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Beaufort County's Commissioners met in a special session, May 16 2022, to continue the budgeting process that eventually leads to the ratification of fiscal budget for 2022 /2023.
Beaufort County's Commissioners met in a special session, May 16 2022, to continue the budgeting process that eventually leads to the ratification of fiscal budget for 2022 /2023.
In a rare presentation to the Beaufort County Commissioners, District Attorney Seth Edwards elucidated the local problem of narcotics, which was a revelation of profundity on a subject woven deep within our local societal fabric.
In a rare presentation to the Beaufort County Commissioners, District Attorney Seth Edwards elucidated the local problem of narcotics, which was a revelation of profundity on a subject woven deep within our local societal fabric.
Local political Conservative and retired Lt. Colonel Pete Benton endorses Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage in his bid for re-election to the office that he currently holds.
Local political Conservative and retired Lt. Colonel Pete Benton endorses Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage in his bid for re-election to the office that he currently holds.
Waters uses position to try to financially damage Deatherage's company
Waters uses position to try to financially damage Deatherage's company
Beaufort County's majority, a veritable coalition of nominal Republicans and Democratic Socialists, voted against improving the quality of the filming of the board's meetings, all within their blissful quest for abject mediocrity.
Beaufort County's majority, a veritable coalition of nominal Republicans and Democratic Socialists, voted against improving the quality of the filming of the board's meetings, all within their blissful quest for abject mediocrity.
We are being over-taxed in Beaufort County and we need to elect only candidates who will pledge to cut taxes
We are being over-taxed in Beaufort County and we need to elect only candidates who will pledge to cut taxes
This latest majority of Beaufort County's Commissioners provide to their constituents a robust lack of concern regarding the Biden /Harris Open Southern Border and Resettlement Project, deferring to the political wishes of fellow caucus members - the Democratic Socialists commissioners.
This latest majority of Beaufort County's Commissioners provide to their constituents a robust lack of concern regarding the Biden /Harris Open Southern Border and Resettlement Project, deferring to the political wishes of fellow caucus members - the Democratic Socialists commissioners.
Nominal Republicans Frankie Waters and John Rebholz made an effective stand against Election Integrity, in concert with their fellow Democratic Socialist caucus members, to stop cold this resolution to limit Voter Fraud in North Carolina.
Nominal Republicans Frankie Waters and John Rebholz made an effective stand against Election Integrity, in concert with their fellow Democratic Socialist caucus members, to stop cold this resolution to limit Voter Fraud in North Carolina.
Beaufort County citizens have a voice in this self-governing conundrum of these States United, and it must not be canceled, or held politically hostage by the false problems promoted by the Democratic Socialists, whose purpose is to destroy this Representative Republic.
Beaufort County citizens have a voice in this self-governing conundrum of these States United, and it must not be canceled, or held politically hostage by the false problems promoted by the Democratic Socialists, whose purpose is to destroy this Representative Republic.
Beaufort County's Budgeting process begins with the Great and Annual Beaufort County Commissioner Retreat, where the Commissioners are told and shown and tasked to acknowledge just how much of the public's money is necessary to keep their government afloat.
Beaufort County's Budgeting process begins with the Great and Annual Beaufort County Commissioner Retreat, where the Commissioners are told and shown and tasked to acknowledge just how much of the public's money is necessary to keep their government afloat.
After nearly two years of resolutions representing a desired result to make Beaufort County citizens more safe in their government's buildings, this process is finally moving toward full fruition.
After nearly two years of resolutions representing a desired result to make Beaufort County citizens more safe in their government's buildings, this process is finally moving toward full fruition.
Beaufort County Commissioners split 3 to 3 on a resolution setting county policy that no major borrowing would be done without a vote of the citizens in a bond referendum.
Beaufort County Commissioners split 3 to 3 on a resolution setting county policy that no major borrowing would be done without a vote of the citizens in a bond referendum.
The resolution to allow conceal carry for Beaufort County employees in most government buildings finally passed after 4 bites of the apple to do so.
BCN's "What's Happening NOW" is thrilled, once again, to meet with Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson and discuss, with BCN publisher and County Commissioner Stan Deatherage, the business of Beaufort County's government.
BCN's "What's Happening NOW" is thrilled, once again, to meet with Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson and discuss, with BCN publisher and County Commissioner Stan Deatherage, the business of Beaufort County's government.
As a Commissioner for over 20 years now, I am finding that my junior commissioners really do not take their jobs at all seriously.
As a Commissioner for over 20 years now, I am finding that my junior commissioners really do not take their jobs at all seriously.
At the November, 2020 General Meeting, The Beaufort County Commissioners will be asked to support a well defined resolution, written by Commissioner Stan Deatherage, to support and defend the First Amendment, in particular the segment that guarantees "Freedom of Speech" and a "Free Press."
