changes, and that seems a common allegation in similar lawsuits. It makes sense. When one has to be 21 to buy alcohol, 16 to 18 to consent to sexual intercourse, 18 to get a tattoo, etc., allowing children to consent to permanent mutiliation of their bodies does not make good sense.
Big Bob said:
( September 16th, 2023 @ 4:41 pm )
Somebody want to tell him? 🤣
( September 16th, 2023 @ 4:57 pm )
I predicted nearly 2 years ago that within 15 years from that point then, there would multitudes of lawsuits against doctors plenty happy to mutilate these children's futures.

Now, I am going to make another prediction: Leftist politicians will be sued as well for enabling all this evil during that same time period.
( September 16th, 2023 @ 1:44 pm )
Bigot Bob seems to be the only one on these boards who has even heard of "proud girls". Who knows if such a group actually exists or if it is just a figment of his wild imagination. Bobbie is right there the the dangerous Nazi movement that is active today, the WEF with its fuhrer, Klaus Schwab.

He/she also supports these gender transition surgeries, something pioneered by a Nazi German war criminal in 1930s Germany.
Big Bob said:
( September 16th, 2023 @ 9:11 am )
Says the guy who stands up for the Nazi proud girls.
( September 14th, 2023 @ 7:46 am )
ALL doctors who perform this Frankenstein / Mengele stuff on children need to be sued into bankruptcy. We should remember that the doctor who invented and performed the first sex change operations was a Nazi war criminal. Europe has hit the brakes hard on doing this to children, as many European medical authorities have pointed out that most gender confused children naturally grow out of it. Mutiliating their bodies while they are still confused should be criminalized.

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