Louisiana to start tracking costs of illegal aliens to taxpayers | Eastern North Carolina Now

why is North Carolina not doing this?


Louisiana's Republican Governor Jeff Landry has issued an executive order requiring all state agencies to track the costs to taxpayers of serving illegal aliens.  The costs will be published so that this information is available to taxpayers.


Maybe they will go further, and track it by the nationally of each illegal alien, and periodically bill their home countries for the costs.  Of course they won't pay, but a state has standing in federal court to sue a foreign country, and perhaps that could be the ultimate step.

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( January 17th, 2024 @ 7:59 pm )
Great idea. All conservative run states ought to be doing this, and if their state is not, conservative run counties should. Of course it only identifies the direct costs caused by illegal aliens, and there are lots of indirect costs, too.
( January 17th, 2024 @ 12:02 pm )
Not only should North Carolina be doing this, but so should Beaufort County. We should calculate the cost of educating illegal aliens, giving them medical treatment, welfare, and use of the court system. Then we should bill their home countries.

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