Delaware Sup. Ct. strikes down mail-in voting and same day registration | Eastern North Carolina Now

Democrat run court rules both are unconstitutional


Delaware's all Democrat state Supreme Court has ruled that universal mail-in voting and same day voter registration are unconstitutional.  It has overturned a Democrat-passed state statute that would have applied both in the November election.

It is refreshing that at least one state has Democrat judges who do not play politics with their jobs and actually stand up against bad election practices that violate the Constitution.

Not so our own state of North Carolina and its Supreme Court.  We have radical partisan Democrat judges led by radical Anita "ANTIFA" Earls who abuse their power to play left wing politics, as they have done with redistricting and photo voter ID.  The US Supreme Court  has agreed to hear an appeal of Earls' redistricting abuse in North Carolina. 

Voters can make a change to our court in November.  Radical Anita Earls is not on the ballot this year, but her rubber stamp colleague who votes in lockstep with her, Sam Ervin IV is up for reelection.  He needs to be defeated.  For the open seat on the Supreme Court, the Democrats have nominated someone as radical as Earls, Lucy Inman.  Inman served as a director of a North Carolina gun control group, and has been endorsed by a radical gender bender group that promotes sexualization of young children.

Republicans have two solid conservatives running for the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals Judge Richard Deitz and the Supreme Court's General Counsel, Trey Allen. 

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