8 times Biden has pushed radical "transgender" agenda on children | Eastern North Carolina Now

this far left ideological crap can destroy children's lives


European medical experts from several countries have pointed out that most gender confused children will grow out of it and accept their biological gender naturally.  That will give them a healthier and happier life than trying to shoehorn them into the "transgender" rut by discouraging the natural process of growing out of it.

The Biden regime, however, in their continued efforts to divide our American society is going hog wild trying to impose radical transgender ideology on our children. Breitbart reports on eight times that Biden has tried to push the radical transgender agenda on children:


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( December 28th, 2023 @ 8:14 pm )
Sometimes, I find your absurdity funny, Little Bobbie, but usually I just find it absurd.
Big Bob said:
( December 28th, 2023 @ 5:51 pm )
Nah, Sometimes I find absurdity funny and poke fun. No sense getting triggered.
( December 28th, 2023 @ 3:23 pm )
Your far left talking points must have recently suggested that angle to try to deflect when you really have no valid response. I have noticed you are suddenly using it a lot, Bigot Bob, so it must have come to you in a recent talking point, but it is little different from your usual BS.
Big Bob said:
( December 28th, 2023 @ 1:52 pm )
As I said, overly emotional reaction. Someone is triggered.
( December 28th, 2023 @ 9:36 am )
Only a rabid anti-white racist such as yourself would offer such a bouncing off the wall crazy comment, Bigot Bob. Your anti-white racism is grounded in neo-Marxism, but you just repeat far left talking points and probably have not even bothered to learn their origin.

The far left's version of the KKK is called BLM. They represent the very same evil. Are you a member or just a wannabee?
Big Bob said:
( December 28th, 2023 @ 9:15 am )
Because it fits in so well with the posts on this site. Mosts posts are all about whites, white problems, white disatisfaction. I just provide another perspective. Why would that bother you so much you cant even hear it without an emotional reaction?
( December 27th, 2023 @ 6:44 pm )
Still pushing the neo-Marxist concepts of making everything about race, I see, Little Bobbie.
( December 27th, 2023 @ 12:01 pm )
Big Bob: That one got by me. We get hit with about 50 a day. Oh well.
Big Bob said:
( December 27th, 2023 @ 11:31 am )
CT - CarmelaNoila is a bot. Spam. Just trying to be helpful.
Big Bob said:
( December 27th, 2023 @ 9:41 am )
Js-"There is no such thing as white perspective." - that seems true, if your white and unwilling to acknowledge you share the planet with anyone else. Even better, you can live your whole life thinking that - because you can.
( December 27th, 2023 @ 9:15 am )
Still the consumate racist, aren't you, Bigot Bob? Everything for you is about race, even when most of the time it really isn't.

Opinions are based on principles and ideology, NOT race, Bigot Bob. Whites, blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Chinese, and every other ethnic group have members across the political spectrum from right to left. But you want to pigeon hole everybody into what you see as racial opinions.

While you do not seem to have the brainpower to analyze things yourself and rely more on regurgitating the far left talking points, Bigot Bob, what you are espousing is Marxist opinion, or more property neo-Marxist opinion. Marx himself focused on economics in his scheme to divide society. It was his disciple, Herbert Marcuse, chief of ideology of the German Communist Party during the Weimar Republic who came up with the concept of bringing about a much wider range of divisions in society for the far left to exploit politically. He called that Critical Theory, and the branch of that which focuses on race, called Critical Race Theory was developed by a group of Marxist law professors. They even take the Marxist idea of privelege, originally an economic concept, where maybe it makes some sense, and apply it to other things where it makes no sense.

The perspective you advocate on these boards, Bigot Bob, is the neo-Marxist perspective, and NO, there is no such thing as a "white perspective". Heck, even Herbert Marcuse and Karl Marx were white, and so were most of the Marxiat law professors who developed Critical Race Theory. All of it is about promoting far left politics, and nothing else.
( December 27th, 2023 @ 7:57 am )
CarmelaNolla, what you are saying is that this D'Agnati dude is a green energy grifter, one of the parasites who line their pockets from the huge subsidies, taxpayer ripoffs, that the far left pours down this corrupt rathole. Expensive and unreliable solar or wind energy is NOT what consumers need.

More of the corruption in the "green energy" boondoggle needs to be exposed and acted on like the recent removal of Portugal's Socialist prime minister from office for his corruption in green energy. Wind and solar are drving power prices in Europe into the stratosphere and this nutty idea is starting to do the same here.

And how in the heck does it have anything to do with the topic of this thread, except perhaps that it is another harmful project of the far left?
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