Small History | Eastern North Carolina Now

Small History  

This category was titled "Individual History."

Stories my dad told me about his life as an Atlanta
Stories my dad told me about his life as an Atlanta
The best way to electrocute yourself is to grab both the positive and negative ends of a highly charged transformer. The same may be true of some issues, but here I go.
The best way to electrocute yourself is to grab both the positive and negative ends of a highly charged transformer. The same may be true of some issues, but here I go.
I doubt if there will ever be a robot that can calculate the value of a human life.
If you want to meet girls, you must go where they are, I tried my best.
If you want to meet girls, you must go where they are, I tried my best.
Typesetting is almost a thing of the past but it was a very skilled vocation for many years.
I had a ringside seat to the destruction of one of old Atlanta landmarks but I did not blow it up.
I had a ringside seat to the destruction of one of old Atlanta landmarks but I did not blow it up.
It is August 16, 2015, I just turned on TV, and they are replaying the Woodstock movie from 1970
It is August 16, 2015, I just turned on TV, and they are replaying the Woodstock movie from 1970
There were entertainers in all branches of the service who seemed to escape the day to day routines by practicing among buddies while recluses disappeared to read book or write home.
There were entertainers in all branches of the service who seemed to escape the day to day routines by practicing among buddies while recluses disappeared to read book or write home.
Lt. David Ayers is using a Mortar plot board to locate the target and develop the settings for the Mortar crew. It does not require a map -- just location of the mortar and the location of the Forward Observer.
Lt. David Ayers is using a Mortar plot board to locate the target and develop the settings for the Mortar crew. It does not require a map -- just location of the mortar and the location of the Forward Observer.
An old man indulges himself in memories of a lost relative whose birthday rolls around again.
An old man indulges himself in memories of a lost relative whose birthday rolls around again.
If this makes me a namedropper, so be it. But Atlanta was a small city in the early 1970's and I knew where the action was.
If this makes me a namedropper, so be it. But Atlanta was a small city in the early 1970's and I knew where the action was.
Hint: Never try to update Facebook from an IPad or IPhone.
Hint: Never try to update Facebook from an IPad or IPhone.
Flash forward forty-three years from the single complex days, to the retirement community.
Flash forward forty-three years from the single complex days, to the retirement community.
Same girl as in the Guess Who is coming to Dinner but my turn to turn the tables
Same girl as in the Guess Who is coming to Dinner but my turn to turn the tables
I may have taken 70 years, but it was worth the wait.
I may have taken 70 years, but it was worth the wait.
Coming and Going, a Vietnam Story
Monte Kemp a Former Petroleum salesman passes at 94 year old. Stories must be told
Monte Kemp a Former Petroleum salesman passes at 94 year old. Stories must be told
No battle field action is reported in this introduction to the jungle. Combat veterans provide the books and movies.
No battle field action is reported in this introduction to the jungle. Combat veterans provide the books and movies.
There was a time when I never thought I would see my 23 birthday.
There was a time when I never thought I would see my 23 birthday.
Little boys go to Summer Camp. Men go to Army Camp.
I took this photo while serving in the USN in 1967.
I took this photo while serving in the USN in 1967.
I bought a new 1970 Datsun 240Z after my return from overseas.
I bought a new 1970 Datsun 240Z after my return from overseas.
I got a chance to ride the rails with mom before planes and cars took over traveling
I got a chance to ride the rails with mom before planes and cars took over traveling
If a job is once begun, never leave it till it’s done, be the labor great or small, do it well or not at all. One of my mom’s mini-sermons.
If a job is once begun, never leave it till it’s done, be the labor great or small, do it well or not at all. One of my mom’s mini-sermons.
I visited the Army recruiter before joining the Navy to see if I could stay home as a conscientious objector but since I was not a seminary student or a member of some strange organization he suggested that I volunteer for the dangerous job of Medic and be exempt from carrying a weapon.
I visited the Army recruiter before joining the Navy to see if I could stay home as a conscientious objector but since I was not a seminary student or a member of some strange organization he suggested that I volunteer for the dangerous job of Medic and be exempt from carrying a weapon.
I was aboard the USS Enterprise in 1969 when another disaster occurred. I say another because almost weekly something would happen.
I was aboard the USS Enterprise in 1969 when another disaster occurred. I say another because almost weekly something would happen.
It does not make any difference what you meant, it is all about who does the translation
It does not make any difference what you meant, it is all about who does the translation
Once a cowboy always a cowboy
Thank the lord for a lenient door man.
Governor Pat McCrory presented the Order of the Long Leaf Pine Tuesday evening to Winston-Salem businessman and national sports executive, Ben C. Sutton, Jr.
Governor Pat McCrory presented the Order of the Long Leaf Pine Tuesday evening to Winston-Salem businessman and national sports executive, Ben C. Sutton, Jr.
If you don’t have enough money maybe you can make a trade
If you don’t have enough money maybe you can make a trade
It takes more than money to be rich.
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