Major media claims jihadist terrorism is due to ''climate change'' | Eastern North Carolina Now

they use they favorite bugaboo as whipping boy for nearly everything


The left wing Big Media around the world wants to use everything it can to push its climate agenda, blaming everything they can on their favorite bugaboo, "climate change", even when no real connection exists, as it usually doesn't.

The latest example is the Christmas terrorism by Islamic jihadists in Nigeria, when they massacred 198 Christians on Christmas Day.  Islamic jihadists have been attacking Chistians in Nigeria for years with kidnappings, massacres, and destruction.  This time, however, major media outlets in several countries and at least one major news wire service, told us the Christmas Day massacre this year was due to "climate change".

What utter nonsense.  Do the media propagandists think we are stupid?

The Bishop of Ondo responded "my people were not killed because of global warming, but because they were Christians".


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( December 30th, 2023 @ 11:29 am )
Every politician at every level of government will need to keep a tight leash on all spending for all services before it all rushes just too far off the rails.

I have cried out for two decades, as a county commissioner, that Illegal Immigration will sink this Constitutional Republic, which is the intent of many if not most Democratic Socialists, and many local RINOs, of which I can vouch for their infamy of ignorance.

If I have seemed strident in my actions in the past in defending our sovereign borders, I would like to state to all local Democratic Socialists and RINOs alike that I was just warming up for times like these.
( December 30th, 2023 @ 10:19 am )
The myth of "hardworking illegal aliens" is blown up by welfare statistics in both America and Europe. Is "welfare recipient" one of those "jobs Americans don't want to do"? Maybe you count those Venezuelan illegal alien migrant prostitutes in Brooklyn who have set up a big open air sex market, but probably they are double dipping from the taxpayer, too. Yes, there are some individual Hispanics I am personally aware of who are hardworking, but I am also aware of others who are not. The welfare rolls tell the tale about the overall picture.

What you seem to hate is the Rule of Law, Bobbie. Our immigration laws should be enforced. The illegal aliens should not be let into the country and those who have sneaked in should be sent home. If they want to come to America, they should follow our immigration laws and apply properly, not thumb their noses at our laws.

I would support reinstituting the old Bracero law which allowed for legal and regulated temporary workers from abroad who went home after completing their work. It was the Democrat unions that killed off that law.
Big Bob said:
( December 30th, 2023 @ 8:23 am )
Look around my friend. Hispanics are the hardest working people you will see. Often doing the sh:t jobs Americans won’t do. While I agree the current system is not sustainable, I do not share your hate.
( December 30th, 2023 @ 8:47 am )
Surprise, surprise, surprise! Bigot Bob, who made excuses for Hamas terrorism does the same for Fulani Muslim terrorism in Nigeria. Bobbie, the Muslims in Nigeria are NOT moving, they are staying and committing terrorist acts - murder, arson, rape, looting, torture, and kidnapping of children to raise as Muslims. The Fulani are almost as barbaric as Hamas, but your sick mind makes excuses for both of them. You are one sick puppy, Bobbie. Next you will be cheering on the mob of Hamas supporters who went to the site of the World Trade Center and started yelling "Allahu Akbar" yesterday.
( December 29th, 2023 @ 9:24 pm )
What they really see is a big welfare check and being put up by stupid liberal governments in luxury hotels. When that word gets back to the home country, it draws caravans of mooching parasites. 62.5% of those on welfare in Germany are Third World "asylum seekers"

Iceland put a stop to them coming by making them inelgible for welfare. Denmark discouraged them by greatly reducing their welfare. Temperature has nothing to do with it, the welfare cash does, and that is what needs to be cut off.
Big Bob said:
( December 29th, 2023 @ 7:18 pm )
I know it’s hot. I know if I don’t have A/C I’m lookin to move. People arnt dumb.
( December 29th, 2023 @ 11:53 am )
Big Bob: The way you throw phrases around in such a capricious manner tells me that you have no clue how all of this works, and has worked since the beginning of human history.
( December 29th, 2023 @ 11:31 am )
Total BS, Bobbie. Even the UN classifies most of them invading Europe and America as economic migrants, not "refugees" and not "climate migrants". The migrants don't say they are coming because of climate and I guess the crooked Soros and other NGOs haven't yet told them to claim that.

Further, we know from the Medieval Warm Period, when it was warmer than today, that there was no climate migration of people.

But this is a religious thing that has been going on for centuries in Nigeria. It is Islamic terrorism. It is the Christians attacked and their churches burned and people killed.
Big Bob said:
( December 29th, 2023 @ 9:27 am )
Like critters, people are moving n and s to a cooler climate. Get used to it. None of you could survive 10 minutes without A/C. Poor people are on the move.

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