Powerful: SNL Makes Unfunny Sketch To Show That Antisemitism Is No Laughing Matter | Eastern North Carolina Now

In a powerful moment during last week's episode of SNL, the show's brilliant writers and comedians produced an unfunny comedy sketch to show the world that antisemitism is no laughing matter.

    Publisher's note: This post appears here on Eastern NC NOW with the expressed permission of the Babylon Bee - friends that can find your funny bone in a very dark room.

    NEW YORK, NY     In a powerful moment during last week's episode of SNL, the show's brilliant writers and comedians produced an unfunny comedy sketch to show the world that antisemitism is no laughing matter.

    "This issue of antisemitism is so serious that to induce any sort of genuine laughter in the audience would've felt very wrong," said Head Writer Alison Gates. "That's why we worked very hard to produce an entire 6-minute sketch with absolutely no laughs whatsoever."

    "It was completely intentional."

    Sources say that during the sketch's 6-minute, 27-second run time, the cast of SNL successfully produced no actual laughs beyond a smattering of confused chuckles and polite applause. Eyewitnesses also confirmed that the sketch achieved its secondary goal, which was to make fun of dumb and stupid Republicans. "It was a masterclass in comedy writing and performance," said comedy expert and critic Keith Olbermann. "Everyone knows the function of comedy is to make serious political points while communicating just how much the comedian hates Republicans. Bravo!"

    "We here at Saturday Night Live are proud to continue bringing you the latest in serious political commentary delivered bitterly with almost zero laughs," said the show's producer Lorne Michaels. "We hope our audience didn't enjoy this recent episode. It was about as funny as the Holocaust, which was the entire point of what we were doing and totally on purpose."

    At publishing time, the show's writers had vowed to make next week's show even less funny in support of the brave resistance fighters of Hamas.
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