Illegal alien influx re-introduces malaria, TB, leprosy, and polio to the US | Eastern North Carolina Now

Biden's CDC and GHS refuse to comment


Serious diseases that had been eradicated for decades in the United States are re-emerging in our country due to the influx of unscreened illegal aliens bringing them in.  Biden's Center for Disease Control and Department of Homeland Security refuste to even comment on the problem.  Infectious diseases expert Dr. Jay BBhattacharya of Stanford University declared "the recent polio and leprosy cases are almost certainly imports to the US".

With legal immigrants, they are required to have very extensive health screenings and tests before they are even allowed to come to the US, so they are not a source of this problem.  It is the illegal aliens, that the Biden regime is waiving in without any real vetting and no medical screening who are bringing in disease.

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Big Bob said:
( December 28th, 2023 @ 8:54 pm )
Then again, maybe not.
( December 28th, 2023 @ 8:01 pm )
What a genius, you are, Little Bobbie to have figured that out. Since 95% of the world's malaria is in sub-Saharan Africa, how is it getting to the United States? The mosquitos aren't flying across the Atlantic, but the illegal aliens ARE, and they are bringing the malaria with them, like they are bringing other diseases. Those who come legally as immigrants are screened for such diseases and cured before they come if found to have one, but illegal aliens are NOT screened and are just let loose in the population by the Biden regime. And the corrupted CDC looks the other way.
Big Bob said:
( December 28th, 2023 @ 5:53 pm )
Said, N and S. Critters coming from Africa would be moving West. Add the obstacle of an ocean and, well you get it.
( December 28th, 2023 @ 3:16 pm )
One does NOT need an African mosquito or an Amazon mosquito to transmit malaria. An American mosquito will function just fine for that. What they need is a host to bite that already has malaria. That is where the illegal aliens carrying malaria who are streaming across the border come in. So, NO, Little Bobbie, we do not have African mosquitos flying across the Atlantic bringing malaria due to the "climate change" science fiction.
Big Bob said:
( December 28th, 2023 @ 1:51 pm )
RH- you're wrong. Equatorial critters are moving north and south.
( December 28th, 2023 @ 11:20 am )
I remember this site's troll, LIttle Bobbie, who constantly spins globalist fairy tales, claiming the malaria in the US was the result of "climate change". No, Bobbie, it is not mosquitos flying over from Africa infected with malaria. It is illegal aliens who have brought malaria into the US who are bitten by American mosquitos and then spread it here. For far left trolls like Bobbie, everything bad is the result of either white people or "climate change".
( December 28th, 2023 @ 11:06 am )
More like an invasion. New caravan headed this way expected to reach 15,000 or more. Congress needs to uphold their oath to the US Constitution and protect the states from this continued invasion. Article 4 Section 4 of the US Constitution. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
( December 28th, 2023 @ 10:15 am )
Successful religions, countries, and societies are ruled by laws. When there is no law, we have chaos and anarchy.
Even in the times of Paul’s sojourn in Ephesus, they checked the sailors for decease before they could come into town off their ships. Seems we keep forgetting the basics.
( December 28th, 2023 @ 7:38 am )
What was really maddening was when American citizens had to be vaccinated and have negative Covid tests to enter the US, as did foreigners entering legally, but the Biden mafia did NOT apply this to illegal aliens entering. That was obscene.

We need to do what many European countries have done and send the army to the border to actively stop the illegals from crossing. Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece, and Macedonia have done this, some sending armored vehicles and special forces in the mix. Hungarian and Greek miliaries have actually opened fire with their rifles on illegal aliens trying to storm their borders.

The instructions given to military and border police by Latvia's Minister of the Interior are also something we should do with our troops. Her rules of engagement were to use whatever level of force that was necessary, but to stop the illegals from crossing.

"Pushback" rules are also in effect in several European countries including Finland, Latvia, LIthuania, and Poland, where if an illegal makes it across the border, they are pushed back out of the country. Latvia has made that a law as well as a policy.

If we had our army on our border, as we should, we should be frogmarching these illegals at bayonet point back across to Mexico.

Biden should be tried for high treason for what he has done on our border.

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