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31 Results found for cave in

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The bedrock of America is under attack from the Left
The bedrock of America is under attack from the Left
goes against legacy of Congressman Walter Jones
after lying about Republicans cutting Medicare
after lying about Republicans cutting Medicare
Time to contact our legislators and tell them to oppose this hit on the taxpayers
Time to contact our legislators and tell them to oppose this hit on the taxpayers
The Dark Knight of Gotham looks like he may finally hang up the cape for good after a poll of Arkham inmates revealed most of them wish for Bruce Wayne to step down as Batman.
The Dark Knight of Gotham looks like he may finally hang up the cape for good after a poll of Arkham inmates revealed most of them wish for Bruce Wayne to step down as Batman.
Having finally begun his read-through-the-Bible-In-A-Year plan in August, local man Lance LeShaun finally arrived at the passage in which God commands the Israelites to avoid their wives for 7 days when they are on their menstrual cycles.
Having finally begun his read-through-the-Bible-In-A-Year plan in August, local man Lance LeShaun finally arrived at the passage in which God commands the Israelites to avoid their wives for 7 days when they are on their menstrual cycles.
Parents in North Carolina report feeling increasingly concerned about the public schools’ efforts to usurp their parental authority on topics such as mask and COVID-19 vaccine mandates to the teaching of controversial race and gender theories.
Parents in North Carolina report feeling increasingly concerned about the public schools’ efforts to usurp their parental authority on topics such as mask and COVID-19 vaccine mandates to the teaching of controversial race and gender theories.
follows far left cave to Cooper on Green New Deal
McConnell and Berger cave to far left Democrats on key issues
Steven Rader compares the Moldovan Twitter Revolution to the storming of the Capitol this week.
Steven Rader compares the Moldovan Twitter Revolution to the storming of the Capitol this week.
An image taken by Planet Labs shows a Chinese submarine that one military writer surmises could be a nuclear-powered attack submarine possibly exiting a secretive James Bond-like cave built into the side of a Chinese mountain.
An image taken by Planet Labs shows a Chinese submarine that one military writer surmises could be a nuclear-powered attack submarine possibly exiting a secretive James Bond-like cave built into the side of a Chinese mountain.
This could make an already volatile election explode.
The Maoist Cultural Revolution in America, also known as the War on History, keeps gobbling up more and more of our heritage.
The Maoist Cultural Revolution in America, also known as the War on History, keeps gobbling up more and more of our heritage.
But with many fewer case, Cooper keeps his foot on our neck
Governor Roy Cooper always had a strategy that was destined to fail.
The N.C. State Board of Education has delayed approval of two charter school applicants, North Raleigh Charter Academy and Wake Preparatory Academy, because of concerns expressed by the Wake County Board of Education and members of the PTA.
The N.C. State Board of Education has delayed approval of two charter school applicants, North Raleigh Charter Academy and Wake Preparatory Academy, because of concerns expressed by the Wake County Board of Education and members of the PTA.
The proper term for the actions of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill graduate student assistants and instructors threatening to withhold grades unless Silent Sam—a statue of a Confederate soldier who was pulled off his pedestal by a mob of activists in August—is removed from campus
The proper term for the actions of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill graduate student assistants and instructors threatening to withhold grades unless Silent Sam—a statue of a Confederate soldier who was pulled off his pedestal by a mob of activists in August—is removed from campus
There's a monumental decision coming soon. Not one to decide the future of the nation, such as the midterm elections, but about an actual monument
There's a monumental decision coming soon. Not one to decide the future of the nation, such as the midterm elections, but about an actual monument
On Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported on a development students of American governance have known about for years, but politicians have studiously avoided doing anything about: the United States' debt will cost us more in the near future than our own national defense.
On Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported on a development students of American governance have known about for years, but politicians have studiously avoided doing anything about: the United States' debt will cost us more in the near future than our own national defense.
On Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported on a development students of American governance have known about for years, but politicians have studiously avoided doing anything about: the United States' debt will cost us more in the near future than our own national defense
On Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported on a development students of American governance have known about for years, but politicians have studiously avoided doing anything about: the United States' debt will cost us more in the near future than our own national defense
Republican State Representative Beverly Boswell blasted Governor Roy Cooper today for endorsing new and expanded gun control laws in response to a mass shooting in a "Gun Free Zone" earlier this month
Republican State Representative Beverly Boswell blasted Governor Roy Cooper today for endorsing new and expanded gun control laws in response to a mass shooting in a "Gun Free Zone" earlier this month
Since launching its Stand Up for Free Speech project in 2014, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has had a great deal of success in defeating college officials when they interfere with the free speech of students
Since launching its Stand Up for Free Speech project in 2014, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has had a great deal of success in defeating college officials when they interfere with the free speech of students
Last month, PEN America, the U.S. branch of an international organization, published a strong defense of free speech on college campuses
Last month, PEN America, the U.S. branch of an international organization, published a strong defense of free speech on college campuses
Politifact wants us to repeat after them: Republicans lie. Democrats tell truth.
Stories my dad told me about his life as an Atlanta
Stories my dad told me about his life as an Atlanta
I was floored to see that North Carolinians actually voted to make their right to a jury trial optional.
I was floored to see that North Carolinians actually voted to make their right to a jury trial optional.
If the powers-that-be in the North Carolina House have their way, that will be absolutely true.
If the powers-that-be in the North Carolina House have their way, that will be absolutely true.
There is a growing trend on American college campuses, a trend that augurs badly for free speech and robust debate. I refer to the way various groups of people use expressions of hurt feelings to trump speakers they disagree with. The most recent manifestation of this was at Brandeis University.
There is a growing trend on American college campuses, a trend that augurs badly for free speech and robust debate. I refer to the way various groups of people use expressions of hurt feelings to trump speakers they disagree with. The most recent manifestation of this was at Brandeis University.
The philosophy department at the University of Colorado at Boulder is in hot water. CU-Boulder's administration replaced the department chair, suspended graduate admissions for a year, and sent everyone to sensitivity training. What caused such draconian punishment?
The philosophy department at the University of Colorado at Boulder is in hot water. CU-Boulder's administration replaced the department chair, suspended graduate admissions for a year, and sent everyone to sensitivity training. What caused such draconian punishment?
The article in the September 20th issue of The Compass about Christine Mele's opponent deciding to discontinue his campaign because of a "veiled threat" and "obscene epithet" he received by telephone is indeed thought provoking.
The article in the September 20th issue of The Compass about Christine Mele's opponent deciding to discontinue his campaign because of a "veiled threat" and "obscene epithet" he received by telephone is indeed thought provoking.


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