Twitter sues woke group that pushes advertisers away from free speech sites | Eastern North Carolina Now

going to war with woke censorship


Under Elon Musk, Twitter has become a free speech site, and that really annoys the far left "woke" group which has been pressuring advertisers to not advertise there. One of the main pro-censorship groups engaged in this racketeering crusade is the so-called "Center for Countering Digital Hate".  Of course, the Orwellian term "hate speech" is far left code for hating FREE speech.

Now Twitter is fighting back, filing a lawsuit against these censorship stormtrooper for damages.  Hooray for Twitter.  Lets hope they put these far left scumbags who attack free speech and promote censorship out of business.

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( August 1st, 2023 @ 9:16 am )
Freedom of speech is a conrnershone of democracy, and it is under attack by the globalists all over the world, in and out of government. When they attack freedom of speech, they are attacking democracy itself. It is great to see Twitter fighting back and I hope they are going to be using the RICO acts against this despiecable racketeering. Those who attack freedom of speech should be subject to more than just civil lawsuits. They should be jailed for a long, long time, and that includes those in government who are attacking free speech.

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