Tuesday's Storm Response | Eastern North Carolina Now

Our office continues to monitor the forecast and anticipated impacts of tomorrow’s storm system.

Press Release:

    Elected Officials, Managers and Public Safety Partners,

    Our office continues to monitor the forecast and anticipated impacts of tomorrow's storm system. We are primarily concerned with the potential for outbreaks of severe weather and localized surge related flooding. Our severe weather threats include damaging winds and isolated tornados capable of causing power outages and structural damage. Any power outages that may continue through the day Wednesday and into the night will be compounded by below freezing temperatures. We anticipate a storm surge of 2 to 4 feet to result in minimal localized impacts, with Belhaven and communities along the Pungo River being our primary areas of concern.

    Specialized equipment available for use includes:

  • One high wheeled vehicle from the Sheriff's Office that is equipped with a high-capacity winch. This truck will be staged in the Midway area and can be quickly staffed and deployed if needed.
  • A second high wheeled vehicle from Clarks Neck Fire Department.
  • Three (3) inflatable boats with PFDs. A single boat and compliment of PFDs have been staged at Washington Fire Department, Blounts Creek Fire Department and the EOC.

    Our county's EOC will undergo a partial activation beginning at noon on Tuesday. EOC functions will initially be monitored remotely by Emergency Services and Sheriff's Office personnel. If any significant impacts were to occur, our EOC staff will convene at the Office of Emergency Services (1420 Highland Dr. Washington.)

    Tomorrow's activation will also include dividing the county into divisions with EOC points of contact as listed below. Please do not hesitate to contact these individuals if we can help with anything.

  • Chocowinity, Blounts Creek & Aurora Communities
  • Curtis Avery (252-945-8513 / Curtis.avery@beaufortcountync.gov )
  • Clarks Neck, Washington & Old Ford Communities
  • Jason Edwards (252-702-8293 / jason.edwards@beaufortcountync.gov )
  • Bunyan, Pinetown & Bath Communities
  • Ryan Davis (252-402-2564 / Ryan.davis@beaufortcountync.gov )
  • Pamlico Beach & Sidney Communities
  • Wayne Peadon (252-814-3914 / wayne.peadon@beaufortcountync.gov )
  • Pungo River, Pantego, Belhaven, Communities
  • Jeff Hibbard after 5pm Sunday (252-833-8507 / jeff.hibbard@beaufortcountync.gov )
  • At Large Response
  • DC Linton from 8a to 5p Sunday (252-402-2934 /Email: David.linton@beaufortcountync.gov )
  • EOC Staff
  • Chris Newkirk (252-378-5352 / chris.newkirk@beaufortcountync.gov )
  • Melissa Beacham (252-946-4116 / melissa.beacham@beaufortcountync.gov )
  • Major Jeremy Hewitt (252-945-8431 / jhewitt@co.beaufort.nc.us )

    Stay Safe, and as always, we thank you all for what you do each day.

    Contact: Chris Newkirk
   Beaufort County Emergency Services
   121 W 3rd St.
   Washington, NC 27889
   Phone: Office: (252) 946-0079
   Cell: (252) 378-5352
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Severe weather expected this week Inclement Weather, News and Information, The Region 10pm Update - Briefing of Current Conditions


Latest The Region

A Coastal Flood Advisory for our waterways, meaning water levels are expected to be 1 to 2 feet higher than normal.
This morning’s update included both good and bad changes for our area, with another reduction in the total rainfall but an increased threat of tornados.
This afternoon’s update included a reduced threat of storm surge for our area, and an increased concern for downriver flooding for areas along the lower Tar River early next week as a result of inland rainfall.
Debby continues to live up to its reputation of being a difficult storm to forecast, and we appreciate everyone’s patience as we navigate these changes in real time.
The afternoon updates have included another increase in expected rainfall amounts, and provided us with additional details related to the timing of our forecasted impacts.
Recent weather updates continue to include minor track and timeline adjustments to Debby’s path along the eastern US, as well as an increase in forecasted rain fall and expected winds for our area.
Recent weather updates continue to include minor track and timeline changes to Debby’s path along the eastern US. Forecast models continue to vary on the where Debby will stall, and the track it will take afterwards.
Recent weather updates included minor timeline changes to Debbie’s track along the eastern US. While forecast models continue to become more aligned, there are still unknown variables that could determine the expected impacts for Beaufort County.


We would like to have quick briefing with our county’s municipal leaders and public safety partners to discuss our response to the potential impacts of Tropical Storm Debby tomorrow, Tuesday 8/6 at 7pm.
Our office is continuing to monitor the development of a tropical system, that is expected to become a named storm (Debbie) within the next 48hrs.
Our office is monitoring the forecast of an approaching front moving through this afternoon that could produce heavy rainfall, isolated strong to severe thunderstorms, strong winds, coastal flooding, and dangerous marine conditions.
In 1920, the American Legion adopted the red poppy as the symbol of remembrance of those who gave their lives in war.
Our office is currently monitoring the forecast of an approaching cold frontal system moving through today through Thursday.
Our office is currently monitoring an increasing risk of severe afternoon thunderstorms over the next three (3) days.
Our office is currently monitoring an approaching weather system that will bring windy conditions, rain, and the potential for strong storms to our area tomorrow.
Our office is currently monitoring the forecast of an approaching cold front that has the potential to bring severe weather to our area tomorrow.
The great misnomer for non Christians that the day Jesus Christ was executed by occupying Romans, celebrated by Christians as "Good" Friday, must be a paradox of ominous proportions.


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