Texas Lt. Gov. says take Biden off ballot for illegal alien invasion | Eastern North Carolina Now

Biden is complicite in illegal alien invasion of the state


The Lieutenant Governor of Texas has suggested that his state should consider taking Biden off of the Texas presidential ballot due to Biden's complicity in the illegal alien invasion of the state.



Meanwhile, a Hispanic Democrat Congressman from Texas has called for raising the standards to claim asylum, and expedited hearings and removals for asylum claims.


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Big Bob said:
( December 23rd, 2023 @ 10:24 pm )
Racist say what?
( December 23rd, 2023 @ 1:13 pm )
What you say, Bigot Bob? You are the only race hustler on this board.
Big Bob said:
( December 23rd, 2023 @ 10:50 am )
Racist says what?
( December 22nd, 2023 @ 11:39 pm )
For race hustler Bob, everything is always about race in his warped little mind, and it is always whitey's fault. The violent Mexican crime cartels which are getting rich off of human smuggling in illegal immigration love the stupid racist dupes like Bobbie who try to justify what they are doing.

What part of "illegal" do you not understand, moron?
Big Bob said:
( December 22nd, 2023 @ 9:55 pm )
its not hard to figure it out, Jethro
( December 22nd, 2023 @ 9:27 pm )
Big Bob: You are unintelligible yet again.
Big Bob said:
( December 22nd, 2023 @ 9:22 pm )
Yup Stan, I do believe you think there is a 'whi...er ...right' perspective. Clear as day.
( December 22nd, 2023 @ 9:26 pm )
Big Bob: This perspective is known as sovereign borders defended; not: How can we help Leftist Fools achieve their shallow sense of well being?
Big Bob said:
( December 22nd, 2023 @ 9:20 pm )
Nope, you guys want the rich white to benefit, poor brown to tough it out.
( December 22nd, 2023 @ 9:19 pm )
CV: You are correct; NO RINO is a Republican. That is just a firm reality.
( December 22nd, 2023 @ 9:16 pm )
When it comes to illegal immigration, there are only two perspectives: That of those who think laws should be obeyed, and that of those who thumb their noses at the law.

And then there is Little Bobbie, who seems to want to find an anti-white perspective in just about everything, even if there is not one. Bobbie is an apologist for the Mexican smuggling cartels as well as for the Hamas terrorists.
( December 22nd, 2023 @ 8:54 pm )
You are correct Big Bob: I see what is real from the correct perspective, and yes that is just one perspective ... the correct one.
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