Favorite Film Reviews by Readers | Eastern North Carolina Now

Everyone has their favorites, and these are the top 24 favorite film reviews by our readership.


Favorite Film Reviews by Readers  

Everyone has their favorites, and these are the top 24 favorite film reviews by our readership.

Ridley Scott employed the perfect balance of narrative, cinematic imagery and adventure to build the timeless tale of a once great empire beginning its fall into the moral decay that was Rome.
Ridley Scott employed the perfect balance of narrative, cinematic imagery and adventure to build the timeless tale of a once great empire beginning its fall into the moral decay that was Rome.
The toughest and bloodiest war ever fought on this planet was fought all over the globe in two theaters of action. This is the story about one of them -The Pacific.
The toughest and bloodiest war ever fought on this planet was fought all over the globe in two theaters of action. This is the story about one of them -The Pacific.
The redemptive process, from seeing clearly the good and the bad of terrible times, defines and hones the best of humanity, and thus has preserved our species for millennia, and may sustain us for many more.
The redemptive process, from seeing clearly the good and the bad of terrible times, defines and hones the best of humanity, and thus has preserved our species for millennia, and may sustain us for many more.
Polish immigrant Leonard Chess wanted a better life, and he built it on the talented backs of some pretty good musicians, like Muddy Waters, Etta James, Howl'n Wolfe, Willie Dixon and Chuck Berry.
Polish immigrant Leonard Chess wanted a better life, and he built it on the talented backs of some pretty good musicians, like Muddy Waters, Etta James, Howl'n Wolfe, Willie Dixon and Chuck Berry.
"Goodbye My Sweetheart, Hello Vietnam" This refrain from Dave Dudley's country ditty, an integral melody in the soundtrack of the classic "Full Metal Jacket" regarding a more patriotic approach to the Vietnam predicament.
"Goodbye My Sweetheart, Hello Vietnam" This refrain from Dave Dudley's country ditty, an integral melody in the soundtrack of the classic "Full Metal Jacket" regarding a more patriotic approach to the Vietnam predicament.
I always wanted to know an Atticus Finch, and yet I never quite met him. I never found him in any of my coaches, my teachers, my friends, the fathers of my friends.
I always wanted to know an Atticus Finch, and yet I never quite met him. I never found him in any of my coaches, my teachers, my friends, the fathers of my friends.
"But Now he's (Wyatt) going to be a marshal and an outlaw. Best of both worlds, son." These words were spoken by a tubercular Doc Holliday, played by a gaunt 145 pound Dennis Quaid.
"But Now he's (Wyatt) going to be a marshal and an outlaw. Best of both worlds, son." These words were spoken by a tubercular Doc Holliday, played by a gaunt 145 pound Dennis Quaid.
This tiny independent film is an enigma. It is also one of the ten most important indies in the last 25 years for one reason: It could not have survived, and prospered without its singular visionary.
This tiny independent film is an enigma. It is also one of the ten most important indies in the last 25 years for one reason: It could not have survived, and prospered without its singular visionary.
"Vanilla Sky," as the remake of the Spanish film "Open Your Eyes," is one of the most misunderstood films of that decade, and is generally fated as the lesser film as the remake.
"Vanilla Sky," as the remake of the Spanish film "Open Your Eyes," is one of the most misunderstood films of that decade, and is generally fated as the lesser film as the remake.
Both boys are the "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas." Their individual stories that led them to that conclusion represent the intertwined paths of these two fated peoples: the Germans and the Jews.
Both boys are the "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas." Their individual stories that led them to that conclusion represent the intertwined paths of these two fated peoples: the Germans and the Jews.
This Francis Ford Coppola classic, about a man trying to hold his family together while seeking the American Dream, launched the careers of a number of America's greatest actors.
This Francis Ford Coppola classic, about a man trying to hold his family together while seeking the American Dream, launched the careers of a number of America's greatest actors.
Touching film full of life lessons, with more than its share of unforced humor, "The Blind Side" was easily one of the best films of 2009.
Touching film full of life lessons, with more than its share of unforced humor, "The Blind Side" was easily one of the best films of 2009.
They came from all over the United States to become part of something new - the 101st Airborne. These young Americans learned how to fight, but moreover, they learned to be brothers.
They came from all over the United States to become part of something new - the 101st Airborne. These young Americans learned how to fight, but moreover, they learned to be brothers.
Just the film title itself, "Pulp Fiction" denotes a lightweight film. If one dissects the story, the message, the importance of the film, "Pulp Fiction" comes up light.
Just the film title itself, "Pulp Fiction" denotes a lightweight film. If one dissects the story, the message, the importance of the film, "Pulp Fiction" comes up light.
Royal "Died Tragically Rescuing his Family from the Wreckage of a Destroyed Sinking Battleship"
Royal "Died Tragically Rescuing his Family from the Wreckage of a Destroyed Sinking Battleship"
Once Upon a Time in the West is a surreal exploration of an Italian director's view of the lawless West.
Once Upon a Time in the West is a surreal exploration of an Italian director's view of the lawless West.
This remake of the 1939 film by Director /Actor Gary Sinise, of John Steinbeck's classic novel, communicates well the lengths men will go to survive, and yet retain some semblance of dignity.
This remake of the 1939 film by Director /Actor Gary Sinise, of John Steinbeck's classic novel, communicates well the lengths men will go to survive, and yet retain some semblance of dignity.
Infrequent Screenwriter / Director Cameron Crowe made another indelible mark in this film about himself, and how he did, or may would have interacted with notable Rock 'n' Roll artists, who humorously struggle to become dysfunctional Rock 'n' Roll stars.
Infrequent Screenwriter / Director Cameron Crowe made another indelible mark in this film about himself, and how he did, or may would have interacted with notable Rock 'n' Roll artists, who humorously struggle to become dysfunctional Rock 'n' Roll stars.
"Forrest Gump" is one of the five best films ever made. It is the best of American art ... in scope, in tone, in message.
"Forrest Gump" is one of the five best films ever made. It is the best of American art ... in scope, in tone, in message.
One of the 10 best films in the last 25 years is the film that offers each of us a unique perspective into our well considered lives.
One of the 10 best films in the last 25 years is the film that offers each of us a unique perspective into our well considered lives.
The Last Waltz is arguably Oscar Winner Martin Scorsese's best film as it documents The Band as they bid fairwell to an eclectic collection of their most adoring fans.
The Last Waltz is arguably Oscar Winner Martin Scorsese's best film as it documents The Band as they bid fairwell to an eclectic collection of their most adoring fans.
Jean Shepherd's humorist view a of one family's Christmas skewed toward the bizarre in a very cold northern Indiana - very industrial, very middleclass, and of course, very funny.
Jean Shepherd's humorist view a of one family's Christmas skewed toward the bizarre in a very cold northern Indiana - very industrial, very middleclass, and of course, very funny.


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