BRICS expands footprint in the global south | Eastern North Carolina Now

BRICS taking over


Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates formally joined the BRICS group of major emerging economies on January 1, 2024, expanding the bloc’s footprint in the Global South and growing its economic and political clout on the world stage, establishing a real counterweight to the Western-dominated G7.

In August, the bloc had announced that it would be admitting six new members, including Argentina.

Other groupings that are already promoting a move toward a more “multipolar” world - and away from the post-Cold War dominance of the US — include OPEC, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), and the African Union.

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( January 8th, 2024 @ 7:52 pm )
Jann agree. Most listen to lame stream media and the don't seem to report on BRICS and more that they do about what WHO is doing with the pandemic treaty.
Jann said:
( January 8th, 2024 @ 6:51 pm )
I bet most of America has no idea about BRICS. Instead they pay attention to all the distractions. I guess not until the dollar they have in their pocket is useless will they pay attention.

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