Biden's War on Free Speech - Biden White House pressured Amazon on books | Eastern North Carolina Now

Amazon pressured to bury books presenting viewpoints contrary to their own


The case of Missouri v. Biden, in which the US Circuit Court of Apeeals ruled against the Biden administration and is now on appeal to the SCOTUS, it was shown that the Biden regime was pressuring social media to suppress viewpoints contrary to its own.  Now explosive evidence has come out that the Biden regime also pressured Amazon to suppress books whose authors expressed viewpoints contrary to theirs.

This is the stuff of Third World police states, and done behind the scenes here in America.  The Biden regime calls Trump a threat to democracy, but Biden's own attacks on free speech are the most brazen attack on democracy our country has seen.

Renowned law professor Jonathan Turley discusses the theat to our liberties from the Biden regime's efforts at censorship:


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( February 7th, 2024 @ 1:25 pm )
Biden's fascist approach to censorship is the biggest threat to democracy in America. He tries to deflect to Republicans, but he and his allies are the ones actually doing things to undermine our democracy. The Bidenite attack on free speech must be stopped.

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