At the November, 2020 General Meeting, The Beaufort County Commissioners will be asked to support a well defined resolution, written by Commissioner Stan Deatherage, to support and defend the First Amendment, in particular the segment that guarantees "Freedom of Speech" and a "Free Press."
This was the week of the Democratic (Socialist) National Convention, and I discovered a robust similarity between the Democratic Socialists who are deemed to be their stars, their leaders and the majority of the Beaufort County Commissioners: They do not fully endorse law and order.
This was the week of the Democratic (Socialist) National Convention, and I discovered a robust similarity between the Democratic Socialists who are deemed to be their stars, their leaders and the majority of the Beaufort County Commissioners: They do not fully endorse law and order.
On Monday June, 8, 2020, Beaufort County's Commissioners met to finish the 2020 /2021 budget; make no cuts with a hastily constructed economic recession raging, and retained the .635 per 100 dollars evaluation as the ad valorem tax rate for Beaufort County tax payers.
On Monday June, 8, 2020, Beaufort County's Commissioners met to finish the 2020 /2021 budget; make no cuts with a hastily constructed economic recession raging, and retained the .635 per 100 dollars evaluation as the ad valorem tax rate for Beaufort County tax payers.
For a short while, at the most recent Beaufort County Commissioners Meeting - June 1, 2020, there appeared to be some degree of optimism that the small businesses of Beaufort County might get a much awaited, and much needed financial shot-in-the arm.
For a short while, at the most recent Beaufort County Commissioners Meeting - June 1, 2020, there appeared to be some degree of optimism that the small businesses of Beaufort County might get a much awaited, and much needed financial shot-in-the arm.
Commissioner Hood Richardson valiantly pitched the argument that Beaufort County should through off the shackles and chains of an Authoritarian governor and reopen its businesses that are arbitrarily deemed nonessential.
Commissioner Hood Richardson valiantly pitched the argument that Beaufort County should through off the shackles and chains of an Authoritarian governor and reopen its businesses that are arbitrarily deemed nonessential.
The largest accomplishment of the meeting was that the Beaufort County commissioners did prove that they could meet under extreme circumstances, and that they would meet again openly in May on multiple occasions.
The largest accomplishment of the meeting was that the Beaufort County commissioners did prove that they could meet under extreme circumstances, and that they would meet again openly in May on multiple occasions.
As the Beaufort County Commissioners defy the prudent concerns of some, and meet as per our body politic charter pursuant to the North Carolina general statute rgarding Open Meetings, I, as a commissioner, will have a very busy night.
As the Beaufort County Commissioners defy the prudent concerns of some, and meet as per our body politic charter pursuant to the North Carolina general statute rgarding Open Meetings, I, as a commissioner, will have a very busy night.
Resolution to Permit Concealed Carry for Beaufort County Government Employees in Most of Beaufort County Government's Buildings
Beaufort County's largest governing body - a body politic of the State of North Carolina - voted 5 to 2 to ask for the suspension of the Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump.
Beaufort County's largest governing body - a body politic of the State of North Carolina - voted 5 to 2 to ask for the suspension of the Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump.
Resolution Allowing Concealed Carry in All Beaufort County Buildings Save the Court House
I love watching, and taking pictures of small beautiful things just as much as I love making images of wide sweeping vistas. It is all part of God's natural plan, and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to record it for all posterity.
I love watching, and taking pictures of small beautiful things just as much as I love making images of wide sweeping vistas. It is all part of God's natural plan, and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to record it for all posterity.
I have a growing collection of images, the vast majority of which are in North Carolina, that I am now offering for sale in a limited edition format.
I have a growing collection of images, the vast majority of which are in North Carolina, that I am now offering for sale in a limited edition format.
I have a growing collection of images, the vast majority of which are in North Carolina, that I am now offering for sale in a limited edition format.
I have a growing collection of images, the vast majority of which are in North Carolina, that I am now offering for sale in a limited edition format.
I have a growing collection of images, the vast majority of which are in North Carolina, that I am now offering for sale in a limited edition format.
I have a growing collection of images, the vast majority of which are in North Carolina, that I am now offering for sale in a limited edition format.
I have a growing collection of images, the vast majority of which are in North Carolina, that I am now offering for sale in a limited edition format.
I have a growing collection of images, the vast majority of which are in North Carolina, that I am now offering for sale in a limited edition format.
I have a growing collection of images, the vast majority of which are in North Carolina, that I am now offering for sale in a limited edition format.
I have a growing collection of images, the vast majority of which are in North Carolina, that I am now offering for sale in a limited edition format.
No, today I will endeavor to thank "My Sweet Lord" for art, specifically the art of fine music, and in particular, the Beatles.
No, today I will endeavor to thank "My Sweet Lord" for art, specifically the art of fine music, and in particular, the Beatles.
And, this gravity fed spiral is intensifying in velocity.
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