Biden treats US treasury as personal piggy bank in $3B climate gift | Eastern North Carolina Now

In a brazen misuse of US taxpayer money, Biden has, without Congressional authrority, made a gift to the UN climate fund of $3 Billion of US taxpayer money. Does this tyrant think the US treasury is his own personal piggy bank?  This spendthrift is bankrupting our country with friovolous misuse of taxpayer monty.

Scientists from around the world debunk the global warming / climate change theory in British TV documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle" broadcast nationally on the UK's Channel 4:

And here is more from the honest news folks at SkyNews Australia:

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Big Bob said:
( December 6th, 2023 @ 9:00 am )
W. "Sue the city for corruption " What does that even mean? A little therapy might do you good.
Big Bob said:
( December 5th, 2023 @ 9:18 pm )
Some people can’t take yes for answer.
( December 5th, 2023 @ 10:29 pm )
BB: I just want to sue the City for current corruption. I have no idea what you mean about decades old.
I had hoped you had some insights... but at long last we have reached an end.
( December 5th, 2023 @ 7:52 pm )
Little Bobbie, please watch that British tV documentary in the article above, and listen to the prominent scientists interviewed in it. They totally debunk your globalist talking points. Or maybe you should read the statement of the 1600 scientests led by two Nobel prize winners who say "there is no climate emergency."
Big Bob said:
( December 5th, 2023 @ 7:26 pm )
W. Well, hanging on to a decades long resentment suggests that maybe you do.
Big Bob said:
( December 5th, 2023 @ 7:33 pm )
JS, I'm sorry you went down this rabbit hole. Your "internet" research is undeniable. (It's not)
Here is the good news.
You win.
We will not stop burning fossil fuels anytime soon. So have a cold one and relax.
If some of us want to explore alternatives, we will. Make no mistake, we will continue along this path until enough people are negatively effected or we save ourselves with some new technology.
Nothing you say will make the above false or change what I'm telling you.
Have a nice day.
( December 5th, 2023 @ 6:17 pm )
Providing some truth to answer your fictious or irrelevent globalist talking points:
1) Climategate revealed that con men are at the very heart of the climate alarmist "science". Their emails showed they were manipulating data and trying to suppress the presentations of scientists who did not agree with their polemic. Throughout the Earth's history, it has had alternating multi-century cold and warm cycles. The last cold cycle, dubbed the Little Ice Age, ended in the 19th century and Earth has been in a natural warming cycle ever since. Prior to the Little Ice Age was the Medieval Warm Period, when it was warmer than today for several centuries, and there were no bad consequences. The granddaddy of Earth's warm periods was the Holocene Maximum, when it was much warmer than today for three thousand years. This coincided with the Bronze Age of human development and the heyday of ancient Greek civilization. The writings of the ancient Greeks also do not point to any adverse consequences of that warm period, either. Another earlier multi-century warm period coincided with the height of the Roman Empire. Again, no sign of any adverse consequences.
2) Not a single one of the climate alarmist dire predictions that have passed the date by which they were supposed to have happened have come true. All of our beaches disappearing by 2023 is one of the latest to have proven false.
3) You do not seem to recognize the basic science of the Greenhouse effect, or the fact that without it, the Earth would be a very cold and very dead planet, unable to sustain any type of life. CO2 is a very minor greenhouse gas. The most important greenhouse gas is water vapor, which accounts for 90% of the greenhouse effect. Water vapor is impacted by solar radiation. The amount of solar radiation reaching Earth has a lot more to do with climate than CO2.
( December 5th, 2023 @ 3:58 pm )
OMG Bob, are you a public school counselor?
Do you think everyone is as young as you are?
I am very near my 8th decade and I dont need to hear that "life is not fair," or "changing the world is hard," or start with "your own little corner."
This IS my corner... Washington, IS my goal. I've started, but no one wants to start with me!! Not even u, who blame all white people for "life not being fair" to you.

We cant change the world because everyone is sitting there thinking... "they came for him" but its not my problem. Soon there will be no one left to speak for any of us... because "there will be no one left."

None of us are safe!
Big Bob said:
( December 5th, 2023 @ 2:37 pm )
JS the future is hard to predict. However let’s look at the 3 points you made

1. Con men can be found every where. However the planet, overall, is warming. That’s a measurable fact. We can argue about why but to ignore the emissions from fossil fuels is a likely culprit.
2. Many predictions are coming true. All of them on schedule? No, but we already can point to changes that are indeed occurring.
3. Co2 is a greenhouse gas. Methane is worse. Even Exxon won’t argue that point.

Again I hope you’re right, but I don’t think you are.
Big Bob said:
( December 5th, 2023 @ 2:42 pm )
W. I can’t speak to your personal experience but I can say life is not fair. Changing the world is hard. Start with your little corner. Cops who obey the law and treat us all fairly is a worthy goal.
( December 5th, 2023 @ 2:22 pm )
One has to be either really gullible, really dense, or gaining some personal advantage from the scam to believe the global warming claptrap.
( December 5th, 2023 @ 12:30 pm )
Some of the substantive issues raised in various posts below that have lots of merit and no correlation to the tobacco issue include:
1) Climategate which exposed the top climate alarmist scientists as dishonest con men.
2) The fact that none of the climate alarmist scare story predictions that have passed the time they were supposed to happen have come true. There have been dozens of them already. So only fools, or those with something to gain, should believe their continuing Chicken Little scare stories.
3) The climate / CO2 theory was discredited for decades in the scientific community until it became politically useful and government grant money was pumped in. Climate alarmism just reeks of power politics.
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